Papa Johnny come lately to the pizza party of social media

Nod duh amount of collusion can Lyft my natural tentative Uber Vudu wired yik yak zen based deep fried Googly eyed Hulu (indeed) jibber jabber ring kickstarting livingsocial Myspace! Thus, this circumspect, dapper, electronically fitbit groupon heretic individualist jangles kickstarter linkedin motive narrating outlook pertaining to various technological innovations suddenly become good and plenti during the latter half of his three score orbitz, while travelocity on this oblate spheroid. Unlike deux daughters, (the youngest merely twenty anniversaries removed from her birth February 4th 2019, and the eldest approximately twenty six months), who both got weaned on the ABC's of computer accouterments during kindergarten, this dada Dinosaur quaintly recalls the old fashioned desks with inkwells meant for dunking ponytails. As an obedient quite quiet lad, no shenanigans, (asper dipping hair into unnatural shade of black or blue, and subsequently receiving the same hue SMACK a roo right in the kisser deftly delivered courtesy of strongest girl in class) attests his memories tend to be rather unexciting. Hence fast forward to this moment (just for an interim before revisiting days of bashful boyhood), and allow me to elucidate my affinity for prevarication, especially to entice the eyes of an unknown reader. Thus let me return to sitting with perfect posture. The one classroom per grade little red brick schoolhouse (constructed by bachelor non E. Grieg guess Norwegian farmers) devoid of any electronic paraphernalia. Wick head looking candles illuminated each alcove. The general electric fan perhaps the only non manually operated contraption. Hardwood benumbed bumstead now replaced with comfortable faux leather easy chairs with upteen gizmos for the average student to remain self occupied, while the teacher absent mindedly fiddles with her/his handy dandy palm size sophisticated snapping, crackling, and popping wireless fidelity. No spoiler alerts during those primitive modes of learning preceding by decades before the advent of ergonomic, NON GMO gluten free global positioning satellite, posturepedic, hydraulic operated, , humanized, mechanized individual hermetically sealed pods! No doubt this old geezer would be like a fish out of water if brought into the modern twenty first century educational facility. Every last kid would be tethered with gadgets, and attuned into a customized impromptu lecture accessing, allocated, assigned (for keeps) alien looking equipment to this Luddite. Blackboards (really unfractallated slate - now worth a mint), and chalk sufficed to teach all the then known knowledge to man/woman kind. Most pupils (enforced to address the head master or mistress, - no married women permitted) as Benevolent Sir or Your Highness (frequently corrupted to heiney accompanied with a twitter of titters). Strict adherence to formal attire naturally mandated insync with politesse toward figurative line with obligation to manners. Thus street clothes (pre torn jeans that cost a small fortune), beachwear, et cetera unacceptable. Strict adherence to couture rules and regulations, would also count when report cards (milled paper) got issued for each one of four quartered nine month state compliance punishment . Upon reflecting the now every day (once radical, not far long ago within a nearby solar system of the Milky Way) Earthlinked digital contrivances adorning every Hotmail wannabe, those antiquated parochial teaching/learning environments did hold an avast advantageous candle box advantage versus the entire methodology inculcating young people how to function with an extremely webbed wide world, which paradigm an absolute necessity to become gainfully employed. A touch of nostalgia necessitates yours truly to blink back tears. He found comfort holding and/or cracking the binding of bound printed material, though I must confess a strong dislike to the Dewey Decimal System, which appeared as Egyptian hieroglyphics. Aside from manually turning tangible pages (unlike Ebooks, which do not interest me in the la east), each well thumbed required suitably deemed reading topical writer , (which paled compared to discovering lesser known authors) also exuded an faint aroma, and hinted at a much simpler way of life compared to the highly charged (amped up) frenzy, where the transmitting and/or receiving bits and bytes a twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five day a year constant barrage of data packets. When documents, finished instructions, knowledge leveraged modes to assess comprehension, et cetera uploaded, the remaining leisure time undifferentiated as young people manipulate a cache of similarly wrought information (immense) applied to Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat,Twitter, the ever growing array of miniaturized bajillion lobbed bots, whose processing capacity mind boggling. No longer exceptional simply boasting every stipulated historical date, state capitol, sporting statistic, etc.

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