Bad Life Experience

BAD LIFE EXPERIENCE I grew up within the ages of 0 to 10 years with my grandparent, my biological mum was a single mum who got pregnant in her high school days and in those days women do not school with pregnancy, due to that situation my mum had to leave to Yaoundé in search of a better life, she left me in the hands of my grandparent who showered me with so much love, they did all they could to see me through primary school, I did my best to succeed from primary one to primary 7 unfortunately death took away my biological mother, I went through a lot of pains at that time , the only time I was getting to know my mum, she left me without saying a word, I felt like I should just die but was helped by my grandparent. She was finally buried and time passed. I completed my primary 7 passing my first school and common entrance in list ‘'A'', it was then time for me to start my secondary school, my grandparent did not have money to sponsor me in school they wanted me to go learn a trade but I loved education so much that I just wanted to continue with my education, my dad had the money to sponsor me to school but he insisted I should come live with him but my grandparent rejected the proposal because he was married and they were afraid that I will be maltreated. I was not happy at all because I really love to continue education. I had to plead with my grandparents to let me go get admission in town where they were living, and then my dad met them and promised to enroll me in a bothering school but never kept to his word. School started and I was admitted in form one and was now living with my dad and my step mother, my step mother, set a time table for me, from my house to school was 30minutes and same minutes when am coming back home ,we closed school at exactly 2.30 and I have to reach the house at exactly 3.p.m any munities pass that time I will receive serious beatings from my step mum, so immediately school is closed I will pick up my bag and start running as if military men were behind me, that was just to make sure I did not get home any minutes pass 3.00 p.m because I would receive serious beatings . and even when I get home at that time my step mum will starve me, giving me so much work to do , I have to wait for her children to return from their nursery school, pick them up, bathe them, wash their uniforms before I start cleaning the plates they use to eat, carry water, all this I did with an empty stomach, while her children were eating after they return from school and even when am done with what I was assigned to do she will still not give me food, when it's like 11.00 p.m when everyone is getting to bed that is when she come and scrub the food under the pot and gives me to eat. I lived in my father's house as like a prisoner, it was even better to live in prison knowing the crime you committed rather than living in that house not knowing your fault but yet going through so much torment. When I succeeded and was promoted to form 3, I thought things will be better but instead, things got worse, she would wake me up at 2.00 a.m to go fetch water at a public tap of about 35minutes walk. At that time everyone would still be sleeping, I would walk alone in the middle of the night to fetch water, it was God protecting me because I could have been raped, killed or even kidnapped. I was going through menstrual pains and instead of her feeling my pains, she saw it as an opportunity to torment me, during menstruation my stomach hurts a lot but instead she will bring all the dirty dresses in the house for me to wash, I will be washing the dresses and crying of menstrual pains , I did not even have time to read my books all I deed was cramming just to pass, when washing dresses I place my book beside me then cramming it while working because I will never have time to read, I remember a time my step mum almost killed me she gave me the beatings of my life that day she took her leg and smashed my stomach because of money my aunt gave so I can buy pants for myself because I had none but she wanted to take the money and use it for herself . Going through all this and my dad was aware but could not offer a word, trying to save his marriage. I decided to skip some classes so I can leave that house and go to the university to have peace of mind , I decided to write Ordinary level in form 4 instead of form five , and also wrote Advance level in lower sixth instead of upper sixth , even on the eve of writing GCE she beats me up and threw me out, I slept in a rejected kitchen with so much rain, struggle the next morning went and wrote the GCE and finally I made it, I went to university of Buea where I studied Banking and Finance but unfortunately I fell so ill and could not continue school again, struggling with the illness all these years and finally I am studying Business Administration at University of the people online, doing my best now to cope with school and health,

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