


panchkula, india

Hi willow here, this will be my pen name from now on . i love to write and share my views with

the world I m a dropper right now [ for a couple of months only ] i will be doing architecture in the best college in India that is SPA DELHI .

past two years were quite a ride for me i get to learn a lot and experience a lot obliviously these were not good experiences but i m very certain that this year will be very different .

so lets get on this crazy ride with me

please follow and right comments if you like what i write , it gives me motivation to write and also to live ... just kidding

[not actually]


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Mar 21, 2022 2 years ago

My name is Charlie and i m sitting with my target in the middle of storm in a locked storage room and she is giving the disgust look as soon as i said the line , the sentence that defines my life now the sentence that defines me now . i tried to but couldn't hold my anger when i saw that expression in her eyes ,what i was even expecting she was just as same as anyone else i know , judgmental! 'what ? are you thinking you are better than me ?'' 'i didnt say anything, i was just _' 'just what ,huh? i can see the look in your eyes . you all are the same , all disgusted , never wants to know the entire story and make assumption !' 'I...." ' i dont wanna hear anything , if you will speak a single word i will kill you right in this moment ' anger inside me started to take its shape again sometimes i wonder if this flame inside me will ever stop busting . there was something in this silence that keep getting dark .until sobbing of the soul beside me broke it , i was relief honestly but then i saw her eyes and something in me just get restless the hand which was a moment ago was ready to kill her was now desperate to wipe her tears . what is wrong with me ?i tried but somehow i couldn't speak a word . 'i was not thinking who was better , you just never ...ne..ver let me finish ' 'but you_' 'and as for disgusting , i think both of us are disgusting , people like us who are selfish and stupid are disgusting ! we can never ever ever can run from this truth ' i was speechless and freeze , she was shouting but crying her eyes out at the same time , for the first time in years i thought maybe i m not the only one in this , she looks so broken when she cries . 'you are going to kill me eventually ,right and kill me now ! its not like i want to live , i m tired ! of everything !! ' she tried to get up but i hold her hand its like my hand have a mind of their own , she fall on her knees and was crying so much wonder if she can breath ,her light brown hairs were all over her face as she lean a little , she put her hand on her eyes and other on the floor to maintain the balance which she already has lost. as soon as i realize my arms were around her trying to provide the comfort they lost years ago , storm outside was growing and loud was it , very loud , the thunder made her shiver and she shrink ed in my arms as she was giving in , i feel it my heart feeling the warm and i realized she was not moving ,her hands were cold and she was freezing she fainted , maybe i overdid it she was not having a good time either how can i do this . I undo my jacket buttons and cover her with it , brushed away tiny hairs on her forehead , she looked calm as she sleeps but i can not forget the way she cried moments ago ...i dont think i will ever forget that. hey folks , long time no see , i was thinking should i could i continue this novel or not ? i m really confused . please comment if you likes the chapter or should i continue with it or not .dont forget to like , please please leave a comment

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Whose Fault is this ?

Feb 28, 2021 4 years ago

'life is a movie ' but what if you suddenly notice that you are the villain , sounds crazy , right ? but this is the truth if you look at it . From the starting what ever wrong happened was our fault , isn't it? some of you might not agree with this ,but try to think all the incidents of your life . sometimes you let people destroy your life , you know right , you let him destroy you , don't you agree? deep inside in our thought we all know from where it all went wrong . Not many will understand , you know it . You have suffered a lot .Its okay you see because if you know where you did wrong , our soul is here just to get all the experiences . It was a nightmare but wasn't that also a memory? . We don't understand what we haven't experienced . Many are stuck in their lives . There was just a decision wrong but it let you go all down hills , but who don't make wrong decisions . Did they really think what they said ? but you did a lot of overthinking . You want to be exposed , let the storm inside you turn into a flood and destroy everything, you feel like that ? But despite of all this do you really want to leave ? are you sure ? stay for a moment , see the stars , they are ours , if you stay or leave they will shine like this only , rude but true , so why don't just stay for a little longer, if the world was ending today isn't there anything you want to do , isn't there anyone you want to confess to ? don't you want to hug you parents , isn't there is anyone you are thankful to . Yes we have made many mistakes in this life and we will continue to make our life mess , we are a human , but why aren't we accept that, that anger inside you and me is killing us , yes it was our fault , somewhere we also did wrong ! go one your terrace and shout that loud . Cry your eyes out or pass out but accept what happened , don't forget but accept . even if it was a nightmare but it was ours ! you know it hurts and people will never understand but its alright don't wake up , because it yours just go and say sorry , hug or confess to someone you like or do whatever you want to do because from tomorrow on you are going to start a new life with the new personality , just go or may be you will regret it later just think about it , it cause no harm in thinking thank you for reading this! I m grateful , hope you have a wonderful life ! Don't forget to LIKE and COMMENT .. if you like this

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Sep 10, 2020 4 years ago

"The horror was visible on the face and the tears roll down to my cheeks , i know what happened , what i did but still i needed a confirmation a word , the word 'dead' . She was crying and speechless . I was on a hospital bed a king sized one or maybe i was so weak that i was shrinking , the ceiling lights or what ever people call it were way too much bright for my nearly closed eyes or i should rather blame my 9 hours sleep for that , the last peaceful sleep i got , I was breathless , senseless and lost , in so much pain , once it was in my body but them I can feel it reaches my mind , my subconsciousness . then I asked for James they said he is alive for now , doctors were not sure , as I was listening to my mother explaining things I was drowning at that very place , suffocated , frustrated , it was hard to breath my eyes refused to hold on any longer , i could heard the scream of my mother and my father calling the doctors . and then everything was faded away . I was discharged form hospital after several days but now there was no point of it , no point of living , the sense of being dead inside had taken all over me . I was unable to attend her funeral , she died because of me ,because of my stupidity. I m such a pathetic human , i don't think that I do even have a right to call me one . firstly i forced my parents to send on a nonsense picnic and then uses my trump card to get the permission to return in the car of James who just learned to drive , they were scared everyone was but i was a cool enough teenager to deny all that care and concern . i dragged her into that hell with me , Sana was a innocent one . In 6 minutes of James driving we met an accident with a blue car or maybe ..... I don't know everything was red after that , red , yellow and then black . even at that time she was holding my hand the grip was too tight like she was refusing her leave , she wanted to stay. He warned i ignored , she refused i forced , she died i m alone and now here i m in a room , with a thug , i was dying and he saved me just to kill me ! god what is life ? " a living hell?" "totally agreed " "when are you planning to kill me ?" "have you suffered a lot ? " " not actually i made people suffer for what i did " "well not any sooner then " he smiled , i hated it "did you visits her grave , frequently " "frequently you say , not in years , never " "by the way , what happened with you ?what you did ? " " so are we going to play this ' whats your story' game until we get out of here ? and look you are very certain that i did something ' what you did ' ,huh ? i like that " he whispered under his breath " i murdered someone ...." PLZ LIKE AND COMMENT !!!!



Aug 26, 2020 4 years ago

This is surprising how a single things can disappoint you to this extent ? these online classes are getting annoying day by day . what teachers think we are doing ? its not like we are enjoying this time . we literally spend more than 6 hours in the front of screen thanks to our education system , are the even concerned about us , 2 weeks of the months are for exams , with classes and assignments and online competitions where we HAVE TO PARTICIPATE . what the ....? . all exams in a week or more than as some of our teachers love to take test twice . Saturday was supposed to be the last day of my exams but NO because my math sir suddenly wants to take the exam again . like seriously want the hell . and they want us to be creative , like we have time to do anything else except your assignments ! Sunday is not a fun day , we have extra classes . school was fun ! but this is torture . they are making us mentally sick ! i had made list of thing i have to do and trust me it is not ending ,just daily one or more things keep on adding . and the most frustrating thing is that 75% things we HAVE TO DO {acc to our teachers} is nonsense , like every time i ask the same ques ' what is the point of doing this ? ' it would be a l relief ,if someone will answer that.

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