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I am a student at Kamo High School, I enjoy writing in my own time and do not mind sharing my opinion with the world. I suffer from anxiety and the only way i control it is to write what is on my mind and what i feel in that moment.

Oct 02, 2018 6 years agoAnxiety hits me hard. I went through my partners phone and this is my thoughts. how do i know im the only one when theres people messaging you 'x' and love eyes ? this is the sort of shit that happens to time and time again and all i get from it is puffy eyes and a broken heart. I tell you everything , what ive been through , what im going through and nothing changes, i read messages back when we first started going out and you wee trying to start a relationship with someone else ? how do you think thats going to make me feel ? ive given you everything i have and more, i choose to love you for the rest of my life but are you willing to give up hoes on social media to be with me? I look at you and picture the life we could have together but social meadia is ruining that for me. Im insecure , im jealous of all these girls, I doubt myself every time i see these girls on your instagram and facebook , what if they take you away from me ? there would be nothing i could do to keep you ! I know im not the best looking person on this earth , i know i dont have the best attitude but do i reaally treat you like shit ? I give you everything in hopes that you can love me and only me. Words can mean everything or nothing at all , its the actions that follow that will determine whether what you say is true, whether you actually love me , whether i am the only one , whether you would do anything and everything for me.