Men need to be empowered more!

Feminism- A term which is widely misunderstood. Some people believe that feminism is synonymous with the upliftment of women. In actual it is the belief which is related to equality where everyone is having the same rights and opportunities irrespective of their genders. Feminism is not something where you focus on females only. Males should not be neglected either. In actual they are the ones who need to be 'empowered' and taken care of more. When you are sending your daughter to school, to self defence classes, music classes, sports events, etc. don't pat yourself on the back just yet. That is you doing your bit to 'normalise' the idea of women in traditionally male spaces. You need to do the reverse as well. Make your son do the dishes, fold the clothes, arrange things and cook a basic meal. This will 'normalise' the idea of men in traditionally female spaces too. This is something which is far more important. You see chauvinistic men in the society? They all are there because of their third class upbringing. Males especially young boys should be given more attention so that they grow up to become better human beings with gender equality in their mind and respect for everyone in their heart.

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Afia Jahan

Content Writer, Photographer, Creative Writer

Pabna, Bangladesh