THE HOCUS-POCUS OF THE INCUMBENT REGIME TO RESIST LEADERSHIP TRANSITION AND OSTRACISM OF THE AUTOCRATIC PRESIDENT. Recently, a complaint was lodged against the legitimacy of NUP leadership, but the question resonating in the minds of the Ugandan populace and the international community is, will justice prevail and appease the parties to the dispute?What are your projections in the resolution of this litigious matter? Let's first have an overview and a critical analysis of the motives and hidden agendas of subjecting NUP to this state of political agitation by the trembling regime; The strategy of the dictatorial leadership is basically to; 👉 disorganise and subjugate NUP political activities and transitive programs. 👉divert the attention of the public to create a platform for the regime to continue taking advantage of the Covid-19 situation, ignorance and reticence of the public to manipulate the country in all sectors like oil industry as it siphons gross monetary resources from these assets as unveiled by the public procurement audits. 👉paralyze and delay the administration of justice in matters related to NUP political wing and people power movement. 👉 lower the motivation of many oppressed Ugandans mostly the youth who are constantly thirsting for change and ousting the mafia government out of power. We cognitively acknowledge that the judgement trajectory yet to be pursued is concretely based on falsehood, political conspiracy, corruption and hypothetical grounds. Our biased and compromised judicial sector is on trial and a watch over by Ugandans and the international community to see whether it will show credibility and professionalism in administering justice in regard to the complaint lodged by a fraction of the political agitators against the leadership of NUP because such people are opposed to change of the office of the presidency and in other critical leadership areas, they are irrationally desirous of perpetuating autocracy at the expense of the soaring frustrations and pessimism of Ugandans. However, we can discern what is currently boiling in the law sector. The organ is still craving how it will cunningly dive into this legal matter and meet the expected legal standards within its legal framework and jurisdiction. Unfortunately, it's speculated that the judiciary is being illegitimately disoriented, and misguided in its decision making process, it can no longer enjoy its independence and autonomy, it lacks public trust and has been infiltrated by the corruptible crooks. No doubt, it will hardly show its credibility in making a right and fair judgment because the move is politically influenced and fueled by the mafias at the helm of manipulating the country. More so, it will find it more challenging to reach to the threshold of a fair and reliable legal resolution within the projected limited schedule (timeline) to execute the final judgment. However, if the judiciary fails to execute or get hold of its powers and authority conferred by the constitution of Uganda but rather opts to submit to the directives, pressure and repugnantly illegitimate conditions of the complainants, l bet, no final court hearing and judgement will be effected this year, the legal entity will keep adjourning its final legal intervention in the matter pretexting to be on grassroots still venturing in aggravating more practically based evidence implicating NUP, and in favor of the incumbent autocratic regime not until we shall transition into next year. This will be a big fallacy that will grossly cost the judicial sector and affect the reputation of the Ugandan government at both local and global scene. *When humanity fails to accelerate change, nature does it solely with its powerful tools which at times might lead to the overthrow of the dictator and facilitate restoration of hope among the formerly marginalised households and societies!*—Robert Ssekolya!

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