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The mother hen sat for many days over her eggs, warming them with her feathers. Soon, her little chicks would hatch and enter the world. She moved her head and clucked softly, "Cluck, cluck!" The big day at last arrived. One at a time, little chicks poked out of their shells. There were yellow chicks, brown chicks, and white chicks. The new chicks struggled to stand, but their little legs could not yet stand, and over and over, they tumbled over again and again. Yet, they chirped with joy, chatting with their mother, it seemed. There were older chicks that had poked out a little early, and they were hopping about, flapping little wings and pecking at the ground. Watching over her chicks, the mother hen saw that one of them was not at all like the others. This chick had lovely brown feathers, with black and white markings on its wings. But that wasn't allโit kept flapping its little wings, wanting to fly. Even when it lay down, it did not sleep; it lay with its feathers puffed out, staring at the sky, its little feet in the air. The mother hen worried about this one. "Why are you lying in that position? Chickens don't sleep in that position!" she inquired. "Oh, Mother, I enjoy seeing the sky. I can see the stars and I long to fly up and touch them," exclaimed the little chick, its eyes full of wonder. "But we are chickens! Chickens don't fly in the skyโwe inhabit the ground. You must be happy with that." "But why have we wings, then?" questioned the little chick. "Wings help in many other ways," exclaimed the mother hen. "A lion has strong paws, and an elephant has a big trunk, and we have wings to protect ourselves. Now, sleep!" But no matter what she told him, the little chick continued dreaming about flying. He practiced daily, flapping his wings with all his might. Initially, he couldn't even lift himself off the ground at all. But one day, he could manage to climb onto the fence surrounding the backyard. After a couple of days, he could fly even higher. Every single day, he continued practicing, becoming a little better and a little better. One morning, when the mother hen saw him, she grew irritated. "Stop at once!" she exclaimed. "We're not eagles, chickens. In case you fly too high, you can fall and hurt yourself. Or worse, a hawk will pounce and grab you!" But the little chick disregarded her. He continued practicing. The old rooster noticed him and invited him over. "Come, I have a lesson to impart," exclaimed the rooster. "A long, long time ago, a chick such as yourself lived. He too desired to fly. In spite of all our warnings, he did not pay any heed. He even convinced other chicks to fly with him. One at a time, one at a time, they took off in the sky. But when they flew too high, the hawks spotted them. All of them became prey for the big birds." The little chick shuddered at the mere thought of it. "You are smart and kind," whispered the rooster softly. "But do you actually desire for this to occur again?" "Noโฆ never," whispered the chick softly. "Good," nodded the rooster. "So, then, be a good chicken. To become happy, we don't have to fly. Our family lived in such a manner, and we're fine." The other chickens, too, shared their opinions: Uncle: "A partridge can't become a nightingale. Live on the ground." Cousin: "If you fly, then you will only cause yourself trouble." Aunt: "Being simple and secure is best, my sweetie." Older sister: "Life won't change, whether you fly or not. Look out for yourself." The little chick desired to become a good son and obey his family, and therefore, he ceased attempting to fly. Years have gone by. He grew older, became a dad, and had chicks of his own. Perhaps, if he continued practicing, he could have flown and seen the whole world high in the sky. But now, that dream no longer existed. Even if he desired, he was too old to fly. Instead, he instructed his chicks in the same lesson that he'd discovered: "Chickens don't fly." After all, how can a chick desire to fly if it has never experienced the feeling of being above the clouds?
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In the old days, in the village of Elms, a wandering family of unknown origin settled down. They built a house on the edge of the fields, near the ghost forest. This family consisted of only an elderly couple. Wherever they went, they went together. The wife was always silent and solemn, never uttering a word. The husband was tall and gaunt, with a face like iron and a nose resembling a bird's beak. His eyes were cloudy and sunken, exuding a cold phosphorescent glow. The husband was a master hunter. His flintlock rifle seemed to have eyes. Whenever he raised it, birds and wild animals rarely escaped death. Behind their house, there were heaps of bird feathers and animal bones piled up like mounds. The bird feathers were disheveled and black as ink, while the animal bones were limestone-white, dotted with yellowish, foul-smelling marrow stains. These piles resembled graves. The hunter seemed like the embodiment of Death in the forest. Birds and animals feared him. The other hunters in Elms were both envious and resentful of him. He spared no creature within the range of his rifle. It was said that someone once saw him shoot a peacock in mid-dance. A peacock in mid-dance, with its head curved like a blade of grass, its tail fanned out in a semicircle displaying vibrant colors, sunlight reflecting off it like golden flames, its legs gracefully swirling. Only love could swirl so elegantly. And then โ โBoomโ โ his rifle fired, releasing a red flame. The peacock fell, its iridescent wings stained with blood. The old wife came, dry and dark, silently picking up the peacock and placing it in her basket. However, the old man spent his life hunting only common birds and animals. He never captured any large animals weighing several hundred pounds. His rifle could only shoot small, foolish creatures. This was his torment. The entire village of Elms shunned the couple, not speaking or socializing with them. Seeing them, people would turn away. Thus, the old hunter lived a lonely life with his silent wife. By the end of that year, the forest of Elms was in upheaval, trees withered, birds disappeared, and no trace of animals was found. The villagers suffered greatly, claiming that Then (the deity) had begun to punish them. The wandering hunter also found it difficult to make a living. The couple wandered the forest. For the first time in his life, the old man faced this situation. For three lunar weeks, his rifle remained silent. He would wake before the third rooster crow and return late at night. His emaciated wife no longer had the strength to follow him and stayed home, tending a fire that burned with a ghostly blue flame, not red but green like wolf eyes. One time, the old man was away for a whole week. He was exhausted, his knees buckled, and his muscles felt like they could be pinched off like leeches soaked in blood. He had trudged everywhere without finding anything. Not even a sparrow or a butterfly. He was anxious and frightened. Was Then punishing the world as rumored? Finally, exhausted, the old man staggered home. At the stream near the village, he paused and looked at his house. There was a light, a ghostly blue light. Surely his wife was still waiting. He closed his deep, cloudy eyes. After a moment's thought, he turned back to the forest. His nose had caught the scent of animals... He was in luck. He saw it. The peacock was dancing. Its feet moved gracefully to the right, its tail spread out in a circle, shifting to the left, the intense blue on its head feathers glistening. The old man raised his rifle: โBoom!โ The shot echoed. He heard a piercing scream. He ran to the fallen creature. It was his wife. She had gone to the forest to wait for him, holding a peacock feather. The hunter lay face down in the pool of blood on the decaying leaves, thick and musty like the smell of rats. His mouth gurgled like a wild boar's. He lay there for a long time. Black clouds hung low, the forest darkened, hot and stifling like a fevered body. Near dawn, the old man suddenly sprang up like a squirrel. He had the idea to use his wife's corpse as bait to hunt the biggest animal of his life. He lay in the bushes near her decaying body, rifle loaded, anxiously waiting. But Then punished him. No animals came, only death approached. Days later, they pulled his crooked body from the bushes. A bullet wound pierced his forehead. He had finally hunted the biggest animal of his life.
A sudden crash jolted me awake. Yells of surprise followed, the sound seemed to have come from the kitchen, perhaps someone broke a plate. I could smell something temptingโfish frying. My belly rumbled in response, I couldn't ignore the lure of that delicious aroma. I slipped out of my makeshift houseโthe old, dusty store near the family's home. My stealthy steps were silent as I navigated past the garden, careful not to alert the dogs. The clattering of plates being set for dinner can be heard from outside. I settled in front of the kitchen door, a sliver of light slipping through the gap beneath it. The sun had set, and darkness covered everything, except for the comforting glow from the kitchen. As the family enjoyed their meal, I waited, hoping for a crumb or two. Though I wasn't adopted by them, I reside in this family's abandoned store. I'm just a strayโone of the many cats wandering the neighborhood in search of food. My days were spent hunting rats and scavenging garbage bins. When hunting failed, I'd sneak into houses and swipe whatever scraps I could find. Humans almost never greeted me warmly. They can be cruel. All I wanted was to fill my belly but they'd chased me away with brooms and slippers. I learned that leftovers from the kitchen sink would get me in less trouble than the more tempting food on the dining table. Yet, occasionally, the allure of the table's offerings was too strong, and I would risk a snatch. Once, a human caught me stealing a chicken leg. It was smaller than most adults but bigger than the little ones who screamed and chased me. Expecting a slipper to fly my way, I darted out of the house. But when I returned later that evening, I was met with an unexpected kindness. Instead of scolding, it offered me food from a bowl. It was the same food they gave to the dogs. It had a meaty aroma with faint traces of chicken. The dogs in this household lived in luxury, with humans going through the trouble of drying mashed chicken and shaping it into small circles for them. The family had finished eating, and I heard them preparing food for the dogs. The clinking of metal bowls and the sound of kibble being poured made me drool a bit. The kitchen door creaked open, a normal-sized human appearedโit was the mother. It wore its outdoor slippers and its gaze fell on me. Our eyes met briefly before it said sharply, โWhy are you here, filthy parasite? Go away!โ Its words stung. It's true my actions are considered parasitic as I, a stranger, welcomed myself in this household and live off a family who isn't mine. Yet, being likened to the ticks biting my fur made me pity and disgust myself. I scurried away, hiding behind the old outdoor restroom close enough to the kitchen for its light to reach. After the mother fed the dogs, it glared at me and warned me not to eat the dogs' food. I'm not foolish to tryโthose dogs were eight times my size. They'd rip me apart if I attempted to steal their food. Rain began to fall, the gentle drizzle prompted the mother to return inside. As the doors closed, I was left in the darkness. I slipped inside the restroom for shelter. The rain quickly picked up, and in the silence, I could only hear the dogs' loud munching and the increasing pitter-patter of rain on the stones. If the rain continued, it would be a cold night. I needed to get back to the shack or risk staying in the restroom till it stops. As I was about to leave, the kitchen door swung open again. A bright light spilled out, and I saw a silhouette, smaller than that of the motherโit was the little human. It had a bowl in its hand. โOh good, you're still here!โ it said with a hint of concern. It crouched down and dumped a small pile of fish bones near me. โLuckily, Mother didn't give these to the dogs,โ it said, โI left a bit of meat on mine for you.โ Some of the bones had bits of meat, not much, but enough. "Better eat that before the rain pours down," it said, then closed the door. The fish bones lacked the aroma of the cooked fish I had smelled earlier, not even close to the faint scent of the dogs' food. They barely had any meat and weren't very appetizing. But food is food; one must eat whatever they can to avoid starving. With the rain pouring down harder, I quickly gathered the fish bones and dashed back to the shack, each step hurried by the increasing intensity of the storm. Once I had transferred all the fish bones to the shack, I called to wake my young ones. They responded with their tiny voices. I checked on them, licking their fur as they nibbled on their meal. Afterward, I cleaned myself, my fur wet from the rain. The storm grew louder, a heavy downpour that seemed endless. After my little ones had finished their meal, I curled up with them, seeking warmth amidst the pile of old fabrics. The rain continued to rage outside, but we were safe for now. We survived another night, with bellies barely full, huddled together in our small refuge.
Plan: Introduction: The Origin of Life Main section: Plant kingdom Animal world Microorganisms Summary: I am a part of nature There are different opinions about the origin of life. In the divine books, it is stated that living creatures were created by the Supreme Creator in a certain time and place based on a certain plan. It is written in the Qur'an that the world was created in 6 days. Irish archbishop Asher calculated that the world was created in October 4004 BC. According to creationism, life arose once as a result of a supernatural event and has remained unchanged ever since. Qad. According to the theories that appeared in China, Rome, and Babylon, life "came into existence spontaneously (spontaneously) from the things that exist in nature. The Greek philosopher Empedocles (490-430 BC) believed that life is from air, earth, fire and water; Democritus ( 460-370 BC) argued that life came from clay; Thales (625-547 BC) suggested that plants and animals arose from clay. The origin of the plant corresponds to the first development periods of life on earth. During the Archaean era (3 billion years ago), organisms similar to blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) appeared. True algae are thought to have appeared in the Proterozoic era, and green and red algae in the early Paleozoic. It is possible that the first higher plants - rhyniophytes - originated at the border between the Proterozoic and Paleozoic periods. The plant is of great importance in the life of all living organisms on earth. Life of animals and people cannot be imagined without plants. A plant with only green chlorophyll collects sunlight energy by synthesizing organic compounds from inorganic substances. At the same time, a plant takes S02 gas from the atmosphere and releases oxygen into the atmosphere, which is necessary for the respiration of almost all living organisms. In this way, the green plant maintains the constant composition of the atmosphere. Plants are the basis of the food chain as producers of organic matter. ะne of the major divisions in the organic world system. It is estimated that animals appeared in the ocean water 1-1.5 billion years ago in the form of microscopic, chlorophyll-free amoeba-like protozoa. The oldest fossils of animals are no more than 0.8 billion years old. The first fossils of multicellular animals - gastropods, worms, benthic arthropods can be found from the last Cambrian layers (690-570 million years ago). Animals are heterotrophic organisms, that is, they feed on ready-made organic matter. Due to active metabolism in animals, their growth is limited. In the process of evolution, the formation of the functional system of various organs: muscles, subtraction, respiration, blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems is considered one of the most important characteristics characteristic of animals. Animal cells differ from plants in having a hard cellulose shell. However, the difference between animals and plants is relative. A microscopic organism that can appear as a single cell or a colony of cells. Microorganisms include bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, viruses, molds, microscopic algae, and others. Bacteria are a large group of single-celled microorganisms. Viruses (Latin: virus - poison) are microorganisms that multiply only in living cells and cause infectious diseases in plants, animals and humans. In the past, the term "viruses" was used to refer to various disease-causing agents, especially unknown agents. After the French scientist L. Pasteur proved the role of bacteria in the origin of several diseases, the concept of viruses began to be used as a synonym of the word "microbe". An important difference between these two groups of disease-causing agents, i.e., bacteria and viruses, was established by the Russian scientist D.I. Ivanovsky (1892) and later others when they proved that tobacco mosaic and ungulate proteins pass through a bacterial filter. Nature is an existence that exists both before the appearance of man and with the participation of man. In general, this is the world, man, universe; micromacromegaworlds; inanimate and animate. In the narrow sense, it is an object studied by natural sciences. Nature is subject to laws independent of people and society. Man is a part of nature. Man cannot change the laws of nature, he can only master the elements and parts of nature using the laws. The concept of nature is also considered as a set of natural conditions for the existence of human society. Humans work to live, and work (eg, farming, construction, industry), brain activity, and others change some aspects of nature. Material wealth created by a person, that is, in the process of social labor, is conditionally called "second nature". For example, 92 chemical elements from hydrogen to uranium are naturally occurring, and those discovered later are artificial. All man-made synthetic chemical compounds, man-made atomic and nuclear energies are "second nature".
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