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aqeedat javed
Pharmacist, Researcher, Writer.
Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Hey, myself Aqeedat Javed from Rawalpindi, Pakistan.I have joined biopage to recognize my thoughts which I used to copy from my mind to my diary.I have done my graduation few days ago and now in search of any Job,internship or any sort of activity (as every student typically do after graduating) where I can utilize my knowledge which I have gained in past 17 years of my schooling.Apart from this hustle of earning money I keep myself busy in doing some new tasks everyday which includes writing about something, attending webinars on international platforms related to studying in abroad or about this COVID-19 pandemic, doing workout for keeping my mind and my body fresh also satisfying my craze of baking n cooking and at last but no the least watching turkish series :D. That's the few related to myself but there is much more which a person could write up about his self but no necessarily everywhere, few things should be kept secret :p
Have a great day to whoever reading my biography!!!

Jul 14, 2020 4 years agoGlory in my mind and A story in my life What I want to live is a glory in my mind But, what I have to live is a story in my life I wish I can fly in my life but that's the story of my mind not the glory of my life! It was the morning of 2000, a clock ticking at 7:00 A.M I was sleeping deeply eventually I felt the footsteps of someone coming towards my room, I placed my blanket over my head. While endeavoring myself for the savage that person arrived in, my mother arrived in my room pulled off my blanket, Joe getup its 7'o clock we are getting late son! hurry-up Joe, are you listening to me? I said get up, Although I was listening to her, really don't want to respond because I was busy arranging those chaos happening in my mind. Chaos? No, that's my world, designed by me, that's the world where every single thing happens according to me but not every time whenever I am sleeping that remote control world is free to do anything but whenever I am arouse nothing happen in that world regardless of my choice. Suddenly, I felt that some fluid is dripping on my face and I get up shouting someone is peeing on me? When I completely opened my eyes I saw that's my mom spilling water on me so that I can get up as it was getting late for my school. So finally I got up, Ahhh! Shitty dreams you always make me feel awkward in front of others. Anyhow, I got up, get myself to take bath, turned on the shower, put my depressed head below falling water of the shower, there were a lot of thoughts rushing in my busy mind, that project, that quiz, oh that home task I have not done any one of them, Joe you are such a lame boy u can't do anything in life, you're always late, you're always sick but why this all happens to me every time. No one understands, I always try to do my best I tried to prepare quiz but what happened that I am not ready for it? Whenever I open my books and try to memorize something I felt like there are already so many things to remember my thoughts took me to another level, I started thinking about what if have to do nothing but no one scolds me for doing nothing? What if I rule this world? If I rule this world I will demolish all the monsters over there, those monsters who bruise innocent lives for nothing, those monsters who are spreading anarchism everywhere, you all shitty monsters I will knock down all of you one day. Okay, after demolishing monsters what will I do? Umm, I will bring my parents a prestigious lifestyle, I will bring them all they ever want but unable to get because of their little ones, my parents are a great endowment of GOD for me, I will do everything for bringing happiness to their pretty faces. Have you ever experienced sky diving? Alack, I never had, I wish I am a great skydiver, I wish I could fly in the sky, I wish... what's pinching in my eyes? ah, it's painful, oh my bad I put soap in my eyes. Joe, you shitty Joe, come out of your dreamy mind you are taking a bath, aren't you? You dumbo, you are getting late for school hurry up and go outside. Now the clock is at 7:45 a.m my mom came to the room and started knocking the door of the washroom (now you have to face a big deal Joe, just be ready for punishment). She started yelling at me, Now, you can keep on taking your bath, you don't need to attend your school, just keep on sleeping and wasting your time, we can't wait for you anymore, we all are going to our workplaces and you can keep on enjoying the company of your bathroom! I will punish you hardly just wait for me to come back. BYE. Her words make me feel pity for myself (now I have to go to school on my own, as there was no one to take me). I run as I have never before, Joe hurry up!! You have to reach your class before 8:a.m you have to attempt your quiz either good or bad but you have to attempt it at any cost, otherwise your dreams will never come true. Hurry up, hurry up, run fast. Finally, I reached school at 7:56 a.m, 4 minutes before, I attempted the quiz and got 7 out of 10, not much good and not much bad. From that day I promised myself that I will work hard for my dreams. I will never stop my mind from taking me to my fantasy world because that world means a lot, that world is the other side of our story. We all have different kinds of stories running in our minds, good or bad. Bad stories are for gaining lessons in life and good stories are for amusing ourselves with good experiences. If you never had a dream, you can't have something miraculous in your life. Dreams are the beautiful reality of us, now it's up to us that how we assemble our dreams. Now, it's a morning of 2020, after 20 years me being Joe, I am an owner of my own multinational company running worldwide with unexceptional achievements every day. Although I can't rule the world (LOL) I can get everything I dreamed of and that's all because of that hustle in my mind which makes me feel pity for myself but sometimes it makes me the most confident person of this planet. Thanks to my dreams!!!