

Gulfport, United States

It gets better

Feb 17, 2018 7 years ago

Right now life has been nothing but a never ending war Between life and what has already occurred When i was twelve i lost my mother to death The rest of my family just up and left Loosing everyone all at once made me realize i was in this world by my self Became a foster child started to stand out Didn't know how to handle I went to the wrong person for help She told me cutting helped Every time i felt pain i did what she said i thought i would help I didn't know the seriousness of it The world seen me as a threat They thought i wanted to kill my self I didn't really know what cutting was But i knew i didn't want to be dead I was just a lost little girl no one to look up to no where to turn I wish i had at least one person that was there for me Someone to stop me before i made my wrong turn Hours away from my home town Tossed around from facility to facility for three years or more Kept from the outside world Felt like a wild animal trapped in a cage My heart full of pain and rage I Would act out on my roughest of days Yes i would act out Yes i got angry But i knew i was ready Ready to be set free and make my life steady I have one last thing to tell There is something called a chart Full of thing you have done in the past No matter how much i would change Or what i would say They would grab my chart Read the past when my family walked away I've been in 27 different placements since my mom passed away But soon things will change for the better I will have a hold of my life No longer wondering if 27 will move up to 28 Face my problems head on and stop hiding when my life gets out of place Soon i will stop worrying about the things i cant change And actually take charge of what i can before its to late Giving my all in school And making good grades Some one once said everything is not handed to you You have to work for what u want I will become something big in life prove everyone wrong They said i was worthless said i was no fun Said i would be dead or in jail before the age 21 But i never forgot life what u make it So watch out world here i come I cant wait for the day my face is all over TV That day everyone will see my face for all the great things i have done And make sure they know there is more greatness to come I am labeled as a foster child A kid who stands out in the world I cant wait to show them that labels are meaningless Its just another word I cant wait to see the look on there faces When i make it big in life And they see i am not the person they said i would become The day they ask me what kept me going I cant wait to say i did this for my mom and me I am certain life will go as planed because i have hope And determination all mixed in one I am hopeful because i know it gets better

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