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Hi! I'm a student in Turkey who loves writing and reading. I have always loved writing. I started writing when I was in 1st grade. I'd love to be a known writer some day. I hope that I never quit writing and never give up on my dreams. With this competition I now have a change to test my ability of writing, so I'm so glad that I'm in this competition.

Nov 28, 2021 3 years agoBest friend. Everyone defines ‘'best friend'' in different ways. Some peoples' best friend is their mother, some peoples' are their dogs, some of theirs are books, some of theirs are their siblings. ''Best friend'' can change from person to person, but the main point is always the same; best friend is who you are happier with. Who you can be creative around them. Who makes you feel safe. My best friend was my piano teacher, Murat Arman. I knew him for long years. I knew he was going to be my best friend when I first met him. But what happens when you lost your best friend, your happy place? The first time I've ever seen him was at my school. He was so tall and had a black scarf. I still remember how my class was so afraid of him because he seemed so cold and stern. I'm not going to lie, that day I was afraid of him too. But then, when I got the chance to meet him, I realized he was not cold, actually, he was so funny and sweet. He loved children, and he loved his job as well. He was so talented and had too many students. I was so glad that he was my teacher. When I was 14, I was studying for an exam that was at the end of the year. I was so nervous and all I was thinking about was that exam. I was still going to my piano course, though. I never wanted to quit. But I couldn't do the homework that teacher Murat gave me, because I had no time. Teacher Murat realized that, and instead of yelling at me like other piano teachers I knew, he said ‘'you know what, let's not put so much pressure on you. I know you have to focus on your exam, so you don't have to do the homework I'm giving to you. You can come here to just stay away from your school stresses, but it's only for this year, because I really want you to be a great pianist. I know you are working so hard but you have to give yourself some place. We can create this place for you here, every Friday.'' I was really thankful for him for saying that because I was feeling bad that I wasn't doing his homework. From that day on, we started to talk for 40 minutes, and study for 20 minutes in our lessons. He knew everything about me. He was like family to me, and he was always saying ‘'I'm so glad you came, I was really bored today, we can have fun now.'' I remember that I cried multiple times when I was with him. He always knew how to cheer me up. He was always there for me during my worst times and he really made me love playing the piano. In March 2020, Covid-19 was seen in our country for the first time. Everyone was in a panic, no one knew what to do. The schools were online, and we couldn't go out for a long time. I had to quit the course. I was so sad that I had to. I talked with teacher Murat and he said ‘'I'm sad that you cannot come but it's OK. I hope you can come back here as soon as possible.'' I really hoped that too, but I couldn't ever go back there. On November 24, 2020 (National Teachers' Day in Turkey), it was the last time I spoke to Murat Teacher. He was so happy that I called, and he thought I was coming back to the class, I told him I was going to visit him but sadly, the pandemic was not over so I couldn't. On April 22 2021, my mom came to my room and she was trying not to cry. I was so scared and asked what was wrong. She started crying and said teacher Murat was dead. I still cannot forget how my mom said that to me, how her voice was shaking, and how I was shocked. At first, I thought she was joking and I started laughing because I didn't think it could be real. In 10 seconds, I realized it was real and I started crying. I cannot tell you how much I cried. I cried for days. No one could stop me from crying. He was my best friend, he was the most talented person I've ever known and most importantly I made a promise to him that I was going to visit him and now he was gone. My best friend was gone. It was so hard for me to accept it. I still cannot accept it, but I'm trying to move on because I know he would want me to move on if he was alive. He would tell me to be strong and even make jokes about it. So, instead of crying all day, I started to try to move on. After 2 weeks, I went out, made new friends, studied. Losing my best friend was losing my memories, my happiness but instead of being so sad about the fact that he's gone, I learnt to be thankful for I had the chance for meeting him and spend so many times with him. Now I'm doing much better, and my life goal is to make him proud of me.