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Rome was not build in a day

Feb 25, 2018 7 years ago

Roman Empire was one of the greatest empires that the history of civilization has seen. It was said that ‘sun never sets on Rome' as it was such a large empire with its wings spread out wide, it was built over years of hard work and labors. The city of Rome was its capital. Rome is renowned for its architectural beauty. It has many beautiful buildings, parks, gardens, fountains, etc. Even to this day, the name of Rome has its marvelous glory. So when we say that Rome was not built in a day means success does not come in a day. It's a hard work of days, months and years that lead to success. We should not judge each day by the harvest that we reap, but by the seeds that we have planted. As we sow, so we reap. So we have to burn the midnight oil to achieve success. In this endeavor, we have to be as smart as a snake and innocent as a dove. The world's best music composed by Beethoven was with years of hard work and rigorous practice without giving up. Life is not about a day, its build on a continuous progression and has to be maintained until the day we live in this world. To achieve something there is a need for continuous training and knowledge gathering process. Even if we are on the right track we need to keep running or we will end up in failure. The men and women who have tasted the fruit of success have also known the pain and sacrifice behind their success. The world's richest man Bill Gates said “if you are born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor it's your mistake” as the world gives a lot of opportunities to all. Every human being has 24 hours every day and it's up to him to use or misuse the time. Hard work with smart work is the formula for success, and there is no shortcut to success. One day two woodcutters went to chop wood in a forest. One man cut twenty trees in a day and the other man cut only five trees but the man who cut only five trees never took rest at all he was working all whole day in the hot sun but the other man took rest after cutting each tree and also managed to cut twenty trees, so the woodcutter asked the man who cut more trees “How did you manage to cut more trees than me when even you were not working continuously with me? “ The man replied: Yes, you are right I took rest after cutting each tree, but the difference was when I took rest I was not sitting idle instead was sharpening my axe which enabled me to cut more trees with the sharper axe. The moral of this is we have to work hard but also combine it with smart work or we would be of low output to the society. Hard work and smart work is two sides of the same coin. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean. This saying holds good at all times, our body, mind, and soul have to work together to achieve success. Other factors which come in the path of success are the society in which we live, our family, geographical situations, mental health and social conditions. Sometimes these factors may respond positively and sometimes negatively also. But it's a matter of how we respond to the crises that make us move on if we want to keep cribbing we can or we can say “where there is a will there is a way” Behind every success, there is a history of hard work and any man who has scaled great heights will have a story of hard work to share for the fruits of success he achieved. Unless the field is well tilled, plowed, sowed, watered, and taken care the yield will not be the finest. “History is created by people with courage and wisdom. Courage is individual but wisdom comes with experience” says Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in his book Turning Point - A Journey through Challenges. A family is not created in a single day of marriage; Organisations are not organized in a day. It may be an effort of a lifetime that we achieve success. So we have to plan well, as success is not a short-term goal. It is a long-term goal and a lifetime goal, we need to have determination for it. Gold has to undergo a tough process in the furnace to be refined and made useful. So it's a course of battle before we attain success, it's not an overnight achievement. All men who achieved success was not born with a golden spoon in their mouth but their endurance made impossible possible, by that ordinary life was transformed into extraordinary. One of the best examples is of a boy who studied under the street light who then became the president of the United States of America. The boy is none other than Abraham Lincoln. Electricity was not commonly used across the states and was a basic necessity used by rich classes only. In daylight, they had to work for their livelihood, but the night when all slept this boy was awake gathering knowledge and he got the result of his hard work. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet. So from the saying “Rome was not built in a day” means that. There is no shortcut to success only hard work clubbed with smart work will lead us to magnificent moments in our lives.

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