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My name is Megan. I was born on April 13th, 2003 in Butler Pennsylvania. I was premature. I weighed in at 4 lbs and 15oz. I had Jaundice. When I was three, my dad died in a car accident. It just gets worse from there

My Fat-Man
Jul 05, 2019 5 years agoThey often say pets are people's best friends. My Fat-Man is no exception. Fat-man is a reasonably large black and white cat. He was born around 2010. His mother was an indoor/outdoor cat. However, she had her babies inside. She would next proceed to resolutely take the innocent babies outside under the trailer. When we went out and retrieved them, she transported them right back out. We naturally worried about the kittens, but they were always fine. We intended on getting rid of all the cats but, I talked my mom into fixing and keeping Fat-man and he remained an indoor/outdoor cat. He came and went as he pleased. I perceive him as one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen. His glossy fur is long and silky. However, if you pet him, you'll likely end up covered in his fur. His head is primarily black, except a bit of white on his chin. The white on his chin goes down into his chest area but stops halfway. The rest of him is black, minus his paws. Even though his paws are white, they're always clean. Much like a proper man wearing white gloves. He is constantly cleaning himself. Whenever you try to manage the burs in his fur, he'll get agitated and growl at you. He has never hissed. My mom repeatedly said he was more like a dog. He growled, played fetch, and drank plentifully out of the toilet. My Fat-Man is also incredibly intelligent. When we moved houses, we didn't want to allow him outside because my mom and I were genuinely worried he'd get bewildered in the unfamiliar environment and not come back. But he is wild at heart and desired to be outside. He snuck past us and zoomed into the vast trailer park. We were frightened he was gone for good. However, one typical day my mom and I were sitting passively on the couch. We were talking but got interrupted by something hitting the window causing a visible shadow to envelop the room. The shadow was accompanied by bu a ´thud´ and then a noise that sounded like velcro being taken apart. My mom and I were confused, and honestly a bit scared. We went outside seeing what the noise was. Sure enough, there sat my lovely cat. He had jumped up on the window to capture our attention and then dragged his claws down the window screen. This continued for a considerable while until the mesh screen was completely destroyed. People who own pets for a while start to pick up on their pets little quirks. Fat-Man had many quirks. You could sit peacefully in the yard and play fetch with him. You could toss a bouncy ball or a milk ring and he would typically return it back. I've also noticed that in the sunlight, you can undoubtedly see brown in his fur. In the Summer his coat gets thinner and, in the Winter it gets thicker. I've always preferred his winter coat. He voluntarily allows you to cradle him like a baby. After all, he is my baby boy. Whenever you don't allow him outside, he'll get frustrated and hell huff like a child does when they don't receive the toy they've asked for. He'll stretch up towards the doorknob as f he's trying to open it. Although he appreciates people, he does not exactly get along with other cats. When he came inside to eat, the other cats would hiss and growl at him. Ultimately, we had to start stowing him in my room. He loved laying near me. Notwithstanding when it was extremely humid in my room. He would knead my arm, trying to get comfortable. However, he tended to use his claws, so it felt more like pins and needles. Once he got relaxed, though, it was impossible to shift him. He was dead weight. And believe me, he isn't exactly light. His name is a bit misleading. He isn't fat. When he was a kitten, he was extremely fluffy making him look fat. In fact, he is very muscular. I have so many stories of this amazing cat, and they probably wouldn't be able to be confined to 5,000 words, so I'll just tell my favorites to close. In one case, we had to have our house flea bombed, and we had to transport the cats somewhere else for a bit. I buckled that poor cat into the seatbelt with me instead of putting him in a crate like the other cats. Another time, we had just gotten home, and I went into the kitchen. Something almost flew into my head. There was undoubtedly a live bird in our house. Fat-Man dragged this innocent bird into our house through a hole we had behind the washer. My mom eventually threw a towel over the bird's head and flung it outside. The last story is about the time Fat-Man got injured. He had come home limping. Naturally concerned, we hauled him to a veterinarian. Fat-Mans leg was fractured clean. He had to stay inside for a bit which he didn't like at all. He was so exhilarated to finally get back out there. My Fat-Man is such an extraordinary cat. He's capable, quirky, radiant, easy-going, and honestly one of the best cats I've ever had. And believe me, I've had 16 cats. Fat-Man is sincerely my most beloved friend. I know he's just a cat, but he's consistently been there to console me. I cherish him. My cat. My Fat-Man.