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There is something everyone wants to know, Where is your life going to go? Will you travel the skies, the seas? Or will life sting you like a bee? It is a question with no reply, Throughout life it turns into why. Why did this happen? Why did it not? With heartbreaks so painful its like you've been shot. There may be pain There may be sorrow, But there is always tomorrow. A new day, A new start Another day you can follow your heart. Keep your faith, Keep you belief Even when there's so much greif. Keep going, Keep strong, Don't worry if you are wrong. It takes many wrongs to find the right. To get what you want in life you must fight. If you don't try you will fail. Keep going in life and you'll get that tale. The tale of your life, your now, The past which shows how. How you got to this place and now the future you must face. The unknown future But your known dreams Whether they come true is a mystery it seems.
Before we jump into this awesome, marvelous essay that everyone will enjoy, I just have a quick question. When is the last time you've asked a question? I suppose that it may not have been very long. This essay, or just a piece of writing, in fact, is coming from someone who does not ask too many questions. First of, let's talk about me. I used to live in Korea, but after some family crisis, we (I mean my family) moved to the Philippines. Mom, being the usual egghead in the house, started a home stay, which is technically a dorm with the building being a house. I learned English during those few years, and I am writing this essay in Korea. I met this great teacher in my international school in Korea. She told me I have gifts in writing, which led me to this site. Now, I have to say that I used to be a sore loser in the Philippines. Not because of the students in all the schools I went to, of course. They were all nice, friendly kids. Me, on the other hand, was quite different. Not active at projects, or generally anything at all, the only thing I remember doing that was the closest to call social activity was going out to the school talent show with a classmate and winning second place. I guess this experience (I'm not saying that it's any of you guy's faults, of course- to anyone of my past) kind of traumatized me into games, and I started living in a box. I can't say I had the worst personality, either. I guess I was a little weird, not being to socialize with other people very well, stuttering in my words, but I was nice, just like I am now. This experience, as I said earlier, kind of brought me away from people. I became a very crouched person, a golum, I should say. Unless people came up to me first, there was no way I would start a conversation first. Luckily, I had some friends that were nice enough to start a conversation with me. This got me to think, there may be nice people that exist in the world.
At my early twenties, I realized that time when you become very conscious and before having a baby is the time when you have to live for yourself. At this time, it is required to strive to understand yourself as much as possible. However, the question arose how? In fact, it is necessary to find an orientation not only for in a career, but also to find some kind of occupation you love whereby you can figure out what you want to do. As for me, I like everything to record: importance events of my life with those emotions at that time, ideas and future goals, lists of wishes, to do things and so on. At the same time, a record is the way to speak on a piece of paper for different themes, particularly doubt, living through the certain situation. This is the method to feel better! In that context, I would like to add before you want to say or to do something, it needs to think three times through the truth (the thing you want to say is it real and truly?), the kindness (the thing is good or bad?) and the benefit (is it so really necessary to say?). If you answer to those questions, you will know to say (do) or not. For the time being, I am trying to find my place under the sun by utilizing the record and by asking the questions above. I hope my dear reader after reading this you can understand the importance of life which you have.