How To Improve Our Skills In Time Management

Know Importance of Time? Time is such a Blessing of Allah that he equally distributes for each person. No one can claim that I have less time for this and that person. Either poor and a Rich both have the same 24 hours. First, make a perception of time in your mind? Whether Internal Links and External Links. Why do you fail to manage Time? Is it out of control? Or some other reason? Time such a precious thing in this world that is priceless. Time Management is just like Life Management. The problem starts when we think that we have to die and everything will end. And do nothing in advance. Remember one Thing Big people are Bigger than their life, their Time. Time is a Key to your success it depends whether you Lock or Unlock your life's activities Wisely. Since we have to learn how to make the best use of our Time? Key Tips, to Enhance your Skills in Time Mgt 1. How to Plan for Time Mgt? One Time is your Prime Time or a Gold Time, especially for students the prime time is at night when Res of the world is usually sleeping. Its different for all, and do your prime task in that Prime Time. Judge your Activities, three things are there Yourself, your family, your Social Circle. R you giving enough time to all? Especially male works all the time in offices, and spend whole time and wither they Give Quality Time to their Children? And your Isolation is also important, most people engage more to escape from their Isolation. You know Why? Because they don't want to recall that they can't realize their past or any unwanted thing that. But If you are using your time of Isolation you are Believe Me You are enjoying the real life with full colors. 2. PRIORITISE LIST OF IMPORTANT THINGS Written thing will Awake you that things thing you have to do to memories. Maybe your family tasks are important for the day, prioritize them. It might be possible your office work are important for the day. Or your friend is in trouble. You have to Pay attention to your Health and Fitness. Or you need Isolation for some time. You need to Charge yourself to set priorities, So do Justice with your Time. 3. Make a List of things that waste your time. Two things are there, Time Management is Issue for those, either you have more things to do and you take less time, Time, Or you have some few tasks but Time is More.So both have to manage in a better way to learn something new or professional. Little time is wasted by every person. But what lessons you have concluded from the Events of your Life are also Important. You know the Intelligent peoples of the world explains their tragedies and Good lucks later on. To conclude something meaningful and later on they realize the at everything is attached. And You know one Thing no Famous Person can Criticize someone. So if we are blaming something, and still have regrets, this is the sign that you haven't make the Best use of your Time. And that blaming habit will harm you and turns back to you again and again. 4. Play Most Effective Role is being Proactive, are those who prepare them self in Advance. Practice different things to manage something that how it is difficult. Students often think that after getting higher degree or medals we think that one repute job will be just waiting for us to open the door. But the time after getting a degree and between the job or point where we want to reach we totally waste our time instead of learning something. So, Be Proactive in your life, as Proactiveness makes you strong, active and helps you to utilize your Time effectively. Take some responsibility for managing an event or learning a new skill to discover the manger inside you. Management should be learned from every person. Every person should be a good manager to manage a Good life. 5. We have to Change our Mind Set Especially Girls are asked what you have to do the usually the answer is we have to marry. And the professional life is ended. We have to change the mind. Real Life example, If we say everything will end that we are actually dead inside before the Time. 6. At least do something extra, without pay for real satisfaction. Or at least prepare yourself to face something Always have Multiple options to do that if you are getting bored then do. Don't be too strict to your life enjoy it. And any day which you find, this day is not good, renew your planning and take a new start. Some Famous saying is that If someone has to do something, one Life is Enough and If he doesn't want to do than 500 Lives he has he can do nothing. So, if you have some goal, targets, and Allah has blessed you with Time so make the Best use of them. 7. Tip If you still have doubts that something will be waste do it like its Last thing for you. Don't wait for tomorrow do it today. Like it's a famous saying offer the prayer just like it's you are offering the last prayer. Time is also a blessing once it is passed it will never come back. So we need to Change our habits to use Time, our future will be change.

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