I have learned that it is about choosing yourself

I have learned that it is not about who you miss, but I think that it is about choosing people who also choose you in return, as well. Maybe it is not about the doors that close, but focusing on the ones that open for you, as a result. Maybe it is not about perfection, but simply learning how to co-exist with your own personal flaws. Maybe it is not just about who walks out, but rather who ends up walking into your life afterwards, to help you clean up the mess from the person before. I have learned that it is not about how many times that you fall, but I think all that matters is that you eventually get back up again with another plan. I do not think that healing has to always be pretty and tears absolutely do not make you weak, but that sometimes those lonely moments are simply essential for growth. I believe that we are all going to miss someone at some point throughout our lives and that it does not make you weak, it just proves that the love and the feelings were genuinly real, even in their absence. I know people typically tell other people who are going through a loved ones' death tell them that “time heals everything.” However, I do not know about you, but that phrase does not seem to make me feel any better at that time. I honestly do not think that there is a timeline for healing, because there is simply not a place that you can go or even a version of yourself that you can become, to rid yourself of it. I have also realized that you cannot get over something or somebody by just simply trying to avoid it or that person. I have learned that there is not logic when it comes to emotions and sometimes another persons' feelings do just change and that there is nothing that you can do to reverse that. I have learned that the only real thing that you can do is to put your best self out there and hope that the person on the receiving end is at a place themselves where they are ready for that sort of thing, but know that this will not always be the case. I want you to know that you cannot teach another person to respect you and sometimes the hardest walks that you will ever take in your entire life are going to end up being when you are going to have to walk away from the people who just cannot support you the way that you might need at the time, so that you are able to become the best version of yourself, the version that you are meant to be. I want you to know that sometimes even the people who may very well love and care about us, are actually the most toxic to us and they will probably be the hardest people to distance yourself from. I have learned that if you must walk away from anybody or anything, please do so without bitterness, resentment or unkindness because ultimately it is how you walk away that people will remember the most. Sometimes you are going to have to forgive people even though they might not even be remorseful, because you simply deserve peace of mind and happiness within yourself. I have learned that the hardest person that you are going to have to learn to forgive is yourself, because each and every last one of us are still learning, still trying and still striving on a daily basis to do our absolute best and to try to lead a life that we can also be proud of. Sometimes on the journey to becoming your best self, there almost always are going to be moments when you are at your worst, but even then there will be people or atleast someone who will choose you as a person and who also will love you and want you but above all, you must remember to always choose yourself no matter what.

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