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.GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI, INVENTOR OF THE INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE I am the Inventor of Indian Monsoon Time Scale, proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the Indian monsoon and its weather problems and natural calamities in advance and it was published by all world journals.But our India was not recognize me. Kindly find out my invention in any/all websites/searchengines by searching it's aforesaid name and recognize me as the Inventor of Indian Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your research papers. Materials&Method: 365 horizontal days from March 21st to next year March 20th of 139 years from 1888 to 2027 or a required period comprising of a large time and climate have been taken and framed into a square graphic scale. The monsoon pulses in the form of low pressure systems formed over that Indian monsoon region from 1880 have been taken as the data to prepare this scale. Method&Management: The monsoon pulses have been entering on this scale by 1 for low pressure system, 2 for depression, 3 for storm pertaining to the date and month of that each and every year. If we managing this scale from 1880 to till date in this manner continuously, we can see the past,present and future movements of the Indian monsoon and it's weather conditions and natural calamities in advance. Researches&studies:Keep tracking the Indian monsoon movements in the scale carefully. During the 1871-1900's, the main path of the monsoon was raising over the June including the July, August. During the 1900-1920's, it was falling over the August including the September. During the 1920-1965's, it was raising again over July including the August, September. During the 1965-2004's, it was falling over the September. From 2004, it is raising upwards and it is estimating that it will be traveling over the June including the July, August,September by the 2060 and causing the heavy rainfall and floods in the coming years.. Study&Discussion: Let's now study and analyze the information recorded on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale with the rainfall and other weather data available from 1871 to till date, During the period the period of 1871-2015, there were 19 major flood years:1874,1878,1892,1893,1894,1910,1916,1917,1933,1942,1947,1956,1959,1961,1970,1975,1983,1988,1994. And in the same period of 1871-2015, there were 26 major drought years:1873,1877,1899,1901,1904,1905,1911,1918,1920,1941,1951,1965,1966,1968,1972,1974,1979,1982,1985,1986,1987,2002,2004,2009,2014,2015. Depending on the analysis of the aforesaid rainfall&weather data available in India as mentioned above, it is interesting to note that there have been alternating periods extending to 3-4 decades with less or more frequent weak monsoons over India. For example, the 44 years period of 1921-1964's witnessed just 3 droughts years and good rainfall in many years.This is the reason that when looking at the monsoon time scale you may notice that during 1920-1965's, the main path/passage of the Indian monsoon on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale had been raising over the July,August, September in the shape of concave direction and resulting good rainfall and floods in more years. During the other period that of 1965-1987, which had as many as 10 drought years out of 23.This is the reason that when looking at the Indian Monsoon Time Scale you may notice that during the period of 1965-2004's, the main path/passage of the Indian monsoon on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale had been falling over the September in the shape of convex direction and causing low rainfall and droughts in many years. Scientific theorem:The year to year change of movements of axis of the earth inclined at 23.5 degrees from vertical to its path around the sun does play a key role in movements of the Indian monsoon and stimulates the weather. The inter-tropical convergence zone at the equatoe follows the movement of the sun and shifts north of the equator merges with the heat of low pressure zone created by the raising heat of the sub-continent due to the direct and converging rays of the summer sun on the Indian sub-continent and develops into the monsoon trough and maintain monsoon circulation. Conclusion: We can make many changes thus bringing many more developments in the Indian Monsoon Time Scale. GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI Email me: girlapati@aol.com WhatsApp me: 91 6305571833
'"BASICS OF SOUTH AMERICAN MONSOON TIME SCALE are proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the South American monsoon&it's weather problems&natural calamities in advance.Find it's details in all websites/searchengines by searching its name SOUTH AMERICAN MONSOON TIME SCALE BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI or get by sending your email to me. I urge the world scientists to design&prepare, establish&implement and conduct further researches&developments on this scale and break the mysteries of the South American monsoon. If you want to design&establish the scale, printout the basic empty scales enclosed at the end article and prepare this scale yourself. If you still have trouble in preparing this scale, contact me at my email and take my assistance.Kindly recognize me as the Inventor of South American Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your research papers in lieu of considering my immense efforts&sacrifices I have did for it and my quest to establish&implement South American Monsoon Time Scale to serve the people GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI girlapati@aol.com
After six years spent in Indonesia, I hardened myself a lot. I really thought that nothing could surprise me. I signed up for a partial scholarship which gave me access to free education despite having to be responsible for all my other personal expenses. However, coming from a very modest family, my ends of the month are never easy. But with experience, I got used to it. A fews years before coming to Indonesia, I was living with my parents and sisters. I can certainly say that we had a rather pleasant life. Then one day, diabetes took my father away when I was only 12 years old. Suddenly our standard of living had completely deteriorated , but luckily, though, my mother had an income. Yet, with four daughters in charge, our financial situation had changed. We had to move to the country side. I went from a spoiled child to a hard-working young girl. One day, when I was about 18, I had decided to apply for a full-funded one-year scholarship to learn the culture and Indonesian language. I was called for an interview. A few weeks later, I had gotten the call that I had waited for. I still remember my mother's face lighting up when I announced that I got the scholarship. Besides, I still had to obtain a passport, which was not cheap. My mother, however, always found a way to make things possible. Soon I had arrived in Solo, I had become more familiar with Indonesian culture.Towards the end of the program, I had met a man who promised to help me financially in order to obtain my bachelor's degree. I believed everything he told me. Although my family objected due to our financial situation, I applied and got accepted. My patience and endurance have been tested since the moment I signed for that scholarship. It started with my trip to Malaysia to renew my visa. I left Indonesia with my tickets and the money for the visa. I was informed that I would get my new visa in the afternoon if I came to apply early in the morning. Therefore, I hadn't booked a hotel. The plan, however, was not panning out how I had imagined. I had to wait for two days to get my visa. So I slept at Kuala Lumpur station at night. The following night, tired and hungry, I had a very bad encounter, a man had been following me and began to chase me in the station. But I managed to elude him and hide in a bathroom stall. The next day, I finally got my new visa. So, I began heading back to Indonesia, a flight that, luckily, I was able to postpone. But again, as unlucky as I was, my flight had been delayed and I had missed my train from Jakarta to Solo by just a few seconds. I had nothing left with me. A man had seen me in distress, suggested that I sell my camera at a market near the station. I mustered up my courage and sold the one last, good thing I had on me so I could buy a return ticket that same evening. I soon learned that misfortune tends to follow me. A few months later, after I had just started university, I was involved in a motorcycle accident. My right leg was completely fractured . Fortunately, the Indonesian government offered insurance for injuries, which I was able to use to my advantage. However, as a result of the accident, I missed an entire semester of university that I had to make up later. As time passed, my relationship with my boyfriend had completely deteriorated. I started looking for an online job since working is forbidden for foreign students in Indonesia. But I couldn't get a single job. Having no other choice, I applied and was soon accepted for a babysitting job . After two months, the family decided they did not want me to be their babysitter anymore, without any reason given. As time went on, I have accumulated my rents. It had gotten to the point that I was even struggling academically. Since I lacked money, it was difficult for me to finish my final project. A few weeks before the Corona virus hit Indonesia, I landed a small job as a private French teacher for a little girl. I thought it would at least help me to pay my rent, but unfortunately, it ended as soon as it had started. Getting a scholarship and studying abroad could be the best or the worst experience someone could have, but it all depends on how we react to the challenges that accompany it. These last three months have been the hardest. But I felt that I no longer suffered from my situation. I have normalized the fact that I sometimes do not have food for a couple of days. It's frustrating but I'm learning a lot about myself. Besides, it also teaches me how to control myself and focus on my goals. Deep inside, I know I still have a very long way to go. I believe that someday I will return home with my hard-earned diploma in my hands and make my mom so proud of me. I have lived this way for the last five years, and while I have yet to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I still have hope that I will see it some day and that I will finally be able to close this chapter of my life.
*WESTERN NORTH PACIFIC MONSOON TIME SCALE is proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the Western North Pacific monsoon.So world scientists can make this scale and make further research&develop,promote&propagate it. Find out it by searching it's aforesaid name in all websites or can get by sending your email to my email I'd irlapatigangadhar255@gmail.com. Scientists who make this scale have trouble making this scale, kindly take my assistance in making this scale. Email id is:gangadhar19582058@gmail.com. I will create a model scale and send the same to their study. For this you must send the list of monsoon low pressure systems last 140 years since 1880 formed over the Western North Pacific monsoon region.In addition to this, a certain amount should be sent for expenses.Recognize me as the inventor of Western North Pacific Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your publications. You need to design the computer model later.
The Paris skyline shined brighter that night. Maybe it was the 2nd glass of the cheapest rose we could find, maybe it was the perfectly timed sparkle of the Eiffel tower reflecting on the buildings in sight from my balcony. I laid back in my chair, put my feet on the railing, loosely gripping the thin stem of my wine glass and listened to the sounds of the Paris nightlife. My roommate Anis, sat on the floor next to me and leaned her head into the night. The stars were covered by clouds but still, I could feel them shining light upon the dimly lit streets below us. A woman lit a cigarette and it seemed to awaken something within Anis as her own hand seemed to drift to her sweatshirt pocket by its own accord, pulling out a thin, messily rolled cigarette and brought it to her mouth. She put her hand back into her pocket, but it came out empty, so I reached into my own and pulled out a light pink lighter and lit it myself as she breathed in. She offered me one, but I don't smoke so I shook my head and she went back to synchronizing her breaths to that of the woman on the street beneath us. Soon enough this woman was gone and our focus was on a man standing by the bus stop. I looked to my phone for the time, frowned, and hoped the man wasn't hoping for a ride. The buses were long parked and the metro now full of the homeless in chrysalis, trying to escape the harsh reality of night. Anis gave me the look, the one you give when you've had a bit too much wine and you've decided that you're going to be a dumb college student for a moment, when you want to let everything go and ignore the fact that it's 3 am on a Wednesday night, ignore the 9 am calculus class you have in the morning, ignore the four missed facetime calls from your parents that you only ignored because your phone is already on low battery and you did have some wine so you weren't sure if any of your sentences that came out were even coherent anymore and because you decided you would text them in the morning that you were tired and wanted a good night's rest before your calc test the next morning. Anis's eyes lit up as she opened her mouth as wide as she could. “Yoohoo!” she laughed, as we do on nights like this, shouting into the great expanse hoping that someone may answer us back. I followed suit, we let our laughter die, and we waited. We waited for something, for anything to shout back and remind us we are not alone. We waited for the stars to come out form the curtain of clouds and put on for us a show. We waited for random historical figures of the 1920s to come out of the shadows like they did in that Owen Wilson movie. We waited… and waited… and waited… and waited for what could have been months days, minutes, mere seconds until the sound of the balcony door opening took us out of our trance. “Hey could one of you guys give me light, I think I left my lighter at school,” my other roommate Rebecca asked, leaning her forearms on the railings. My eyes losing their fog looked up to her blankly, handed her my lighter, and went back to look at the guy by the bus stop. But, just as quickly as our voices faded into the atmosphere, he was gone.
The change I want to make A ‘nation' is a conviction of our own making. It was a specification of the territory owned by a particular ruler. Later, developing democracies in the eighteenth century and onward adopted the concept of a nation for administrative purposes. Then the passport was introduced in 1540 in England. Border Security lines were developed the world over. Every country established its own visa center and determined qualifications for a “foreigner” to visit their country. We are all stuck, physically, socially and psychologically within the boundaries of our respective nations. Only a small fraction, the educated rich, of a nation can afford to visit other nations due to the strictness in the issue of passport and visa to the people. A poor woman born in the slums of Iran, for example, has a paltry chance of getting a visa to Finland, whose numerous lakes may inspire her to write a poem. Thus, the change I wish is that all nationally imposed barriers must be removed to progress towards a global village. A country's citizen must be able to travel from one country to another as freely as she moves between two destinations within her own country. Why should we restrict ourselves in physical movement when the Earth is willing to offer us much more: diverse landscapes; different people and their cultures; a range of animals, birds and fish that make up our ecosystem; man-made monuments, and top rated educational institutions? How? Removing the movement barrier. When my family applied for a Schengen Visa from India to visit Ireland on a vacation, we were asked to show financial capabilities, travel insurance, accommodation arrangements, and a letter of permission from my parents' employers. Had there been so many formalities at the time of Marco Polo or Vasco Da Gama, would they have discovered the New World? As great men traveled, great ideas moved with them. Exquisite landscapes have been inspiring writers since times immemorial. In 1907, about 300 students from French-annexed Vietnam went to Japan to study the Confucian Culture, and acquire modern education to resolve their nation's issues. Who is to say that there cannot be more Vasco da Gamas and Marco Polos? We may just be limiting the extent of development of the human capabilities by complicating the movement of human beings on mother Earth. Thus, all Governments should remove barriers stopping their law abiding citizens, be it urban or rural, from travelling by all modes of transport, including by foot. This would be the operation of the Freedom of Movement in a global arena. Removing the educational barrier. Being a high school grader of a school in rural Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh, India), the possibility of studying for a degree in the World's top institution- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge seems as far away from me as India is from the U.S. At least two reasons can be given in favour of my argument: 1. The Movement barrier, as described above 2. On visiting the website of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I learnt that most courses I am interested in require me to have studied both mathematics and biology till twelfth grade. However, almost all junior colleges (11th and 12th grades) in Vijayawada offer only math or, only biology streams. This shows that the Indian educational system does not support its students to pursue studies abroad and are neither flexible with the subjects they offer. Given that the top Indian University, I.I.T Bombay ranks only 179 in the World University rankings 2018, this may be detrimental to the potential and interests of the Indian Youth. Resolving this drawback is the responsibility of the Government. The junior schools and colleges must accommodate a diverse range of subjects, suiting the Graduate courses taught in top universities of the World. In fact, every college in the World must undergo this transformation to ensure that the best students study in the best universities. That is true equality of status and opportunity. Conclusion I believe that the World can be made a better place by the simple act of sharing it more equitably as described above. This would also make countries less selfish and more humanitarian.