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I am a writer and blogger.
I write with the intention to inspire positive change and my stories explore thought provoking themes.
Sharing ideas, inspiring change.
Black and White Pictures
Jul 31, 2020 4 years agoThe Black and White Challenge also known as #Challengeaccepted began in Turkey to raise awareness against femicide there. It started after the brutal murder of a student by her ex-boyfriend. The Turkish women, frustrated by the unchecked femicide rate and seeing a picture of a victim almost daily. Through this movement, they tried to make a point that it could be them or their dear one next. When I read the posts of some supporters of this movement, I was not untouched by their anger and frustration. I had to pen down my thoughts and share Black and White Pictures What is to be said of cold cruel deaths How do you explain when all that remains is news in papers Black and white pictures of girls who weren't safe but still unafraid Who did things their way and dared disobey If you're a woman then it's a challenge #blackandwhitechallenge #humawrites #silkenscribblings