

Hello everyone; take a look at my mini-essay

cairo, egypt

Hello everyone reading this,

My name is Haya; I am a medicine student studying in turkey. I was born and raised in Egypt to Palestinian parents. and I hope you like my mini-essay so please take a look at it and don't forget to like & comment if you liked it.


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The iris war

Oct 01, 2019 5 years ago

The Iris war Chapter one Winds are whistling, trees dancing, hair flying, sun setting on this beautiful field; a field of iris flowers. How much more scenic can it be? I ask myself with my beloved gray by my side, his black lustrous wavy hair shining in a heartwarming way in this golden hour, his dark green eyes makes me feel like I am lost in a forest ,like i am trapped in his forest forever. With the palm of his hand he cups one side of my face , he gets closer to my face and whispers in my ear “I miss you”. I suddenly jerked back to reality and I found myself holding our photo which his little brother took of us that day. I put back the photo in my apron's pocket and I head to the kitchen to continue washing the fancy dishes at this fancy restaurant, just kidding there is nothing fancy about this ; I work here full time job because I couldn't find any other job or at least for now. “Iris” someone says and as I turn my head in that direction i see two men dressed alike in black focusing on me. “Oh shit” I muttered as I quickly turned around and bolted for the back door; I slammed it open and ran through the back alley and as i am running i can hear their footsteps loud and clear chasing me from behind until I reached the end of the alley. “It's a dead-end” they blurted. “Yes it is indeed your dead-end”, i say. Far in the outskirts, in a romanesque-style building with high gold-plated and carved ceilings;I forced the two men to lead the way to the right room; they opened a door for me and I was astonished by how spacious the room was , how big that crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a high quality ,thick, wine-colored velvet carpet covered the floor ,but the room was not the only dazzling thing here, behind a dark wooden antique desk stood a man facing the window with his hands clenched behind his back. “So it's you, huh” I said. He turned to me and I was taken aback by his good looks; He was very young for a leader only in his late twenties, that's what I thought. “So why do you keep sending me your men; I told you I am not going to work with you,” I said. He stood there silent for a while and then said “Do you want to keep washing dishes your whole life?”. “ If i want to, what's your problem?”. He kept staring and then said “ I just want you to reconsider my offer and think wisely; we will train you to be a better ‘portadora' so what do you think?”. “ a better what ...po...portador?” ; “yes ,but that's actually for men ,portadora for women; it's a term we use for people like you and now can you please remove your ‘hypnosis'? we don't use our powers on each other”. I thought for a while then I said “only if you stop them from following me around”. He looks at me with an apologetic face and says “yes, you are absolutely right.'' . I withdraw my powers and say “ Okay then i'll go now” He looked me in the eyes and said “Think about it” and as I was leaving the building I kept staring at it's walls, the beautiful sculptures ;it was exhilarating. Sun was already setting by the time I reached town so i decided to head back to my rented apartment. Beside my apartment's door there is a small wooden box that they put my new letters, bills,etc. In. I skimmed through my new bills “oh shit” I have debts from last month as well then I entered my house and five minutes later the doorbell rang; I went to open it just to find the apartment owner standing there hardly smiling at me “so i don't want to enter and i am not going to talk much i want the rent money right now in my bank account if you are not going to pay me last month's money and this month's money then you should just get the hell out of here already; I'll give you four days”. Read the rest on my patreon page https://www.patreon.com/spaghettimeatballs


The struggle

Sep 22, 2019 5 years ago

It all started when I finished high school. At that time, I did not have a concrete plan of what I should do ; I just studied well so i can study medicine in the UK. When I look back now, lots of things led to me being here. In 2015, after graduating high school I started contacting universities in UK ,but to no avail and time just flew by; one year passed while trying in all possible ways to study medicine there until a staff member of a certain university told me frankly it's hard to be accepted in medicine in UK and it was extremely expensive for me as well .A year passed by which was devastating because I had this thought that I should apply right after high school like all other students ingrained in my mind. I started to think differently that I wanted to be satisfied with what I am doing, feeling fulfillment by helping others. Something that by the end of my life makes me think like ‘yes I've spent 100000 hours doing this job' so I decided to study medicine in turkey and I became even more confident about what I want; I applied to a university and was accepted ,but then my father had a financial problem so later by the help of my mother I applied in another university which i believe now is better. I was the type of kid who was very dependent on her parents' money to study in school and university; don't get me wrong I am not spoiled or anything i was just raised like that; i was young after all and I was never pushed to the edge as now to start working and earning my own money ,to stand on my own two legs. I always wanted to be independent financially ,but not like this; I had a robotic way of thinking of getting my degree first then start to depend on myself. After graduating from school, I took two gap years, two years of anyone's most precious time “youth”. When I finally started university I was 21 by then, the emotions I went through those two years were horrible; I was really depressed seeing everyone from school going to universities except me; it left a huge impact on my personality, for some people this might look trivial ,but for me it was my future; it was everything on stake simply because there was no other way for me to study medicine unless i travel abroad and to study medicine in a private university which is not cheap. I started thinking will i even start studying in a university; I did not want to study in my country because that would mean I'll just study business and stay in my shell. I wanted to travel and experience everything that comes with traveling from depending solely on my self to having new friends, new encounters, meeting people with different views on life from different cultures which eventually happened. In my teens, I used to watch lots of Turkish dramas which made me want to learn Turkish language and go to Turkey as a tourist ,but never thought of coming here as a student. In the two years, I had taken a Turkish language course; it was a nice experience to learn Turkish which helped me later on when I decided to go to Turkey. In 2017, I finally started university and yes my financial problem was not yet solved not even till now, but somehow the ship sailed although I still have debts to my university. Now I should be in 3rd year, but that's still vague because my financial problem got worse; it's this year that I started to think out of the box when the pressure inside was too much for me to handle. It's these kinds of situations that actually make us who we are and know how to tackle our problems. This summer because of the pressure of the makeup exam which if I failed would mean I lost another year and the money problem; I had decided to start working already.One thing led to the other; in my gap year I used to read comics and novels so I thought why not start writing and publishing a novel online myself; I started entering contests such as this one and I also started my own comic with a collaboration with a comic artist which I hope will be published soon. Yes, I accept what is happening with me, but that doesn't mean I should give up; It only means I should try harder until I get that degree. Indeed moving to another country now after I settled here is not easy furthermore it was hard for me to be emotionally stable because as much as I wanted to travel abroad, in my first year reality hit me hard and I started missing my family and I even regretted coming to Turkey ; I was very depressed, but that all subsided now; I became more independent; I have friends who stood beside me and made me feel as if they were my second family here. As I am writing this ; it strikes me how much I've changed through these last couple of years into a mature, strong-willed woman from just an indecisive high school girl, so if someone is reading this who went through a bad experience don't worry, you're not alone and always remember it's all for your best because believe me you will flourish into something really beautiful and remember everything happens for a reason.

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