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Childhood Depression
Aug 23, 2018 6 years agoIn this interesting article they wrote about childhood depression. They also talks about the difference between sadness and depression. About ways to tell if your child is depressed, symptoms of depression, and ways to treat it. The following quote gives an example between sadness and depression “ Because a child seems sad doesn't necessarily mean he or she has significant depression. If the sadness becomes persistent, or if disruptive behavior that interferes with normal social activities, interests, schoolwork, or family life develops, it may indicate that he or she has a depressive illness.” Shortly afterward in the article they talked about how to tell if your child is depressed and some effects of leaving it untreated. “The symptoms of depression in children vary. It is often undiagnosed and untreated because they are passed off as normal emotional and psychological changes that occur during growth. Early medical studies focused on "masked" depression, where a child's depressed mood was evidenced by acting out or angry behavior. While this does occur, particularly in younger children, many children display sadness or low mood similar to adults who are depressed. The primary symptoms of depression revolve around sadness, a feeling of hopelessness, and mood changes.” Some symptoms this article included were “Irritability or anger, Continuous feelings of sadness and hopelessness, Social withdrawal ,Changes in sleep such as sleeplessness or excessive sleep ,Vocal outbursts, crying, Difficulty concentrating, Fatigue and low energy, stomach aches, headaches that don't respond to treatment, Reduced ability to function during events and activities at home or with friends, in school, extracurricular activities, and in other hobbies or interests, Feelings of worthlessness or guilt” To properly diagnose your child be sure If the symptoms of depression have lasted for at least two weeks, you should schedule a visit with his or her doctor. Some treatment options for children with depression are (counseling) and medication. There were some things in this article i found important and i felt like sharing knowledge about. Something I found important from the article was this quote. “As in adults, depression in children can be caused by any combination of factors that relate to physical health, life events, family history.” Another important something I found “Studies have shown that depression may precede more serious mental illness later in life, diagnosis, early treatment and close monitoring are crucial.” And the last most important thing i found was “Warning signs of suicidal behavior in children include: Many depressive symptoms (changes in eating, sleeping, activities), Social isolation, including isolation from the family, Talk of suicide, hopelessness, or helplessness, Increased acting-out of undesirable behaviors such as sexual and behavioral. Increased risk-taking behaviors, Frequent accidents ,Substance abuse, Focus on morbid and negative themes, Talk about death and dying. Increased crying or reduced emotional expression. Giving away possessions is a good indicator”