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Literature will save the world
Karbala , Iraq
Asad allah, a writer from Iraq interested in short stories and the effects stories have on people, using media to meet and get to know many different people from all religions, nationalities with different feelings, emotions and ambitions to help me increase my knowledge of people's feelings so i can use that within my own writings.

Hind and the red balloon
Jul 06, 2024 8 months agoA dark night like no other, with glimpses of lights appearing like glowing stars. A little girl named Hind was walking around with a red balloon in her hand, the buildings around her were all lit up with colourful lights. hind walked around the city with her red balloon, waving at the buildings before she saw a black cat across the road. She started running towards it. 'Wait here kitty! I have some food for you!' Hind screamed as she crossed the street. The cat started running away, moving across the city while Hind followed with a balloon in one hand and cat treats in the other. "Come back kitty! I'm not going to hurt you." She said with a friendly tone. The black cat ran inside a dark alley, where the only visible part was it's end, and hind followed it inside. She reached the other side of the alley with no signs of the cat. "Aww, where did it go? I wanted to give it some treats." She complained. The end of the alley led to a park with colourful swings and a field. Hind screamed excitingly, 'swings!' Before she ran towards them, holding her balloon tightly. Jumping onto a swing, she started swaying, her laughter could be heard all across the playground when a tall man approached the swings, his face hidden in the nighs darkness. Hind noticed him and waved, smiling brightly before greeting him. 'Hello, sir! Do you want to swing with me too?' she asked swayin. The man looked slightly worried after seeing her alone and asked her with a smile. "Now what is a little princess like you doing here at night? Where are your parents little girl?" He told her after approaching. 'They told me to run around the city, and they will come and get me soon! So, I'm playing here. They said they have a surprise for me, but I can't see it yet! I'm really excited,' she said joyfully, smiling at him. The man looked more worried but switched to a slight smile and answered "yes, that sounds really exciting! Do you remember where they were before you left them?" Hind smiled back at him innocently and said: "they were in the car!" The man's expressions slowly turned into worry, a forced smile with pity showed on his face before replying back. "Oh that sounds exciting!". "It is!!" Hind replied quickly. "Also mister you didn't tell me your name yet, my name is hind! I'm six years old! What about you?" She asked looking at him. "My name is Messor, Torva Messor. I'm from another city, and the cat you were following earlier is my friend Oscar." Messor answered with the a smile. he was wearing a long black coat with a white shirt and a black tie in-between them. While hind wore a colorful white and red dress. Messor's face switched back to sadness. He looked at hind's red balloon. And asked her quietly. "Do you want to come with me hind? We might find your parents together. I'm good at finding people! Oscar will come too." Hind jumped from the swing and asked excitingly "really?? Will you guys help me find them? Thank you so much!" Then she hugged him. "Yes, you can walk Infront of us towards that forest. It will help us cross to the other side of the city," Messor said, pointing to a nearby forest. "I can hold your balloon for you as well; so you can run without it flying away," he added, smiling. Thank you for the help!! You are very kind messor, I'll go wait for you guys in the end of this field!" Hind said after she handed him the red balloon, and ran across the field. Laughing and spinning around as she walked. Messor looked at Oscar, then back at the city. The war-torn buildings and the blood-coated roads that shined in the moonlight. The buildings were completely destroyed, with only a few walls still standing, barely supported by exposed metal rods. The city was covered with red pits everywhere that it felt as if it was painted red. Oscar looked at Messor and asked him, horrified "do you think..her parents are out there?" Messor looked at the red pits and answered quietly, 'I don't think so. She doesn't even realise there's a war. She kept pointing at the collapsed buildings, talking how bright their lights were. The same with her parents; only the light she sees is what's left of them.' "Why didn't you tell her about the buildings?" Oscar asked, wondering. 'I don't know, Oscar. Sometimes even we need some false hope that the buildings around us are still standing, that our loved ones are still waiting for us. I didn't want to take that away from her' Messor answered, turning his back to the ruined city. 'And the balloon.. it's not supposed to be red, right? Neither her dress,' Oscar asked again. 'I know,' Messor answered quietly and continued walking. 'How do we help her, Messor?' Oscar asked. 'The only thing we can do is help her cross to a better place Oscar, Like we did with everyone else.' Messor answered , a tear in his eye. He walked with Oscar towards Hind and caught up to her at the edge of the forest. 'Let's go hind. Give me your hand,' Messor told her . 'let's play elsewhere.'