A Day In My Life

This Day In My Life segment was written by me originally on 14th June 2021 but for some reason I didn't post it that day (Idk why?). So although it is a week late, it still can be considered today's post because the routine is almost the same everyday. It all began with my mother waking me up at around 6:15 a.m. and for the next 10 minutes or so I tried to find the motivation to get out of my bed and start my day. Amidst my mother's constant scoldings when I eventually got out of my bed, I had a big glass of water. It acts as a soothing source internally. Then I made my bed. Around this time, my little brother woke up too. While having the morning milk together, which is typically hot milk with Bournvita, we talked some random stuff probably our studies, or about some person, we were scrolling our phones simultaneously too (this is a bad habit I guess). After this, I quickly got ready for the swimming pool. This preparation generally includes cleansing my face and applying sunscreen, occasionally oiling my hair too. By 7:15 a.m. we left with our parents for the pool. My brother was driving. We swam for a good one hour. Swimming is a good exercise and I think the time my parents have selected for this i.e., the morning, is very relevant as well as productive for us. We left the pool by 8:30 a.m. and this time I drove the car (My brother and I have recently learnt to drive so we do it turn by turn back & forth). After getting home, I had a shower and got ready for the day, then all the essentials and skincare (the bad sun tan after swim... ugh!!). We had our breakfast at around 9:30 a.m. or so. While eating my breakfast, I watched a bit of YouTube – have recently discovered a new channel and I have been binge-watching all her videos. This all happened for the next 20 minutes and then I prepared myself for my online class and had a cursory glance on the previous day's notes (this helps a lot). By 10 a.m. the class started and it continued for the next 45 minutes. Generally I have 5-6 classes to attend, but since most of my teachers are busy with the university examination duty, I have just one class today. By 10:50 I was done with my first session of study. My brother & I had been planning to watch a movie since the last few days so the day before yesterday he downloaded the newest installation of Conjuring universe which was released on 26th May- 'The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It'. So today around 11 a.m. we sat for the movie and finished it by 1 p.m. I can't exactly remember what I had been doing after that. From 1:40 to 1:55 p.m. I performed my Dhuhr Salah. By that time my father had also returned from the office. We all had the lunch together and after that a little rest and power off for everybody. This all continued for more than an hour and it was not until 3 p.m. that I sat for studying. From 3 to 5 I had my next session of study (YES after my online class in the morning I didn't study anything till now! In fact this is my FIRST self study session of today.) At 5 p.m. I performed my Asr Salah (I was a little late today). After this till 5:45 p.m. I wrote and arranged this post which you are reading. Then I went outside for a walk with my mother. We came back by 6:30 p.m. Then I performed the Maghrib Salah. Now for the next half an hour, I was doing some random things and I think I was online, checking the whatsapp texts. Then at 7 p.m., I sat for study and this continued for the next one hour. At around 8 p.m. we had the dinner and then a walk. It was 9:30 p.m. when I got up for the Isha Salah and performed it in the next 30 minutes. Then till 10:30 p.m. I was busy with my phone surfing the internet. From 10:30 to 11:30 p.m. I studied for one more hour. And then by 12 I was off to sleep. (Many a time I sleep at 11 also, but it depends.) So overall, it was a normal day which was well spent. But doing the same things again & again daily makes it monotonous. Nevertheless this is the best which I can do in these tough times. I finished high school in 2020 and entered college the same year but unfortunately just like many other freshers I have not been able to have a proper on-campus experience of my college life till now. All our formal introductions happened through Zoom. I did see everyone physically in the Induction Meet, but how much can one interact with unknown people on the very first day? Since then we all have been keeping track of each other through Whatsapp and online classes regularly but still there is something missing. 1 out of my 3 years here is almost over. I feel very small and powerless. The sole motive to write this 'Day Of My Life' is to cage these memories and preserve them so that later on when in the future I will read it, I will get to recall how life was during the pandemic and that I sailed through it successfully.


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Kyiv, Ukraine