
Holding a pen in hands Raushan was doing her homework but due to the quarrel between her parents in the next room it was difficult to focus. The reason for that was the nature of Raushan, who was like the prickly thorns of a rose. In order to hide from the harsh reality, at the age of sixteen, the girl found peace and serenity in her favourite activity – drawing. She shared the same feeling as Vincent Van Gogh: "Art is to console those who are broken by life." Once she was lonely walking down the school hallway. At some point a noise caught her attention. It was a crowd of juniors rushing towards her. Raushan did not have time to avoid, as a result, all her belongings including her sketches were scattered on the floor. A classmate was laughing and showing everyone the sketches. After that incident Raushan completely lost hope of getting closer to her peers. Returning home in tears she noticed a graffiti similar to her drawings on the wall of an old building. From that moment on graffiti became her consolation. In the evening she went out looking for inspiration for her hobby. It took away her desire to draw, so she walked to the forest outside the city, away from the noise. It became quieter. She was hoping to find a beautiful landscape but was disappointed. The view of dying nature was in front of her, however as she went deeper in the forest she felt the warm rays of the waning sun, the gentle singing of birds, the rustle of leaves and other strange rustle ... Raushan felt someone's presence behind her. She turned abruptly and saw a doe. Despite the impressive size and appearance of the animal she felt a connection with it. She got a little closer but it took a few steps back as if giving her a way. Raushan followed it into the heart of the forest. The doe laid down under a large oak tree and she sat next to it. Feeling safe Raushan fell asleep. Looking around, she noticed some small wounded animals. The doe cured its wounds with the tip of the nose. When it came to the next one the doe pushed a little squirrel towards her. Raushan removed a plastic bag from its head which was preventing its breath. The animal was not scared but felt safe in Raushan's hands. At some point the doe began to evaporate right into the air. Later she kept thinking of the incident in the forest. In her dream, she was trying to get out of a huge crowd and finally she succeeded. Some strangers were painting Raushan with a doe on the wall. Her attention was attracted by the inscription: "Take care of nature, otherwise nature will stop taking care of you," as well as a link to the website in large font. At that moment she was woken up by alarm clock. On the way home she felt a pungent smell of decomposing garbage and saw the building from her dream. She walked up closer and found a link to the familiar website on the wall. On the website she found hundreds of works by talented Kazakh artists. The site was intended not just for artists like her but all environment activists. Raushan decided to share her work and published her drawing. People were asking what has inspired her. She decided to get to know people close to her in spirit and she realised that their works were not appreciated. A few days flew by. One night the girl dreamed of a doe asking for help and there was utter chaos behind it. Raushan woke up in cold sweat and unrested. She discussed her dream in the community. One of the participants suggested the dream could be an omen of the consequences of environment pollution. The image of a doe, wounded animals and clogged forest were disturbing the girl's mind. Raushan decided to do something together with the community members at the wall with a link to the site. A week later the artists came to the hometown of Raushan. To begin with they cleaned the contaminated area. Neither the smell of rotten food nor the huge garbage bags could suppress their determination. Each plastic bottle or can they lifted became a step towards a clean, green and healthy environment. Raushan hoped this was just the beginning and the youth of Kazakhstan would change the things for the better. The artists started to paint a doe and a girl surrounded by picturesque nature pouring out dazzling colors of life. Under the image they wrote: "Take care of our Land! We can do this together!" Passers-by began to gather nearby delighted with the display of talent and optimism of young people. It inspires us all to take care of our planet!" Other people nodded in support, their eyes shining with admiration. Raushan recognised her schoolmates in the crowd, to her surprise they admired her work. Suddenly, journalists with cameras approached the girl. She realised her work changed not only the city, but made her stronger and more confident. Back home, her parents proudly presented their daughter's work to the guests. Pride in their eyes made her feel more determined than ever.

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Afia Jahan

Content Writer, Photographer, Creative Writer

Pabna, Bangladesh