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Hello fellow writers and readers of the world, I'm a latecomer to all this authorship business after accidentally writing a children's book a couple of years ago and leaving the floodgates open for many more worlds of words to come spilling forth from these formerly dormant grey cells.
I have always had a toe in the water but never thought I had anything anyone would want to read. It took me a long time to realise that it is the joy of the creative process and not the validation which is the prize, though a bit of story glory wouldn't go amiss.
My work leans more towards the younger audiences but are written very much with adults in mind so I guess it is a multi-layer approach providing a fantastic story with pockets and caves of depth and truth. I sit within the sci-fi/fantasy/speculative fiction realms but I'm not afraid to dig into the drama and detail of the everyday trials of the human condition.
Though middle grade and YA is my passion I have a number of short stories aimed for an adult audience and collections of poetry for both children and the young at heart as well as the more literary amongst us.

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