
Elizabeth Oyefara

An aspiring medical student and writer

Asaba, Nigeria

I am a Christian medical student who is passionate about writing and life as a whole. I know that life is not a bed of roses, but a good story could be all that is needed to ignite hope again.

To live again

Jun 18, 2024 9 months ago

It started of as any regular day; sunny, with a clear sky, as well as the motivation to be a diligent student. Exams were coming up, and there were more topics to read than I cared to count. I was situated in front of my reading table seated on my chair, when all of a sudden it started raining. I did not think much about it and was about to proceed with reading when I suddenly developed a headache. I decided to just ignore initially, but then it became too severe and I had to take a nap. On waking up, I did not feel any better and chose to take an analgesic. I took another nap, hoping I would feel better after. I infact did not feel better. I felt much worse and sick to my soul. I initially refused to go to the health center and chose to stay put on my bed. This continued for 2 days, and on the 3rd day, my roommates and friends had had enough of me and my stubbornness. An ambulance was called and I was aided to enter the vehicle. I could not even walk and my legs felt so heavy. I was so weak and my sense of direction was non existent. I eventually made it to the clinic. After a short interaction with the doctor, I was admitted into the ward. I did feel better, at least I thought I did. I realized some time later that I had slipped into a coma. That made me understand why I seemed to have gaps in my memory. According to my room mate, my mom had called repeatedly with no response as I was not in the state to pick up the calls. She(my room mate) then eventually picked the call, informing my mother of my lack of response. In half worry and half anger(directed at the hospital staff), my mother instructed my room mate to send for the nurses. Attention was then drawn to my situation. I had apparently manged to slip of the bed and the intravenous line had disconnected. It became an emergency case and all hands were on deck to get me to respond. When I eventually woke up, I was greeted by smiles and thank Gods from around me. I did not understand anything and my memory was jumbled. All I understood was that I was in a different ward from the one I was admitted into. My room mate came to see me and she then explained the events following the coma situation. After she left, I lay down on the hospital bed, still feeling so weak and done with everything. The diagnosis was an illness the ordinarily should not have gotten me to the stage it did, even worse was the fact that it was not usually found in adults( I was 20 at the time). But then it occured to me that I practically just gained a new life. I could have slipped into that coma and never come out. My parents and friends could have had to mourn the loss of me, but they did not. In that moment, I was grateful and thankful that I was alive and well. The event did make me reflect on myself though, especially decisions I make with regards to my health. This is my story about the new life I gained. It sometimes still baffles me that I went through it. But I'm grateful to be alive and still pursing what I love, with the people I love.

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