Stereotypes or Originality

We live in a stereotyped society; a society that promotes you to be ‘different', as long as you go along with the public opinion. What is ‘public opinion' and why do we need to follow it all the time? I had read somewhere in a Greek philosophy book about the ‘tyranny of the majority' and I found it totally correct. We say in many cases, the majority ‘wins', but what about that certain minority's opinion? Where does it go? Humans are introduced to the stereotypes of society; from the day they are born. They accept them at early age and then consequently are addicted to them. Later on they enter a comfort zone, where all is settled. All is well. Most of the times they are not even themselves, because they have got to be that type of person that is conformed to all rules of society. You begin your school life. Lack of originality… At school you have to be the student who is responsible and disciplined. You start learning all the cliché phrases… “The tomatoes are ripe The sea is turbulent The truth is hard Respect is gained Justice is blind” If you start writing essays which express extreme way of thinking or do not conform to the general opinion, you are marginalized. There goes your freedom of expression. Follow the rules. People love stereotypes. They know they are easier to handle. No need to search for something more. Once a woman says ‘I don't want to be a housewife, she will face discountenance. Who said you have to be one? Who ordered this definition of your identity? Why do we follow society's norms? There is no stereotype. You were born free to be whoever you were intended to be. You are born to be original. Maybe you were intended to be: Wild as the wind in a desert Free as a spirit An idea A concept An illusion Or a Bird who flies to the unknown skies A hobo soul A traveler that needs no compass You do not fit into other people's molds Birds don't care about stereotypes Show me your arguments for a stereotypical life.

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Dallas, USA