
Quite often when one grows up, one realizes that the opinions and conclusions about events and people that were dear to one might have been flawed. That, there were instances when we erred- the realization strikes one hard and humbles one at the same time. The narrow prism with which one has viewed the world is often a reflection of the environment that one grew in. It could have been tolerant or intolerant. It could have been a happy one or one that evoked sadness. It could have been one where rules were essential or one where mistakes were accepted to be a natural part of growing up. Irrespective of the scenario that was, it is obvious that one would have been poorer without them. Life has its ups and downs. Acknowledging the mistakes that one makes and preventing a repetition enables one to live a better life. It has been rightly said, "Make mistakes. Learn from them. Move on."

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Tiana Mar

Poet & Aspiring Author

Srebrenica, Bosnia & Herzegovina