If Words Could Talk

There's something special about words. Everywhere one can point to on a globe has one of those " words " that represent it. Everywhere you see , your brain interprets using these arranged letters. You hear noises , and try to put a label on what they are - where they come from .. Smells, tastes ; often times best described when words themselves can't define them. Touch. Even if one can't see, they can use their hands and translate a vast amount of bumps that represent something much more. Hands. We use them to write, we use them to type. If one can't hear, they're used to communicate. SO many languages are out there, most of which have a sub-language using only hand movements - each one a word, apart of sentence that helps describe, define and navigate the world around us. Words. Words, they transcend the senses we've evolved around them. Words, will find a way. Words, are the human experience. From the time we are born, we listen. Most cannot remember being an infant, and we often wander why! One is told about them self during these all essential stages, shown picture, home videos, yet no recollection. Most babies don't have their first word until they're 1-1.5 years old, and that first words is in the language of those who speak to them the most. Most of us, as a whole, can't recall any memories before the age of 2. 2 is a magical age. A lot of in and out, remembering bits and pieces if anything at all. We can walk at this point, we're almost able to do a lot of things on our own, however, we can't quiet hold a conversation. 3 years old. By the age of 3, we can at least understand whats being said to us, and we can respond with some coherence. For many, the fading in and out stops and this age becomes the age where a majority of people can begin remembering things. Why? Whats changed? Sure , a 3 years old is .. older, they're no longer using their knees and hands to get from one napping point to another. There's something else that triggers this point in life that makes one be able to be " conscious ". Words. Being able to associate the world around them , with more than just instinct. Dogs have been along side humans for 1000's of years. Even with different DNA, different anatomy, evolution has led them to be some of the most teachable and domesticated animals on Earth. Why is that? Dogs are mans best friend, the bond an owner has is poetic. We can raise a puppy from beginning to end and love them as a part of our family. There's got to be a reason why there so trainable, so lovable!? Communication. Dogs have the intelligence of a 2 year old, meaning they can understand around 250 words and gestures, and like humans, any language they're taught in they will adapt too. We love them so much because they listen, they understand. 2 year old humans , though, continue to progress. Eventually, 2 becomes 3, and three becomes .. that magical age. A 2 year old ( and some dogs alike ) has the ability to understand whats being said, but often can't communicate outside of noise, and body language. Memory. Memory, in my opinion - is something special. Memory is what makes life worth living. Memory often starts at age 3. Consciousness as a whole stops fading in and out and is more consistent. Connections. When we , as humans, can put words to things we observe, we make memories. A hot stove becomes something we know not to touch, people start having names and before we know were talking in sentences. Language. When one can describe the world around them, the observations they make become concrete. The grass is green and the sky is up. The sun is bright and boo-boos hurt. The ability to digest information and internally/externally describe & define it is what makes us human. Humanity. Being able to discuss what life is, is what separates us from every other species. Being able to talk in so many languages, with our voice, hand movements, with music. Being human, is being able to put our senses into thought - being able to take our thought and share them with the world , if we so choose. We're different from animals and everything else on this planet because of many, many things. The thing that really separates us and helped us ascend primal existence of our ancient heritage: Words. A life without words is the life of the animal kingdom. A life without the ability to define what the human experience is , is a life without memory, without meaning. To give meaning, is to define. To define, is to articulate, something no creature that will roam the 7 seas can do except the ones able to read this. Words - ( are ) The Human Experience

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