Should you study in NIS or not?

“NIS” means Nazarbayev Intellectual School. Nowadays, there are at least one of them in big cities of Kazakhstan. There can be two or one NISs in one city. Why? First of all, there are different directions in each school like CBD and PMD, which mean Chemistry Biology Direction and Physic Mathematic Direction. Second of all, in these schools different quality of education and I didn't say that one of them has bad quality conversely. Both of them have excellent quality, but between them have differences. Last but not least, there are too many of desirous student in one city. Now there are 19 NISs in 17 cities in Kazakhstan.. It has been 3 years that I study in NIS CBD in Almaty. For this long time I knew and noticed interesting and gripping things about my school. So, now I'm going to advice you: should you study in NIS or not, given the fact that I have got “experience” studying there. Fortunately for most of students there are a lot of advantages of NIS. It is not a secret that NIS very unique school, because of many factors. First of all, there are free uniform and food. It means that for all uniform and food pays government from country's budget for education of young generation. Second of all, there are many international teachers, so students can talk with them and improve and develop their English, German or another language. Likewise, by communicating with international teachers or with teachers that lived abroad students learn more and become broad-minded. As an example, when I come to school, I usually go to art teacher. Her name is Mrs. Alice, so by talking to her I did not just improve my English, I knew a lot of new information about architecture and design. Third of all, in all of the NIS exists term called “Academic truth”. What is it? Academic truth impacts on student's position in the school. This academic truth includes not copying from another students, not cheating, not stealing documents with exams in it and even do not help. This strategy is based on student's knowledge, it means that all students need to write tests or another exams by themselves without any help. In my opinion, academic truth in our school can be included in advantages of NIS, because it helps to students to understand that only by yourself you can achieve your goals. Fourth of all, between NIS and another schools there are huge differences in education. As I mentioned before, NIS is very unique school, so type of education is unique too. There are many factors that make NIS's form of education different. For example: our school subjects are in different languages. It needs for improving languages, also it shows that NIS is multilingual too. On world history we study in Russian, on art, biology and chemistry we studied in English. Another factor is we have different subjects as art. It includes 3D modeling, making architecture designs, making projects and so on. Fifth of all, is more possibilities in the future. It can be everything from knowing simple things, like where is NYC to possibilities studying in huge universities and being skilled. NIS allows you to pass IELTS, SAT and to study in NU, Nazarbayev University. So, if you finished NIS, as minimum you will be very smart, skilled and broad-minded. Unfortunately, there are many disadvantages of NIS too. Firstly, as I mentioned, there are differences in education between NIS and another schools. Lessons in NIS are more difficult. For example, my friend studied in New York about 2 years and then decided to come back to Almaty. She wanted to pass the exams to NIS and she did it, I didn't even doubt, because she studied in one of prestigious colleges there. When I met her again after 2 terms in NIS, she, literally, cried and said that studying in New York's college was easier than in NIS. Unfortunately, it is true. Secondly, when you study in NIS you always at school. I wake up at half past six a.m. and at 7 a.m. I am already at school. From 8 a.m. to half past four p.m. I am at school. I, literally, live there. Thirdly, in NIS you cannot use mobile phones. You ask, why it is disadvantage? Because, nowadays mobile phone is one of the source of information and sometimes I and another students need it, not just to watch films. Fourthly, when you are starting study in NIS , teachers and parents require the best from you and you try to study well, but it is not so easy, you start having a stress. It is so important to have control over yourself, because some of NIS students had bad illnesses like cancer, etc. To be honest, 1 year ago I had stressful time, because of miscommunication between me and my parents about school, between me and teachers, me and classmates at school. i think, it is huge disadvantage of studying there, because it requires huge effort. In conclusion, I want to say that I hope that my essay was amusing and useful for you. And by my advices you can decide, should you study in NIS or not.

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