READ this when you lack of motivation to go on!!!

Read This when you lack motivation to go on!!! #When you lack motivation to go on, you doubt everything. you may not realize it, but the way you view your worth changes. you may question what you are doing, whether it be your studies, your careers, or your life choices. you may be questioning your worth- does a failure like me deserve to be friend with someone as smart as him or her, do they actually care or am I just a piece in this game of life? #I know you probably know these voices are telling you lies. but when you lack the motivation to go on, these doubts becomes louder than the voice of the truth. #When you are lack of motivation to go on, you find yourself giving into your emotional more. you question your strength when you saccumb to your stresses, to your breakdowns, to your tears, you find yourself feeling more distracted and losing your concentration easily. #when you lack the motivation to go on, you sometimes find yourself feeling numb, you find yourself losing control. whether it being your eating habits or your discipline in committing to your responsibilities. I know you find yourself procrastinating as much as you can and as long as you used to love. #And I'm here to tell you that it' okay. It's okay that you may feel like this for a while.But when you lack the motivation to go on, know that you will get up again. #when you lack the motivation to go on, know what it won't be permanent unless you allow it to be. you will get up again because you are stronger than you think you are. you will get up again, just like before. When you lack the motivation to go on, know that this does not reflect on your worth. I promise, there will be better days and better moments ahead.

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