Daily Life As A Medical Student

Various leadership skills are professionalism, communication, cooperation, and the ability to empathize. Modern medicine is extraordinarily diverse, and it is always developing and changing, so it is important to always be prepared. To begin the day, the attending physician would call a meeting with a number of medical students, interns, and residents in order to ascertain who would be presenting the cases. To ensure that a medical student is prepared, they should introduce themself to the involved nursing staff, and ask if there were any changes overnight that the team needed to be aware of. This displays strong professionalism, and a medical student should start this exposure and establish a positive relationship early. A medical student should use effective communication skills to pass on information to the patient, his/her family, and other team members. Greeting and introducing oneself to the patient and his/her family is greatly encouraged, and the presenter should use proper speaking techniques: projection, enunciation, good posture, and eye contact while presenting. Following rounds, a student may be asked to come up with a plan for further action, and they should work with his/her colleagues to provide a solution. A number of people may argue that it is the job of the students to provide a solution by themselves, but they do not know everything. The wonderful thing about medicine today is that you have staff members coming from different places where they have unique academic experiences, which ultimately advances the welfare of the system. As a medical student, it is very important to remember that the patient is a person, not a disease. Although we live in a culturally diverse society, a connection needs to be established in order to ensure a trusting relationship. In an effort to be patient-centered in this practice, staff members should explain the proposed plan of care with the patient and family and allow them space to ask questions. There is no “moral procedure” when sharing information, but there needs to be a shift in demeanor; however, a promise should never be made, no matter what. Promises are misguided hope, and there almost needs to be a small emotional disconnect. In other words, a health care provider needs to show concern and that he/she wants what is best for the patient, but there cannot be a detrimentally strong attachment. Furthermore, a patient may seek help from an outside specialist, and this is where we encounter interdisciplinary rounds. When rounding on these cases, one should converse with them and obtain any information that would be relevant to the medical case. In order to excel in contemporary medicine, medical students must always be prepared by possessing the necessary leadership skills. They must know how to maintain professional composure, effectively communicate information, work with other staff members, and empathize without attachment. These concepts fuse to produce a favorable outcome that will positively affect others across the globe.

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