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Plan: Introduction: The Origin of Life Main section: Plant kingdom Animal world Microorganisms Summary: I am a part of nature There are different opinions about the origin of life. In the divine books, it is stated that living creatures were created by the Supreme Creator in a certain time and place based on a certain plan. It is written in the Qur'an that the world was created in 6 days. Irish archbishop Asher calculated that the world was created in October 4004 BC. According to creationism, life arose once as a result of a supernatural event and has remained unchanged ever since. Qad. According to the theories that appeared in China, Rome, and Babylon, life "came into existence spontaneously (spontaneously) from the things that exist in nature. The Greek philosopher Empedocles (490-430 BC) believed that life is from air, earth, fire and water; Democritus ( 460-370 BC) argued that life came from clay; Thales (625-547 BC) suggested that plants and animals arose from clay. The origin of the plant corresponds to the first development periods of life on earth. During the Archaean era (3 billion years ago), organisms similar to blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) appeared. True algae are thought to have appeared in the Proterozoic era, and green and red algae in the early Paleozoic. It is possible that the first higher plants - rhyniophytes - originated at the border between the Proterozoic and Paleozoic periods. The plant is of great importance in the life of all living organisms on earth. Life of animals and people cannot be imagined without plants. A plant with only green chlorophyll collects sunlight energy by synthesizing organic compounds from inorganic substances. At the same time, a plant takes S02 gas from the atmosphere and releases oxygen into the atmosphere, which is necessary for the respiration of almost all living organisms. In this way, the green plant maintains the constant composition of the atmosphere. Plants are the basis of the food chain as producers of organic matter. Оne of the major divisions in the organic world system. It is estimated that animals appeared in the ocean water 1-1.5 billion years ago in the form of microscopic, chlorophyll-free amoeba-like protozoa. The oldest fossils of animals are no more than 0.8 billion years old. The first fossils of multicellular animals - gastropods, worms, benthic arthropods can be found from the last Cambrian layers (690-570 million years ago). Animals are heterotrophic organisms, that is, they feed on ready-made organic matter. Due to active metabolism in animals, their growth is limited. In the process of evolution, the formation of the functional system of various organs: muscles, subtraction, respiration, blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems is considered one of the most important characteristics characteristic of animals. Animal cells differ from plants in having a hard cellulose shell. However, the difference between animals and plants is relative. A microscopic organism that can appear as a single cell or a colony of cells. Microorganisms include bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, viruses, molds, microscopic algae, and others. Bacteria are a large group of single-celled microorganisms. Viruses (Latin: virus - poison) are microorganisms that multiply only in living cells and cause infectious diseases in plants, animals and humans. In the past, the term "viruses" was used to refer to various disease-causing agents, especially unknown agents. After the French scientist L. Pasteur proved the role of bacteria in the origin of several diseases, the concept of viruses began to be used as a synonym of the word "microbe". An important difference between these two groups of disease-causing agents, i.e., bacteria and viruses, was established by the Russian scientist D.I. Ivanovsky (1892) and later others when they proved that tobacco mosaic and ungulate proteins pass through a bacterial filter. Nature is an existence that exists both before the appearance of man and with the participation of man. In general, this is the world, man, universe; micromacromegaworlds; inanimate and animate. In the narrow sense, it is an object studied by natural sciences. Nature is subject to laws independent of people and society. Man is a part of nature. Man cannot change the laws of nature, he can only master the elements and parts of nature using the laws. The concept of nature is also considered as a set of natural conditions for the existence of human society. Humans work to live, and work (eg, farming, construction, industry), brain activity, and others change some aspects of nature. Material wealth created by a person, that is, in the process of social labor, is conditionally called "second nature". For example, 92 chemical elements from hydrogen to uranium are naturally occurring, and those discovered later are artificial. All man-made synthetic chemical compounds, man-made atomic and nuclear energies are "second nature".
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A nineteen year old girl stands perplexed as the room full of cousins burst into laughter. Everyone is laughing, except her. She does not know what they all are laughing at. Excitedly she asks her cousin sister, “What happened? What happened?” The perplexed look on her face only results in them laughing harder. Finally one of them blurts out, “Pijjaa ! Hahahha say it once again! Pijjaa !” Everyone bursts into another round of laughter, high-fiving each other and some even rolling down the floor holding their stomachs. She looks around in confusion. Until one of her cousin's mother enters the room to check on the commotion. “Mummy, she called Pizza ‘Pijjaa' !” She says pointing towards her, seeking approval. There is an inherent sense of superiority in the way she looks at her, expecting her mother to join her. The mother hushes her off, “shhhh, it's bad manners to make fun of anybody.” Unlike her, all her cousins studied in English medium school. She did not know THAT the Difference between Pizza and Pijjaa was not merely of pronunciation, but Much More Than That. That, in a world of Pizza, ‘Pijjaa' was unforgivable, Pijjaa brought shame. The two come from two totally different planets, and their worlds never intersect. That this world applauds Pizza & shuns Pijjaa. That in the World of Pizza, Pijjaa did not Belong. That in this World Pizza had the Power to decide how ‘Pijjaa' would be treated. She earned a new name that day, the official “Behenji” of the group. She hated it from her core, she wanted to feel belonged too. But somehow, her skills, ability, talent and intelligence all got eclipsed behind the cardinal mistake. She had to pay the cost of not knowing the difference between ‘z' and ‘j'. Several years later when she gives birth, she decides her daughter is not going to face the same humiliation that she had faced. That she will send her to an English medium School. That she grows up Belonging. So then, did her daughter really grow up with a sense of Belonging ?
I'm overstimulated, which is a writer's worst nightmare. My thoughts have the zoomies, making them hard to catch or pinpoint. I feel overwhelmed by the vastness of human life. I've met so many new people this week at my new job. And I've seen even more people there that I haven't met. I keep thinking of how my grandma is driving across the country with my aunt and uncle. How people who don't know her will see her and only see an old woman, see her frailty. But that is just her body, that is not who she is. She may be an old woman now, but she was also once a little girl exploring the beaches of Lake Michigan with her best friends and neighbors Rae and Johnny. She was once a girl sitting on her older sister's stack of records in the basement while listening to the record player. She was once my grandpa's high school sweetheart. She was once a girlfriend left behind as my grandpa went to war in Korea. She once, newly married, and never having traveled out of her small town, moved with my grandpa to an Air Force Base in South Dakota where she gave birth to my mother far away from her family and friends. She was once the mother of five young children, raising them mostly on her own. She is a woman who lived through the death of her teenage son. She is a strong woman who lived with and loved an alcoholic man. She was a woman known to be vivacious and full of life, which if you look close enough, you'll see she still is. She is a woman who once filled the halls of her church with art and posters she created and hand-drew on her own. She is a woman who raised strong and fierce children into even stronger and fiercer adults. She is a woman who helped raise her grandchildren, telling them stories, singing them songs, teaching them art, and capturing their imaginations. She may be an old woman now, but she is still all these things. As I've met and seen so many new people at my new job this week, I've been struck again by how each of us has a story, each of us is more than what we seem on the surface. If we urge one another not to judge books by their covers, how much more should we not judge people by theirs? We all love and are loved; we all have people who see us for who we are. We all are more than the sum of our parts. It's shockingly easy to forget this, to merely see people as annoyances, or in our way. We can become so engrossed in our own lives, we forget everyone else is also experiencing life in different, yet very similar, ways. I, for one, am working on remembering.
It was a small shop near the shore of Lake Erie where they still sold mostly knick-knacks, touristy items, and postcards. The postcards were for sale on a round wire rack that you could turn to pick the one that suited your fancy. Everyone in town knew about the postcard rack in that store because every year, two days before Christmas, you could buy a hand-written postcard from a dead relative. At first, the shopkeeper swore the few patrons to secrecy, but as things went in small towns, the secret soon spread as more than one person knew about the secret to the cards. My grandmother discovered this deal with the postcards the same year her Mack, my grandfather, died. Matthew was her husband for years, and his passing early in his life, at the age of sixty-four, caught him and her off guard. She had been practically a shut-in until the day she ventured out to that little shop. She couldn't bother to go into the town proper to purchase trinkets from the drug mart, so she thought she would try her luck at the lakeside shop. Never did she imagine buying a postcard that day. Something drew her to the rack, but she couldn't say what it was. She walked to it twice, stared at the cards in front of her, and not seeing anything that she fancied. She turned the rack three times before she saw a card that she knew was meant for her. Both Mack and she loved birds. Her love was the male Cardinal, while Mack's love was the male Bluejay. There on the rack, it may have been the last one, or the only one, she wasn't quite sure. To her, it didn't matter; what mattered was that that card was meant for her, and she knew it the moment she saw it—no question. She suddenly had a spring in her step and saw some glimmers of hope with the bright and merry season this year. As she brought the card to the shopkeeper, he commented on such a lovely card and how nice it was that she found the card she was looking for in all those cards on the rack. He put the card into a bag, especially for the card, and then bagged the rest of her other items separately. She drove home and wrapped the few trinkets she purchased but neglected to take the postcard out of the bag. It sat on the kitchen table in plain view. The following morning, she came for her tea and breakfast and saw the card on the kitchen table no longer in the bag. A pen lay across the picture of the Bluejay. Puzzled, she couldn't figure out if someone had come in during the night or if her eyes were fooling her. She poured her tea and then flipped over the card. To her amazement, a note was written declaring his undying love but asking her to live her life to the fullest without him. A tear fell down her cheek. Grandma read and re-read the card. She thought someone had played a huge and horrible prank on her. She became enraged. But after she realized no one had come by the house, she believed. She didn't dare tell anyone, fearing they wouldn't believe her. She rejoiced in her love postcard. When she returned to the shop, the rack didn't draw her attention this time. She couldn't figure it out. So she returned to that shop every day for the next year. And again, the rack beckoned to her on the eve of Christmas Eve. She had figured out the way it worked. That was the last year she got a card from the shop. Mack sent her one more note. Sharing that he missed their nights of sitting in the tv room watching Sonny Elliott together. Mostly, though, he missed her, her smell and touch. The following year, my mother went to that same shop because my grandmother, my dad's mom, shared with my mom that she needed to go to that shop and peruse the postcard rack on that specific day. My mother went, not knowing why, until she felt the rack calling to her. She turned it and found the card right for her. She brought it to the clerk. He asked, did someone tell you to come and purchase a postcard, or did you need one to send to someone? It was an odd question, but she answered that her mother-in-law suggested it. He smiled and put the card in a bag for her. Later that day, my mother cried a lot. Tears of joy fell from her eyes as she had a note from her mother. She couldn't believe her eyes. I suppose that my mother told two friends, who told two friends and so on and so on. The shop was tiny but always had plenty of postcards to replenish the rack. The shopkeeper couldn't wait to see who would come in the door next.
GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI's I'm, An unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence,racism,discrimination despite have done over a 1000 researches&studies.But all my researches were ignored&darkned. You can get my researches either by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI in all websites or by sending your email to my email id I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness and sickness (severe medical complications)and disregard&despair. Under the aforesaid circumstances, I urge the world scientists that kindly publicize&recognize me as the Originator of Global Monsoon Time Scales&National Geoscope Projects by making references in your research papers&by postings on social media. GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI
In January 2018, my housing provider referred me to a new surf therapy program which was being piloted. I was sceptical; how on earth could surfing be therapeutic? Wouldn't I drown? At that point I was willing to try anything to help my ever-worsening PTSD. I turned up with no expectations. I didn't really speak to anyone, just showed up, put the wetsuit on and listened. As soon as I caught that first wave that was it. I was hooked. The feeling of riding the wave was something else completely. Even before I tried to stand up on the board, the sense of freedom was unreal. I didn't attempt to stand up until the second session, and before I knew it I was surfing twice a week and then nearly every day over the summer. Even on days when the sea was flat I would paddle out just to get that sense of calm that the sea brought with it. I knew that whenever I was in the water, all my problems would disappear ; the flash backs, nightmares, anxiety and fear. For those few hours I could be a different, worry-free person. The hours I spent in the water were my form of mindfulness. When you're surfing you cannot afford to think about anything else. If you lose focus for even a few minutes you can end up swept out in a rip, colliding with another surfer or on top of a reef. Even when you have a ‘'bad surf'' it's still a complete distraction. It gave me a focus, something to aim towards. When you're up against something as powerful as the sea, it's a huge challenge but even when getting absolutely pummeled by the waves it makes you feel like you're really achieving something. In July I started volunteering with The Wave Project, a surf based charity which helps children with emotional and behavioural problems through surf therapy, It meant I could get in the water on both Saturdays and Sundays and pass on my skills to children who really needed that escape. It was great that I could use some of my experiences to help others. I could tell when they first turned up how anxious they were, and I knew from starting surfing myself how scary that was. The Wave Project also meant I got to meet loads of like minded people; positive people who constantly building each other up. I turned up one Saturday morning after having hardly any sleep due to noisy neighbours and was in the worst possible mood. Instantly they knew. I was inundated with hugs, offers of brews and practical support. The Wave Project is like a big family, no one gets left behind and even on your worst days they can make you feel like you have really achieved something. I always made a point of telling the children who seemed especially anxious that I had been through a similar surf therapy program myself, with the hope of easing their nerves. It was great to have some of them open up to me and trust me with some of their worries and fears. At the beginning of November I did my surf instructor course which was an amazing experience. I passed everything apart from the timed swim. So that's what I'm aiming towards now, passing my timed swim so I can spend the summer teaching kids how to surf and passing on my enthusiasm for the sport. When I speak to the instructors who led that first session I went to, they mention how I wouldn't even make eye contact with them at the beginning , let alone speak to them. It's amazing to look back and see how far I have come and the things I am now able to do, mainly because of surfing.
📰 I'll just start by saying that I'm not really a fan of the Mission Impossible (M.I.) films 📰 But this latest in the M.I. saga was pretty entertaining, despite the typical "spies chasing terrorists across the world thwarting their schemes, etc" scenario 📰 The stunt work was incredible and chilling at times; kudos to Tom Cruise for I heard he performed his own stunts (he's in excellent physical shape, I must say) and those jumping from roof-to-roof and/or out of planes and helicopter chases were awesome 📰 The fights were adequate and realistic enough to be believable and the story itself had a steady easy-to-follow pace; especially for those who aren't familiar with the M.I. films 📰 The cast was amazing with many known faces and yes, had the balance of diverse actors so I don't think anyone can complain there 📰 I'll be honest though; I only watched the film to support Henry Cavill but it turned out I liked the film more than I thought 📰 And it's a shame HC had to go splat to his death, but he pulled being the villain perfectly (even though I suspected his character from the beginning) 📰 I rate 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞: 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐭 an action packed 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and I guarantee you won't be disappointed! 📰
She looked up at the dull, dark, gray sky. It still looked calm, fitting how she was feeling completely. Numb, broken, alone despite the people around her. This was her fault though, she had let an opportunity go far away from her grasp. She had it, she lost it then now she craves it, but it's all too late now. It had all started a few months ago, back in the beginning of spring. She had left her house in the morning to go to her best friend's house, Janice, to take care of her kids while she went away on a business trip for the weekend. As she drove down the street she remembered the conversation she had with her mother the night before. They had started out with a normal conversation about how her family back home was doing, not failing to mention that her sister, Emily, was getting married soon and that they wanted her to be the maid of honor. She had agreed, explaining that she would go home for a while that coming week. Feeling the horrible question coming she tried to ease the conversation away but it had been asked since as long as she can remember. "When are you getting married?"Niki sighed. She got tired of having people ask her that all the time. So what if she didn't get married. What if she wanted to be alone? What if she was happy without having someone by her side? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her phone ringing. "Hello?" "Niki? When are you getting here my plane leaves in an hour.” "Oh hello to you too Jani. I'm here so can you please open the door." And she hung up. A few seconds passed when the large mahogany door opened with Janice standing by the entrance of the door. The house looked average on the outside with the white walls and stone foundation, the landscape making it look much more lived in. Nikki walked in glancing around the already familiar home. The high ceiling lights were on allowing a warm undertone cast on her furniture and throughout the house. White walls decorated with pictures of family and friends, making it feel like home, which in a way it should be.
Good Evening Everyone! I hope you like the picture. This is my little guy Bonzo. He is 4 years old and very smart. He's very loving and compassionate towards me. He is quite the tea lover (Earl Grey and English Breakfast seem to be his favorites)and soon he will meet his new mate D'Aff N'aia. I am hoping to get her through the summer sometime and will surely post when she's here. I can't wait for her. She will be spoiled too! Best Regards, Julie Ann
11:45 PM. Early January. Tobogganing hill. Next to the Dulude Skating Arena. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Seems like nothing too spectacular could happen on such a cold night of a cold season, right? That's what I thought as I climbed up that giant, glistening hill of snow that overlooked the majority of the neighbourhoods in my area. I could hear the busy city sounds that harmonized with the crunches beneath my feet as heaving breaths escaped my mouth. I could already see the very top of the hill, even if my only light source was the large, full moon that hung above, seeming to peer down at me with watchful eyes as I trudged my way closer. Once I finally reached the barren top, where the air seemed a lot thinner than before, I remember the smile I bore as I took in the beautiful scenery of the city line at the horizon. The city lights were scattered around beyond the bordering fences, looking like stars that glimmered and gleamed in different colours; the gently lit sky was still a deep shade of dark blue, contrasting the colour of the pale, cold whiteness of the snow that covered the entirety of the ground throughout the place I called home. I made sure I could still see the shadows of my mother and brother at the bottom of where I stood, just so I could still have that sense of security as I took in a deep breath and placed my toboggan down to face a pathway I was familiar with. It was the pathway I was planning to take that very night- until my eyes spotted it… Earlier on that day, I remember how big of a deal my mom made about me not riding down any of the paths towards the ski jumps, practically forcing me to promise her I would never consider committing to such a challenge. At that moment, I did not think of the situation as much of a warning sign- I thought it was just another one of my mom's parenting rants fueled by her sense of protection and fear of me having fun (I was a child when this happened, so obviously all adults wanted to make things boring to me). Of course, because of these initial thoughts and my naive sense of the world, how could I have ever known that my decision to break that promise the very night I had made it would end up with me in one of the most fatal moments of my entire life? I remember, I finally managed to push myself forward with my large, chunky boots, feeling a rush as I travelled down the slippery path towards one of the largest jumps I could see. The wind was bitterly cold as it whipped against my cheeks, my heart pounding from both the adrenaline and from the heat of my puffy winter coat. All I could hear was the hissing of plastic moving against coarse ice and snow, along with the faint screams and cheers from my little brother. My eyes widened as I got closer and closer towards the heap before me, my head pulling me towards the excitement as much as my body was, and nothing in my gut was telling me to do anything otherwise. That is, until the last few seconds before I hit the jump. All of a sudden, I felt some wild instinct within me activate, practically screaming at me to quickly change my direction before it was too late. But as my legs hit the ground, trying with all my 12-year-old strength to stop the forces from carrying me on any further, all I could remember was the feeling of my stomach churning and my mind spinning with fear as I had to lift off… Then, I suddenly felt absolute nothingness. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself face down against the solid floor of snow and ice. My vision was spinning ever so slightly, yet I could still make out the dark silhouettes of my two family members. My brother ran as fast as he could towards me, his screams faint within my ears. As to my mother, well...I couldn't tell what she was thinking, doing, or even feeling at that very moment. All I could remember saying to her was “I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry…” I'm sorry for breaking my brother's toboggan, I'm sorry for breaking my promise to her, I'm sorry for becoming a great inconvenience when we were supposed to be having a good time...and I'm especially sorry for breaking both of my arms.
" YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WITH ME" November 6 2001 was the day I had first opened my eyes. It was exciting growing up getting to do little kid things, falling off your bike and having ur mom to come help and say everything is alright and you'll be okay. At age 6 that's when everything started to fall apart my dad had left and it broke my family apart. My mom was struggling because she couldn't do it all on her own, we had moved in and out of houses constantly. Until one day I woke up and a nightmare had fluttered around I had found out my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer. As years go by my mom was in and out of hospitals and having surgery's after surgery's and so on. I was scared of losing her I didn't know if she was gonna be okay I didn't know if things were gonna be alright. It was really hard trying to find my self I felt like I had lost everything. My life was turned upside down, I started getting mixed in with the wrong people I started acting out drinking and smoking I did things that I am not proud of. I have made so many mistakes along the way I may have not learned from them yet but its okay I'm still growing, learning and trying new things. It is now august 7 2018 and I'm siting here hoping I can break that point and become something one day. I want to wake up one day and tell my mom "I did it". The past couple of years and months I have been so lost, confused, scared, I never had a male figure or father in my life, when my dad left it broke me into pieces he was my bestfriend my other half we did everything together. It took me 1 year and 7 months to finally realize what I was doing when I saw the look in my moms face when she was in the hospital fighting for her life, it killed me I realized I need to change not just for me but for the better of our family. I am now 16 years old and I do an online school I started changing who I was I can finally say I'm back to who I really am and days still are tough but ill get through it. My mom is now 45 years old and she is doing the best she can as a single mom, she has five kids, two twins who are 16 years old an oldest son who is now 22 an older daughter who is 18 and a little boy who is 13 years old there names are Ty, Lauryn, Dylan, Cassandra, and me Mackenzie. Even though I have so many bumps in the road my mom is still staying strong no matter what my mom she has been there and I am thankful I still have her still to this day by my side. I still cant believe that one day she might not be here but its okay I have learned that life can hold so many great moments and those best moments I have had are with my mom. at the end of our journey life is life and I have accepted the fact that things are just what it is or going to be. I know one day my mom may not be her but I do know one thing "you will always be with me".