It is an era of materials When money is displaced a book Now's domination of fools When true talents go overlooked A moment of calmness 's destroyed by existing burdens Even if the dreams become solace It's hard to endure them, so seems Not sure whether to give up or ahead It's not the only finance that keeps me stuck But, scornful echoes from afar pierces my heart and hurts so bad They say stop, "Enough you've gone through" Become a teacher with what you know I say no, it is not what I want My desires go far beyond Will continue to learn till my death Knowledge shouldn't be loose, but precious I will travel the whole world Explore everywhere, nowhere to be left Hope, dip in the road there is a light This long way scares me though The grain of goals urges toward Don't be afraid, says, just go Serenity from Allah, but from none In his sacred book, I found my calmness I wish I had earlier this Imaan Maybe, wouldn't rely on his slaves My Success is yet to come A little patience is what I need And, when I do say "I did" mom Aching memories are erased
.GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI, INVENTOR OF THE INDIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE I am the Inventor of Indian Monsoon Time Scale, proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the Indian monsoon and its weather problems and natural calamities in advance and it was published by all world journals.But our India was not recognize me. Kindly find out my invention in any/all websites/searchengines by searching it's aforesaid name and recognize me as the Inventor of Indian Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your research papers. Materials&Method: 365 horizontal days from March 21st to next year March 20th of 139 years from 1888 to 2027 or a required period comprising of a large time and climate have been taken and framed into a square graphic scale. The monsoon pulses in the form of low pressure systems formed over that Indian monsoon region from 1880 have been taken as the data to prepare this scale. Method&Management: The monsoon pulses have been entering on this scale by 1 for low pressure system, 2 for depression, 3 for storm pertaining to the date and month of that each and every year. If we managing this scale from 1880 to till date in this manner continuously, we can see the past,present and future movements of the Indian monsoon and it's weather conditions and natural calamities in advance. Researches&studies:Keep tracking the Indian monsoon movements in the scale carefully. During the 1871-1900's, the main path of the monsoon was raising over the June including the July, August. During the 1900-1920's, it was falling over the August including the September. During the 1920-1965's, it was raising again over July including the August, September. During the 1965-2004's, it was falling over the September. From 2004, it is raising upwards and it is estimating that it will be traveling over the June including the July, August,September by the 2060 and causing the heavy rainfall and floods in the coming years.. Study&Discussion: Let's now study and analyze the information recorded on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale with the rainfall and other weather data available from 1871 to till date, During the period the period of 1871-2015, there were 19 major flood years:1874,1878,1892,1893,1894,1910,1916,1917,1933,1942,1947,1956,1959,1961,1970,1975,1983,1988,1994. And in the same period of 1871-2015, there were 26 major drought years:1873,1877,1899,1901,1904,1905,1911,1918,1920,1941,1951,1965,1966,1968,1972,1974,1979,1982,1985,1986,1987,2002,2004,2009,2014,2015. Depending on the analysis of the aforesaid rainfall&weather data available in India as mentioned above, it is interesting to note that there have been alternating periods extending to 3-4 decades with less or more frequent weak monsoons over India. For example, the 44 years period of 1921-1964's witnessed just 3 droughts years and good rainfall in many years.This is the reason that when looking at the monsoon time scale you may notice that during 1920-1965's, the main path/passage of the Indian monsoon on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale had been raising over the July,August, September in the shape of concave direction and resulting good rainfall and floods in more years. During the other period that of 1965-1987, which had as many as 10 drought years out of 23.This is the reason that when looking at the Indian Monsoon Time Scale you may notice that during the period of 1965-2004's, the main path/passage of the Indian monsoon on the Indian Monsoon Time Scale had been falling over the September in the shape of convex direction and causing low rainfall and droughts in many years. Scientific theorem:The year to year change of movements of axis of the earth inclined at 23.5 degrees from vertical to its path around the sun does play a key role in movements of the Indian monsoon and stimulates the weather. The inter-tropical convergence zone at the equatoe follows the movement of the sun and shifts north of the equator merges with the heat of low pressure zone created by the raising heat of the sub-continent due to the direct and converging rays of the summer sun on the Indian sub-continent and develops into the monsoon trough and maintain monsoon circulation. Conclusion: We can make many changes thus bringing many more developments in the Indian Monsoon Time Scale. GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI Email me: WhatsApp me: 91 6305571833
“I can't believe we're expected to stay home.” I understood her frustration. After all, extroverts like Alice rarely enjoy a moment of silent contemplation. On the other hand, I had just left the confines of the military. As soon as I picked up my discharge paperwork and left base, I felt like I saw sunlight for the first time. The air smelled free and my shackles fell to the ground. A month later, the entire base shut down as a result of the Virus. Somehow not one sane person realised that packing two Marines into rooms that were 10 feet by 6 feet and shared the same air conditions with at least 200 other Marines was a bad idea. I clutched my discharge paperwork. It was real. I was free. Being forced to stay home did not seem like a punishment. I was on my fourth week in my parents' apartment and I was enjoying the type of extended vacation only Europeans could have. I continued my walk around the affluent neighbourhood. I lived in an apartment that was a 15 minute walk away. It was a nice, red brick, three story building surrounded by palm trees and a large pool. As nice as that complex was, this neighbourhood was another world. As you walked down the path, you stared at homes that towered and stretched in their splendour. An Art Deco house was next to a Swiss chalet as if the houses were competing for the front page of a Homes magazine. Many joggers waved to me as if I lived there so I waved back, pretending I had made it in the world. My schedule for the past four weeks was quite amazing though: 1200 WAKE UP AND WASH UP 1230 BREAKFAST 1300 READ 1400 GO ON A LONG WALK AROUND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD// CALL FRIENDS 1600 LONG BATH 1730 MOTHER GETS OFF WORK// DINNER 1800 FATHER GETS HOME// TEA TIME 1900 WATCH MOVIES//READ//SOCIAL MEDIA 0100 SLEEP I sat down on a bench and stared at the wonderful trees and the grand houses around me. My future was bulletproof. “Just you wait until this Virus leaves!” Mr James told me as he stared at the last worker leaving the building. “You'll be so busy you won't know what to do with yourself!” He laughed theatrically as he slapped his thigh. “Alright, I'm going to do my rounds. I'll see you later!” I watched him walk away before I stood up and stretched. I did a quick scan of the lobby. The once bustling Starbucks was closed and silent. The other security guard, who watched the side of the building open to the public, had already gone home. I was one of the round-the-clock security guards who watched the entrance that needed key cards. No key card? You need to sign in with me and I need to verify who you are before I can let you in. I'm sure when everything goes back to normal, I would probably never get a chance to sit and quietly read my book as I do now. I sat back down and looked at the cameras: Both freight elevators – EMPTY Both regular elevator lobbies – EMPTY All four cameras pointing to various angles of the front door – EMPTY The 7th, 9th, 11th and 14th floors – EMPTY There are 32 different cameras and there was no movement except a stray car passing in front. The mechanics and the cleaning people were the ones I had gotten to know. Everyone wore the same uniform except for the facemask. I decided that if it was my one piece of flair, then it would be fabulous. I bought them off Etsy and I loved showing them off: A “Fun Ghoul” Killjoy mask to showcase my inner emo Red, white and blue stripes for the patriotic month of July White lighting streaks resembling marble, on a black background for some mystery Black with rose-gold polka dots to show case my playful side and my serious side A skeleton with a rose on a parchment background for the gym to deter socialisation I sat back down and opened my book. It has been a few weeks since I started this job and over two months since leaving the military. I could not imagine having to wake up at 5 am to go for a run before going to work. I don't know how I lived that life for four years. I sat calmly reading my book and sipping my coffee, slightly shifting the facemask to do so. But I had begun to feel torn. I enjoyed my reading time and my laser focus at the gym. I also enjoyed spending more time with my parents than I had in years. However, I also missed going out to bars and talking to strangers. I missed going shopping or to the movies – among people it not necessarily going with anyone. Most of all, I miss my own peace and my privacy. Until I save enough money, I cannot move out on my own. “Thank you for your service!” Civilians say that thinking they've helped somehow. It's been four months and the Veterans Affairs office is no closer in helping me get my disability check for my injuries sustained in service. No check, no moving out. I try not to think of all of these things because they spiral me into depression. Instead, I quietly read my book and escape into different worlds.
About 3 years ago, right after my high school graduation, I was lost. Not in the woods, not in the mall, but even worse, I was lost in life. Although I was enthusiastic to lead a successful life with a bright future; as a fresh graduate with diverse interests, I had no idea what to major in. There was a constant battle between my artistic side, dragging me towards journalism and my scientific side, dragging me towards mathematics. For the record, I even applied to a business school and changed major twice before taking that step back. When the university registrar asked me what I was going to major in, my response was;” Well, I'm good at math; I'm passionate about journalism; and I want to become a businesswoman”. He said, “Choose one ”. I always felt like I should invent a new major that would fit my diverse Gemini personality. But little did I know that what had to be invented was not a major but a future. And long story short, I didn't know how to predict my future. The only thing that helped me back then was the quote that kept echoing in my ears, “The best way to predict your future is to invent it”. From my personal experience, I've learnt that inventing your future means accepting failure, accepting diversity and becoming your own role model. To begin with, ever since from first grade, we have been taught by our English teachers that the antonym of success is failure. But the truth is that success is independent from the amount of failure. For instance, Abraham Lincoln, the prominent 16th president of the US, has actually failed more times than we can count, whether it's losing in business, enduring a mental breakdown, losing both nomination and denomination … But didn't he become successful at the end of the day? Of course, he did! What was pushing me away from majoring in Math was the fear of failure, but the truth is that failure doesn't matter if “one falls seven times but stands up eight”. Even JK Rowling, the first billionaire writer, the author of Harry Potter once highlighted the importance of failure in her life, she said, “Failure in life is inevitable, you can't live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not live at all, in which case, you fail by default” Secondly, there is no single rule in life which states that we should merely have one passion and devote our entire life to it. Just because I'm majoring in math, doesn't mean that I should become a mathematician. We all know Mr. Bean, right? But little do we know that behind this clumsy comedian, there is actually a genius who has a Master's degree in engineering from Oxford University. And is he an engineer now? Absolutely not! So change of direction in life is inexorable. After all, it's the different spices that make delicious. Finally, in order to succeed we all need motivation from our role models. It may be Angelina Julie for an inspiration-seeker actress or Gibran Khalil Gibran for an amateur Lebanese writer. But that doesn't mean that we should imitate their footsteps, but create our own. We should become our own idols. When I was going to major in math, everyone kept telling me the world doesn't need that since there are already plenty of math teachers. But as Dr.Howard Thurman once said: “We shouldn't ask for what the world needs. We should do whatever makes us feel alive. Since the only thing that the world needs is people who have come out alive”. So ‘Inventing your future' for me means accepting both failure and diversity and drawing your own adventure story, using your own set of colorful crayons. Let it be full of roller coasters. Let it be full of ups and downs, even a change of direction is fine. But don't forget to be authentic and creative. Let's take that brush, and draw our sparkling futures. Shall we?
Our organization culture brings us together at least twice a week during the weekly debrief on the To-Do-List and during team building either playing chess or Dirt. This has been a sweet and refreshing culture that has seen KCEO team much more connected. Our organization invested heavily in enough work stations for the team, we got more space at the office than what we actually need, our staff actually practiced natural social distancing while in the office way before the outbreak of the global pandemic. The COVID-19 lockdown subjected our organization to a radical experiment, providing many conclusions for the future of KCEO, with important consequences for the future of work as well as the environment we work in. 3 months down the line, we dived on a weekly call with my colleague Violet, and concluded with the BIG Question- do we need all these office spaces we have heavily invested in? KCEO has 3 major Hubs in 3 Major towns in Kenya, with additional Outlet shops and other reserve spaces rented to our entrepreneurs. The big question our experiment has left us with is, do we really need all this much space? When KCEO executives decided that our team will work from home, I cleaned my work station and carried with me the essential files and gadgets I needed to support my work from home- this led me to the balcony experience as my new work station. With all the adjustments that the emergency of the pandemic made on my daily life, the reality of working from home I had to embrace, thank God now I play with my son Amani during all the coffee breaks, and get fresh fruits served right from the kitchen to the balcony by my lovely wife Rhoda. It was so hard to maintain the discipline working from home with endless harassment from my son Amani who want me to watch or play with him- but surprisingly with time, this became more fun. Boom! I had to devise what to do with my extra time, I started preparing my garden, producing my own food, wait a minute! What about this heat on my balcony- must be the hot sun! The devastating effects of climate change dawned in me, what could be my little action on this? I exclaimed! Perhaps plant some trees, since then I have planted over 1000 different species of trees as my little contribution to the planet. Working from home saved my wallet big deal, no need to fuel car, just some gas for the emergency on the tank- I diverted my transport expenses into buying climate resilience seedlings- and I became a gangster gardener- surprisingly my family joined me and collectively we have planted over 5000 seedlings, plowed over 2 acres of maize farm and set up food gardens- Today garden for me represents freedom, I took it upon me to inspire my family and friends to wake up and truly realize what is important- I wanted them to bring creativity in their space, and realize they have the power and what it takes to do this by making our planet a better place for the future generation. And this turned to be my Master Class- Currently, my 1000 paw-paw seedlings are almost ready for transplanting, still on the artificial seedbed that I created on my balcony- this is going to give access to over 5000 families healthy and nutritious paw-paw in the beautiful city of Kisumu. Not again! Sorry, it is Monday Violet and the team are waiting for me to join the staff virtual call! I'm always running late! I have to request my neighbor's kids not to play near my balcony for the next 45 minutes, no one from the houses should come to the balcony either. I connect to weekly team debrief for a quick run on the To-Do-List via Zoom or Google Meets. Normally on Monday I would be physically in a meeting at the office with the team, but the current situation demands that we work from home. Plugging through the virtual tools gave me a great highlight on how my team members are doing- we could hear background noise on Edna's house, since her daughter is equally as curious as to my son Amani and we laugh, sometimes her daughter demands to be on the screen, this truly made us appreciate family values and bonding in our work system. Truly speaking working from my balcony has made me redefine work as space not necessarily a place! No traffic, no unnecessary spending and freshly baked bread from my lovely wife My main job in KCEO is to offer sound leadership to the team apart from fundraising and oversight. Sitting on the balcony and streaming live with my colleagues gave me a feel and look painting of every employee. I established a structured daily check-in. I leveraged daily calls either on normal call or via WhatsApp, and since am not effective with WhatsApp groups- I had to stay active in the KCEO staff WhatsApp group to ensure the communication is sustained and decisions made swiftly. We consistently had a team call, one-one-one calls which were regular and predictable, it was way easy to consult, raise concerns and questions- as we speak today this is KCEO culture of team management and the future is bright.
This article is intended to serve as a warning to the readers of social engineering in the past, present, and future worldwide. The word social engineering in the Portuguese language is Engenharia Social while the translation is the practice of tricking a user. Social Engineering To explain it better is the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviours of a society. For example, it might seem just clever marketing that one of the longest-running and most popular reality television shows in the world is entitled "Big Brother." The show's nod to the novel invokes the kind of benevolent surveillance that "Big Brother" was meant to signify: "We are watching you and we will take care of you." But Big Brother, as a reality show, is also an experiment in controlling and modifying behaviour. By asking participants to put their private lives on display, shows such as "Big Brother" encourage self-scrutiny and behaving according to perceived social norms or roles that challenge those perceived norms. Social engineering in other words It is an effort to influence the attitude and social behaviours on a large scale in order to produce desired characteristics in a large population by making a reference in the Bible. The clearest example of social engineering in the word of God is the well-known creation myth of the Garden of Eden. Social engineer means acting in a way to make another person act as you wish, especially through deception or by exploiting another their weaknesses. 6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. The old serpent is playing off of human weaknesses; human beings always want more and always fear death. In short, humans want to be closer to the divine. The serpent promises Eve that there will be no ill consequences from eating the fruit that it is in her benefit. The snake is sating eve's fears: Eve fears death and the snake, unconcerned with the reality, simply says this is not true. This deception helps Eve to hear the next bit of the pitch - that this will make humans closer to God. This corruption plays on the human tendency to share - Eve thinks eating the pomegranate or apple or whatever fruit is beneficial - and gives it to Adam. But Adam and Eve eating the fruit directly disobey God's direction to not do so. So the snake is playing of the hopes and fears of humanity. It understands a bit of the nature of humanity and plays off that nature to accomplish a goal. That mirrors our likelihood to ignore what we have been told if we don't think it is congruent with what we think is is best. Nonetheless, even from this early myth of the Bible, it is clear that 'social engineering' has been prevalent across much of humanity, and the idea that we can force outcomes by exploiting knowledge - for the better or worse - encompasses a bit of how we interact with the world and with other people. What Orwell's '1984' tells us in a nutshell? Orwell wrote Nineteen Eighty-four as a warning after years of brooding on the twin menaces of Nazism and Stalinism. Its depiction of a state where daring to think differently is rewarded with torture, where people are monitored every second of the day, and where party propaganda trumps free speech and thought is a sobering reminder of the evils of unaccountable governments. In the year 1984, however, there was much self-congratulatory coverage in the U.S. that the dystopia of the novel had not been realized. But media studies scholar Mark Miller argued how the famous slogan from the book, "Big Brother Is Watching You" had been turned to "Big Brother is you, watching" television. In other words, Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party's doctrines. Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party's slogans: "War is peace," "Freedom is slavery," and "Ignorance is a strength." The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance. The three most important aspects of 1984 The setting of 1984 is a dystopia: an imagined world that is far worse than our own, as opposed to a utopia, which is an ideal place or state. Other dystopian novels include Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, and Orwell's own Visit our blog : for more information
Right now, I can see the gray, almost white clouds blanketing across the sky. Rain droplets are steadily making their way down the glass. I see a large brick and glass dormitory where students have decorated their own windows with smiley faces and short jokes. Lights peek out from the basement of Race Hall. I also see groups of students wearing hoodies and raincoats as they walk to their next class. Many are carrying cups of coffee and umbrellas. Some are riding skateboards or drinking smoothies from Urban. One person is doing both at the same time. Short, skinny, leafy trees stand on guard in front of window blocking of my view. Their leaves are sprinkled with flecks of gold. I can see lamp posts quiet now, waiting for their time to shine. Puddles have started to collect around them. I can see the pale, smooth concrete surface of Drexel's own little part of Race Street. No cars are here to disturb it. Looking across the street, I can see Race Lawn. The green, lush grass is speckled with a few fallen brown leaves. I can see pink and red flowers gently swaying in the chilly breeze as they surround a Drexel directory display. Right now, I wish I could see the ocean waves hitting the soft sand of the beach. I would be able to see bright blue waves piling up before they crashed. I would able to see seagulls gliding around the beach occasionally stopping to waddle on the sand for a bit. They might even swoop down and steal an innocent pedestrian's French fry. The bright blue sky would be calling me with soft, fluffy clouds dancing across. The gentle plants in the sand dunes would be moving in the warm gust. Once in a while, I could see the dorsal fins of a family of dolphins pop up from the waves. I could see a family gently guiding a young child near the water and the child squealing with excitement when their first wave covers their feet. I would see the Ocean City boardwalk spread out below me. Crowds of families holding ice cream cones and Thrasher's French Fries would be happily traveling from one amusement to the next. I would see the colorful tops of beach umbrellas spread out across the sand. Some are patterned, plain, or just promoting the local hotels. I would see young adults playing Frisbee or some beach volleyball. I would see the lifeguards watching over all the people in the water. They would be sitting among the sunbathers with a whistle and rescue buoy at the ready. I would be able to see small airplanes carrying large banners across the sky with messages and promotions for nearly every business in town. I would be able to see small boats carrying groups of cruise-goers steadily across the waves. Speedboats would make their way past carrying the screams of thrill-seekers. There would be the bravest among us flying across the ocean while their bright parasails guide them.
How do you plan for this day? Personally, I carefully considered any plausible scenario that would require running. To ensure my time would last, I accounted for miscalculations, kept a running journal, and assumed my generously estimated steps would endure well into my elder years. Legend has it that people used to run to live. There are still those who believe this, but I find it preposterous! Knowing life diminishes with each allotted step, running is not meant to be superfluous. Humans can only sustain a certain amount of running before their life energy is depleted. Once that energy runs out, so does your life. I always imagined accidents or emergencies would inevitably require the use of a substantial number of steps. I built my life around these ideas, as I supposed others had done. I never anticipated an emergency of such monumental impact, however. Yet, here I was. Crouching low among the dusty crates, taking measured breaths to steady my mind and body, contemplating the expanse I must travel in order to survive. It was recently discovered that taking someone's life would transfer their life energy, including their remaining steps, to the murderer. Who discovered this? Terrorists? The government? Law enforcement? No one really knows. All we know is that once the word got out, some lunatics decided to see if it was true. There's also been talk of early deaths being the result of murder instead of depleting steps through running. It's nice to think that murder was once controlled only by powerful people, but now that maniacs can participate, it's complete mayhem! The estimated number of steps I have remaining should be enough to allow me to escape this knife-wielding psychopath. My eyes darted around, searching for the most efficient path. If I could just get to safety, I could maintain my life, albeit diminished. It was now or never. I tried to calculate how much life energy would remain after this sprint while simultaneously visualizing the steps I will take to get away. I took off running as silently as possible. I heard the heavy, long strides behind me. I knew this guy wouldn't run after me if I was his first kill. He wouldn't squander his steps unless he had killed before. His footsteps revealed that I was definitely his first, but he was relentless nonetheless. My path of liberation was running out. I searched for places to hide again, but that would require returning to my starting position. That would mean being trapped and a loss of life energy. I could push myself to run faster, but that would mean using up even more steps. I had a choice to make. Keep running and risk dying, or stop running and risk dying. This was not a choice I ever envisioned for myself. I ducked behind a wall of steel beams so I could make my decision. I knew I didn't have long, as I could hear his steps approaching. Then I saw the gleam of his knife reflected off a beam to my left. I knew I would have to flee. He would never give up the chance to prolong his life as long as I was within his grasp. My decision was made. I must faster than I've ever run more steps than I ever to an expedited death. Either way, my life energy would be drained. I had no idea at this point how much of my life would remain. As I sprinted, I began to drift further into the recesses of my mind, recalling each moment I had lived. I was no longer aware of the distance between me and my attacker, no longer aware of his footsteps or mine. Suddenly, I realize that I am no longer running; I feel as if I am floating; my steps have run out.
There is something everyone wants to know, Where is your life going to go? Will you travel the skies, the seas? Or will life sting you like a bee? It is a question with no reply, Throughout life it turns into why. Why did this happen? Why did it not? With heartbreaks so painful its like you've been shot. There may be pain There may be sorrow, But there is always tomorrow. A new day, A new start Another day you can follow your heart. Keep your faith, Keep you belief Even when there's so much greif. Keep going, Keep strong, Don't worry if you are wrong. It takes many wrongs to find the right. To get what you want in life you must fight. If you don't try you will fail. Keep going in life and you'll get that tale. The tale of your life, your now, The past which shows how. How you got to this place and now the future you must face. The unknown future But your known dreams Whether they come true is a mystery it seems.
Everyone sees inspirational quotes; they're all around us. They tell us to "be strong" or "live your life to the fullest" but they don't really have a specific range. Where are we supposed to use these quotes in our lives except to make our walls look pretty in the family home? Most quotes online will have to do with the future or beauty for example "Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay" Simone de Beauvoir. With these sorts of quotes, there's always uncertainty that they will really affect our lives they might just be a glimpse of what we feel in one instance and not in another.
Do you remember your first love? Were you filled with butterflies in your stomach? Did you blush around them, or stammer when trying to speak to them? Did you dream of a life with them, getting married and having children together? Many of us often remember our first lovers or crushes. Some may regret being with them, some miss that experience with them, and some never got to be with them. Now that last part might not seem important. However, consider this: How many times has it happened? Most of you might say, "Well, only a few times. I didn't have that many crushes growing up." That's perfectly normal. Some people fall easier than others.Yet, can you imagine what it must be like if you had so many crushes that you can barely remember them all? About 110. I have had 110 crushes, some of them on the same person multiple times. That's just a quick estimate. It might have been more, maybe slightly less, but can you guess how many of them liked me back? Only about 15--despite dating 16 people, one had fallen for me but I only wished to give them a chance because of our beloved friendship--had fallen for me as well. Do you know how many were loyal to me until the very end, and vice versa? Only three. Tony: boy #1. Cause of breakup? Died tragically in a hospital at 3 in the morning during late August two weeks after we started dating. He was shot attempting to save a man being robbed, received surgery, and his body rejected the transplant causing him to die. I was only around 11 or 12 at the time. Bryan: boy #2. Cause of breakup? We slowly drifted apart after nearly a year of being together. I don't know what went wrong, but we just stopped talking. We mutually agreed it was for the best if we saw other people. Finally, boy #3: Dani. My current partner. We had dated once before, back in my freshman year and his sophomore year. It was less than ideal and I left after almost a month. We continued to be friends after that. Then, late into my sophomore year after a traumatic event, something had sparked again. I'm not sure how or why, nor do I know now, but in early spring I started to develop feelings for him again. I had held it off for a good few months believing it was just a fluke. I told myself, "There's no way. He's just being nice, that's all. It'll go away eventually like it always does." Yet, the feelings never left. They grew and grew until I started to see signs that I had been trapped with possibly unrequited love for him. I remember how rumors began to spread, and he had admitted to them, that he had his eyes on a particular girl in our friend group. Shamefully I admit that I was outraged by this. It had happened so many times before, and I was a fool to continue to love those people for prolonged periods of time. Like my childhood friend, and a girl we both knew from another school on the campus grounds. I didn't want to be hurt again. So I continued to push those feelings away. They didn't stop. They pushed back, and I was forced to feel this way for so long. Then I had made a decision: sink or swim. He either loved me back or he didn't. I had yet taken another unsure dive into an unfamiliar lake in which I had drowned in many times before. I wrote him a small note at first, telling him my feelings in French. He returned to me and asked me why. I could not give a proper response. We left it off at that. A day or so later I gave him a longer note explaining in full detail what I meant by those small words. He took it, read it, and said not a word to me afterwards. I had believed myself to be rejected, and like many times before I was heartbroken. "What else did you expect?" I told myself that evening. "Of course he doesn't want you back, idiot! Why even bother?" I had prepared myself to be content with the loneliness I felt that day. That was why I was taken by surprise when he acted unusual the very next day. It's hard for me to recall everything that day as I write this, but I do remember one thing: that kiss we shared spoke more to me than words can ever manage. Now we are content and happy with one another, lasting a total of about 6 months, but that fear I felt back then still lingers in my mind. The fear of now losing him like the others. The fear that something will come between us, something neither of us can control or stop, and I'll be alone again. My mind works strangely in these situations. While I am outwardly happy with my life now on the exterior, my mind races with endless possibilities all ending with me being left forgotten and abandoned. I suppose that is my reason for not wanting to fall. All the failures pile up until it's too much for me to bear any longer, and they begin to haunt me day in and day out. My only hope is that this time is different, and I can finally share my love with someone properly again.
With the widespread use of modern technology, nowadays convenience, comfort, and coziness are the parts of our life. Human civilization has reached at that point of time, which was never so prosperous and technologically advanced ever before. According to Wikipedia, the Gross World Product is about US$107.5 trillion in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and around US$78.28 trillion in nominal terms. The total amount of money in the world is estimated to be around $60 Trillion. With this figure of present world various speculations can be made, one, if you are from the developed country, you may believe everything in the world is happening as the best it could be. Whereas, if you are from the developing world, you may think future is going to be excellent for you or it is challenging ever depending on which regions of the world you live in. After all, we have superpowers to so-called feeble countries on the same planet, earth. The difference, distance, and division are not only seen among the distinct countries but also among the people living in a single country. Some people are living in the big mansions, whereas several other people are sleeping under the stars on the footpaths. Some people are lucky enough to ride Lamborghini and fly on private jet planes, whereas some don't even have a pair of slippers to travel on foot. Some people do not have anything to nibble on, whereas, some pay the tips at five-star restaurants even higher than the wage those impoverished people earn after day long tiring works. Innovative ideas, of course, are winning the heart of the people and ruling the world everywhere, all around the world. For an instance, innovative ideas and technology introduced by technologists and companies earn good revenues. Revenues are good when the profit is maximum, and profit is more when the price of offered products or services is high. The high price of anything is expensive, unaffordable to most of the people since average people earn way less than CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the big corporate world. Have you ever thought how the current world has become the great place to live in terms of quality, opportunity, and equality? Undoubtedly, apart from the technological advancement and development, the teaching and learning in the past by recognized or unrecognized extraordinary human ancestors had contributed to the world to come to the present stage. Many creative ideas helped humans to spend their life with ease and novel belief made humans morally right and knowledgeable. As time passed by intellectual property became subject to confide within oneself or limited within a group of people or organization. Most of the companies that are believed to be important to build today's modern society keep the ingenious ideas of them surreptitiously. This practice is partly to be blamed for the existing disparity among people living in penury and superrich. Imagine what if supreme world leaders in the past had kept their intelligence learning secret? If they would have done so, there would be no such religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism etc. today. Likewise, the globally proliferated old local technology would not be in access to most of us. Nobody can think of the worldwide famous beverage tea copyrighted in the past. How bad that would have been for millions of tea lovers from all around the world. Thanks to all those real humans with the great heart for making our earth better place to live to some extent. The present state of the world seems to be perplexed and lost, considering the situation in which developed countries are in fear of possible terror threat, unbelievably with feminism and surprisingly with the rising economy as well as the prosperity of developing countries. The business world is busy making money regardless of any concern to the well-being of its consumers in most circumstances, tech giants are competing to help humans settle on other planets when we are having a tough time here on our own planet of birth. We have either forgotten or are unknown about the humility and empathy in the never-ending competition of earning wealth, enhancing the supremacy and in establishing prestige. We live in the society where people worship the power of money, physical force, beauty, and influence. Maybe an Ignorance is a bliss but that does not last for long and our insensibility has already shown outcomes of two world wars. We could learn from the nonviolence revolutionary leader Mahatma Gandhi but still, we do practice violence like in Syria, we could be generous like Berners Lee to move the world ahead in technology but we are plagued by patents, copyright and royalty kinds of stuff, we could learn to be humble from the forbearance of Jesus but no that is not our cup of tea. We need to instill leniency, liberality, and love into us to make the utopian alike society to keep our generations alive.
Sometimes, I like to think. Some people think about what they're going to wear the next day, some think about the big game on TV, and others, whatever seems to pass the time by. I used to find myself thinking about my future. On my fourteenth birthday, I wrote the following: "I feel I worry too much. From this day, I have 365.25 days until I am fifteen, 730.5 days until I am sixteen, about 1,095.75 days until I am seventeen, and 1,461 days until I am eighteen. "School is about halfway done. Eighth grade can't seem to see how much I wish it would slow down. I suppose it enjoys making me feel sad from my memories long out of my reach, and laughs in my face when I wish to turn back time. Ninth grade is in about 9 months. In roughly 17 months, I will have graduated from Junior High, and in about 20 months I will start High School. "In about 56 months, my education will move from home. In 56 months, I'll have a High School Diploma. In 56 months, I will gain access to colleges all around the world. In 56 months, I will be leaving home; my family and childhood friends. "After 56 months are up, I will not know what to do. "I hope to make each day count. "I hope to accomplish much until then." Even though I wrote this only fourteen months ago, my perspective has completely changed. Our futures aren't meant to be worried about. They aren't supposed to be planned to the exact pinpoint and time in our lives; they're mean to be lived. Our lives should be filled with mistakes. With forks in roads and paths that wind off somewhere we didn't plan to follow. Girls were made to follow rabbits down rabbit holes and boys were meant to play King of the Forest with the trees, dreaming up fantasies in their minds and getting lost in the beauty of it all. That's why the best stories are those that weren't planned; the best adventures being the ones no one saw coming. Let your worries go, and live.