Writing versus Typing

WRITING versus TYPING Hmmm.. which do you prefer? Personally I love them BOTH... but as an old-fashion guy, I prefer scratching ink and lead to different types of paper just like a traditional visual artist who does his self portraits,friends and ladies. WRITING = 70% TYPING = 30% WRITING versus TYPING Hmmm... Who's has a lot of styles? Definitely the Digital one while.. WRITING helps me to do manual calligraphy whereas TYPING instantly offers me a lot of Font options on my own convenience with less effort. The score: WRITING = 50% TYPING = 50% WRITING versus TYPING Hmmm... Who is the better keeper? Surely the First one. I am [Talking/Writing/Typing] based on experience.. After 'ol the effort on 'ol my written stuff!? I have accumulated bundles of notebooks, sketchpad, and canvases. ''Olmost 'ol those are kept on our Attic, on my bookshelves, on our other house and others are underneath my bed. Whereas my "TYPED-stuff" where digitally distributed on my laptops, flash drives and on the google drive. The score: WRITING = 60% TYPING = 50% WRITING versus TYPING Hmmm... Who is the bulky one? Surely the First one. The score: WRITING = 85% TYPING = 15% WRITING versus TYPING Hmmm... Who is more sentimental? Writing. The score: WRITING = 70% TYPING = 30% WRITING versus TYPING Who do I value more? Hmmm... Personally, If I were to choose between two (2) identical manuscripts- One (1) is hand-written on a notebook & the other one (1) is on a flash drive, Sorry but, I rather keep the notebook. And then afterwards... ....have the notebook digitized. The score: WRITING = 85% TYPING = 15% WRITING versus TYPING To whom i remember more? In WRITING, I can only use my Left-hand, Solely. Intimately ...whereas in TYPING, ..I can use both of my carpals. Tick-Tack! Dancing, Playing, ..like on a keyboard, or on guitar strings! WRITING versus TYPING Who do I love more? Hmmm... Both... Fifty (50) -Fifty (50) I love both my Year 2000 notebooks and my Year 2000 floppy disks. Except that I cannot open and read my floppy disks. :( ...Trapped. The real score: WRITING = 60% TYPING = 40% WRITING versus TYPING? Who will last better? Who really know? Dust mites, Termites, Digital viruses, forgotten passwords, .. A. I initiatives... ..the solution.... ..back-up, back-up.. ..digitized, ..digitized. ...And keep the most cherish Writings in the Attic.

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