The life in quarantine

The life in quarantine This changes cause with life's decision for someone or it causes with their will for another ones. Why must anything effect to change for some people's life? Is it possible? They know its harm but they continue this work. Others try to correct their mistake, understanding on time. However, some people do not attend them. Then, they regret and grieve for them from doing work. Need any influence to humanity for knowing who good is or who bad is; it is right or wrong. It is not difficult to affectionate or to come to see relatives. Will it unjust remembering if they have any work or they are ill. Money, wealthy might be found. But... Healthy??? Love??? How much are they? Sweet sentences are superior from anything. All know them. In the past we knew them. But our life changed completely when it happened. Coronavirus is unknown virus, which spread in China. This too small, unseen thing changed the history of whole human race. A lot of people are dying. Countries are declining. But must we see only this bad side? Right, it is very evil. However, some people think that it is good. Comprehending and believing Some people boast from having all things with their wealthy. That's to say, as being nothing to them. But virus did not dismember like poor or rich, king or needy, Moslem or Christian. It began to effect to all equally. And it is to be sorry, it is continuing. Everybody realize that everything are sold but not healthy. People stop going hospital for simple illness. What is pain with a hour? What is illness which is ending with death at the end? Everyone learns wicked. When they get up in the morning, see their children, stay closing family, they are saying naughty to God. Namely, we know that the cure of this virus is not being found. Despite of many experiments, some reason another, it is useless. People started living with doubt which called "It may be infected tomorrow". But now it is very, very good information that there are people who say "Well, tomorrow is next day. I live today. I have enough time. I spend my full time with my family". Oiler supporting Helping is only not to give money to someone, who needs money. Speaking good news, encouragements, encoursgements are real help. During quarantine, government, businessmen, and even public help poor people, ammutee, less to be poorer families. The head of countries try to supply with technique each other. It shows kind of kindness. To be better nature In spite of saying about to save nature, there were many people who do not care it. Throwing rubbish, plastics to water and the habitation of traveling was increasing. But now... They scare to enter house. We see fish under water. The boasts, which do not use, are in the coasts. The works are stopped in fabrics, so the air is clear Education Nobody do works without science. People need learn to find out curing this illness. During quarantine, lessons was not stopped too. Some eachers continued to teach lessons on TV through rule and diligent, clever teachers, who like pupils like their children, taught their house. Children enrich their ideas with each other and try to close. The main advantage of quarantine is that, they study to tell their own ideas near their family independently Days are passing amazing Do you think that days are boring during quarantine? Stop imagining that. Nowadays, everybody have own telephone. Likewise, all of them use the systems of internet, such as, Facebook, You Tube and others. Not only children, their parents also take part interesting choices and different games on internet. So they are doing it and it is very enjoyable. The possibility, which is to close to family, remembering child and to be circle of family, are appeared for people, who forgot their family, due to their job Boldness In the past when we heard this word, we remembered Shiroq, who fought with Doro 1, Amir Temur "The rescuer of Europe" and others. However, we are saying this word with these workers adding them. Who are they? Without doubt, they are military, journalists and real devotees are doctors. Military provide cities, towns with peaceful. And journalistes report news every time, do not you? But now they support for peoples. Although they are afraid of illness as us, they go to hospitals, markets for checking occupations there. Doctors... They look after patient more and more time. The sentences are very big for them. "Stay home! Stay home! Stay home! Do not forget attaching your masks. Wash your hands constantly". We see them everywhere. People, who hang on them the walls or anywhere, they do not think themselves. They think only us. If people go out a lot , many people will inject. So they save order. And the virus will be rising. So... Stay home! Save yourself! Save us! I beleive that we win the virus and we fill with kindness our lives!!!

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