
Kamola Mambetova

For the sake of my parents' pride, I should win@

Tashkent, Uzbekistan



Assalomu aleykum, hi there everybody! I am Kamola Mambetova, a citizen of The Republic of Uzbekistan, specifically the autanom Republic of Karakalpakhstan. Presently, I am a senior year of secondary school and 16 years old. Actually, so far I have always dreamt writing stories, and here I found a great chance to test my writing skill. It is the first time for me to write a story but until now I have already written many essays. I am truly interested in English, thanks to my English teacher, I have achieved enough successes, and even here I feel his contribution to my performance

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According to the popular belief, some people hold the view that dreams are nothing but just the combination of the things that people see during the whole day,forgetting the proved fact that they are actually the words of the Humans' Lord for His lovely servants. I put my conference in it so strictly that I have already built my castle in my dream, imagining it to be my castle in Paradise, although the people surrounding me disagree with the condition, in order to prove what I have linked my inner world and dreams to is real, I came up with the idea of writing a story, that is going to support my stance. Here it is: "The atmosphere in the market place in the castle of Ayazkal'a in 1440 was probably not very different from how it is today - noisy, crowded, colorful and exciting. It was here that Muhhamad Kalandarov used to come each week from his home in Beruniy region, specifically from Kilchinak, 70 kilometres away, to try to sell his copper pots and pans. After one particularly tiring day, he loaded his unsold pots and pans onto the back of his horse as usual and walked slowly home. He had a meal and went to went, complaining bitterly to his wife about their lack of money. However, that night Muhhamad had a dream that would change the rest of his life. In his dream a man told Muhhamad that if he stood on Tashkent bridge, he would hear something that would make him rich. The dream was so real that Muhhamad couldn't get it out of his mind, and finally he decided to make the journey, even though his wife was against the idea. After a week's preparation, John set off for Tashkent with just his dog for company. When he arrived at Tashkent bridge,he stopped and watched all the men and women who went past. Many of them talked to him, but he heard nothing that would make him rich. On the third day, however, an d man asked him why he was standing there. Muhhamad td him it was because of a dream. The old man replied, "I recently dreamed that I went to the home of Muhhamad Kalandarov, in Kilchinak, and dug under a tree at the back of his house, when I found a buried pot of gold! But I'm not foolish enough to believe in dreams" Unable to believe his luck, Muhhamad said goodbye and returned to Kilchinak. As soon as he got home, he fetched a spade and started digging. His wife looked on in amazement, unable to understand what he was doing. Be sure enough, he uncovered a box. Opening it with nervous hands, he found that it was full of money. The couple were delighted, but also curious about some words on the lid, which were in a language they didn't recognise. Keen to find out their meaning, Muhhamad put the box in his window and soon two young men knocked on the door and translated them for him : "BENEATH ME LIES ANOTHER ONE MUCH RICHER".So Muhhamad dug deeper and this time found a huge pot full of gold and jewels!!! That is how Muhhamad Kalandarov became rich. He spent the money wisely and paid for several public buildings to be built. And his memory lives on in Kilchinak today, on the painted sign at the entrance of the region. " To cut a long story short, I have been able to return the people's belief in dreams , who have heard my story, so as not for them to feel hopeless at seeing such dreams, I have warned them " Such kind of dreams occur only once in each century" , so they are looking forward to 2040 year's coming with the hope of seeing such dream. Fortunately, I reached my target ,with the grace of God, now they are not indifferent about their dreams under this - the words of God! As the saying goes "One thing causes the second", it is not far from my hope that dreams will bring good luck to people!

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No pain, no gain

Jan 02, 2023 2 years ago

The happiness, which wanders around us, is all the time welcome. The luck, which comes every now and then to anybody is appealing come rain or shine. Even the achievement, which can be grasped that rarely is equal to gold. How can they appear in our life? My recent preparation for the exam got the message through to me and opened my eyes to my surrounding. Admittedly, important occasions make people feel overly stressed in one way or extremely strong in another. That is the combination of both with me to define more than single way. One of the hot days of summer and amazing ones of my finishing school days. It came to me as a stroke of wisdom to consider my coming life with tonnes of intentions and plans for future. At some points, no objects to my desire, no dismays and even the sums of money, which I used to see only in my dreams. After a while, it became clear to me that all above was only for one reason-the exam preparations. Although I had achieved some academic successes in my chosen field-English, that was out of the blue. Then, everything changed so deeply as the tree changes from summer to winter at once. The chilly moments of my life blossomed more and more day by day, making me stronger and stronger to fight against my following battle. As everybody says" Late nights, early mornings " visited my daily basis temporarily. The reason why I had been a bit accustomed to such nights before it didn't take me too much time to dive in. I , at first, came up with the idea of getting ready as a group, with candidates like me. So, I started gathering information about them. Finally, I did it, but to my disappointment, we live in a village, which is limited to frequent car access, even the drivers, who were responsible for the line of our village to the city centre were indifferent about their jobs. It was all really painful for me to remember, but the result was that sweet, gaining weights over my pain. Regardless of the potential risks of missing the cars, I set my heart on becoming a part of the team. On the first day, it was a little bit harder to get on with the people in the group as I was a freshman, but then we got on well like a house on fire, we helped one another every time and even mentally gave aid by supporting. Everything had been going well till a misunderstanding happened to me, all around me were given special hometasks, but the tutor said nothing to me, no homeworks. At that times, I was considering myself as a backbone of the group, yeah, it was true that the tutor said something to all, but I didn't understand what or which book they were talking about. My one month -the only attending course month- went like that. Then, after the tutor's pupils took their exams,he came and suddenly declared that he was gonna quit his job, what about me and my exam -real injustice, disloyalty. That was the tutor, who inspired me to start the path and even promised to help me till the end, but then the one, who washed his hands in one of the four terms. I thought there had solely been three months to get ready, I wasted one month taking pride in my false power, so only two months left. I was near to cry and I did. Besides, the tutor handed in only few preparing books, regarding me as a transitory pupil. I felt the absolute unfairness at that time and decided not to ask any help from anybody, I wanted to show that I could accomplish everything by myself with my parents' financial provisions. The reason why I find myself an independent juvenile, I feel shy to ask money for my books from my parents. Then, giving lessons to the little school pupils seemed a great chance to me to earn money, not losing much time, I found an appropriate place and started my little business-giving English course for affordable amount of money. At a short time, the number of my pupils increased highly, two hours on three days of the week were devoted to my self-created part time job. Thereafter, I earned enough money to buy other exam books, but the reason why the registration fee was higher for my pocket money, I had no chance but to ask from my dad, in hundred of feeling of shyness I did and got the answer "ok, at the end of the month".I looked forward to the end of the month coming as I wait for a cake to be baked. To my astonishment and luck, my father sent me more than I asked, I praised my dad's sensibility as he thought about the way fare as well. As the time flies quickly, my two months were finished with full of efforts, I made the best use of the books while preparing, but the less days were leaving for the exam, the lazier I begun feeling. Suddenly an idea was born- looking behind, how much I did, I had already owned so much to take pride in, so I can do. For the sake of my parents' efforts, I must succeed and I did. I did cope with rising difficulties and felt happiness, grasped the luck -it was a blessing of God for my efforts.

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