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Fizza Khan
Medical student at Jinnah Sindh Medical University
Karachi, Pakistan.
I have got interest in writing since I've been reading articles in newspapers as well as Reader's digest that was in my teens. I am novice in this field and try to seek new opportunities in order to hone my writing skills. I've also participated in Goi peace essay contest 2020. I've done some online academic writing as well through which I gained a handful of experience in different domains.
Besides, my fad for sports is quite acute and can never imagine a life without it.
My social circle relies on quality not quantity. I prefer to be friends with those only whom I feel comfortable with rather than being in a myriad of people with fake intentions.

Endurance always beats Arrogance (Biopage Storytelling Writing Contest)
Jul 31, 2020 4 years ago“Your face looks so red! Have you been from a roaster?” yelled someone from the horde. No! I had not been to a roaster but I had been burning from inside my body. Heat was emitting from my head like chimney. My face was flushed and my heart was hopping within my rib-cage. I didn't watch a scary movie recently but I just came out of an exhausting situation, losing another set of our badminton match against the toughest girls' badminton team of our university campus. They were from final year MBBS and had been defending champions for last four years, while we were merely the youngest batch i.e. 1st year MBBS. We were novice in the academic field as compared to our opponents but not in the sports field. But it was not all about a game, it was a matter of our dignity which was threatened a few minutes earlier by our seniors. In the mid-summer of 2017, sports event was about to begin. I was so excited for I've always been crazy for sports. I made a team and then the match day arrived. We won our initial matches smoothly. It is where the twist came in the story. Now we had to face the strongest team i.e. final year team. We were a bit muddled as we heard about their game. While we were waiting for our next match we got to know that the final year team would arrive late due to their clinical sessions and in case they don't show up, we'll get a walkover. What else we could want then? We started praying for a walkover. Few minutes later, repugnant to our expectations they arrived. Sigh! But they were two of them instead of three and still agreed to begin. Match started and I was playing first set against the strongest player of their team. Within few seconds I acknowledged her knack and command on the game. I was overwhelmed by her skills and attacking strategy. But I didn't give up for a moment and retorted with same energy. Early in the game she was on the driving seat with more points but I didn't take long to get hold of the game and won the first set. Then we won the second set too. Hurrah! We had won the match, winning two straight sets out of three. We were celebrating but then what happened was filthy pathetic that no one could expect. Their third and very defiant teammate entered the court and got to know they've already lost the match against first year team. Her ruthlessness was discernible as she started yelling at us as if we had won unfairly. We were bewildered on her condescending gesture. Her bulky stature was making her personality more vicious. “They won unjustly. How could you start the match since I was not present?” She was bickering over her loss with referee. Then her other friends stepped in. Now on one side there were those final year freaks and on the other side were three of us. Our opponents were not simmering down at any cost and demanding for a rematch. “Why did your teammates agreed to play in your absence?”, we questioned. But they were continuously emphasizing on starting all over again. Our seniors mortified us this whole time. Organizers tried to solve the matter but it was futile. None of us was settling on a sole solution. They claimed, “You guys are credulous and know nothing about the game. You'll ruin our university name if you people get to play inter university tournament.” I was so shattered while watching them fraught with arrogance. At last, conclusion made. We had to play 3 more sets. If we win single set out of three, we'll win as we previously won 2 sets. On contrary, final year team has to win all 3 sets to win the match. Match resumed and I went to play first set against their most aggressive player who created all the fuss. I was confident but nervous at the same time. Now the spectators were double than before. Everyone witnessed our fight and was curious to see who's going to win this tussle. I lost my set against that arrogant girl. Then we had second set which we were an inch away to win but at last we lost that set too. I was disconcerted but still prayed to God to give me strength to win this last set. As it was not about my team's victory and qualifying for inter university tournament but it was about our self-esteem. I so wanted them to face the music for their arrogance and how they maltreated us. Match began and I faced her again whom I confronted in the first set. I did strive so hard to make it this time and yeah I did it. Cheers! Everyone was shouting in my support and my teammates ran and cuddled me so hard. I couldn't believe this. Meanwhile we were celebrating, our opponents came and they congratulated me, “Well played! And we are sorry for our intimidating attitude.” This moment was priceless. We had won again and more importantly their vague pride had faded at last. We played inter university tournament and aced it as well. I learnt from this incident that never belittle your opponents nor underestimate them. Moreover haughty attitude leaves you always with regrets and you lose worth in the eyes of people as well as God.