
Ciara Crider-Eggers

C.C.E is Me

Longmont, US

My name was Ciara Crider, but then I married my favorite person in 2020. We took each other's last names so I am now Ciara Crider-Eggers. I am a happy-go-lucky person however, I have been through a lot in life, both very good and very bad. I don't regret anything that has happened in my life nor do I wish it would have been any different because I have learned so much, and I am a very good and strong person because of what I have been through. I believe my purpose on this planet is to love since I seem to be one of the very few that actually understand what it means to truly love, and also to share my experiences to help those who need to be as strong as I had to be in order to get to where I am at in life today.

I was attending college as a psychology major but unfortunately, I had to put a pause on my education, even being 75% complete with my degree, due to the pandemic. I chose psychology because I love people and the way the brain works is very intriguing to me. I wanted to understand people and why they are the way they are. Due to my childhood and how quickly I had to grow up, I was already pretty knowledgeable in the psychology area and had a decent understanding of the many different types of personalities, beliefs, and behaviors. It's very easy for me to get along with just about anyone, and I can get even the most introverted, shut down, and closed up person to open up to me and tell me things they would never and have never shared before. My ending goal was to become a therapist for mentally ill children and adults. I also was interested in being a marriage/relationship counselor and/or an addiction counselor.

My favorite classes were my psychology and sociology classes of course, but also my communications and writing/English classes which my best grades were in my English and Communications classes. Writing has always been a very fun thing for me. I can write poetry, short stories, essays, etc. I have always excelled in my writing classes and always got the highest grades when it came to writing tests. I have a lot to share with others. I hope others can learn a thing or two from reading what I write. I have experienced a lot in life and I know the things I have learned through my experiences in life can really help others. Also, writing is just fun for me so, here I am.

Thank you for taking the time out to hear what I have to say here and for being interested in reading my bio and learning about who I am:)


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Life on Technologies Terms

Feb 24, 2022 3 years ago

My understanding of the world when I was growing up was so simple and easy. The only thing that mattered in the world when I was a child was me. I finally get the meaning behind the saying " the world doesn't revolve around you" which is what I was constantly told by my parents growing up. I thought the world was in my life, not that I was a life in the world. Let me be clear though, I was a very loving child. I did feel sympathy, love, respect, etc. for all other living things. I never had the urge to hurt anyone or any living thing, and I was always caring, kind, and wanted to do right by others. However, the saying "it's your world, others just live in it" was how I thought the world was. Boy, was I so wrong. How innocent, naive, just so clueless I was growing up. You can only imagine how hard it was when I got hit with the whole truth of the world once I became an adult. What's even more disappointing is just when I think I finally figured things out, turns out it's still not the whole truth. In recent news, we have apparently been led to live blindly in one big lie. What we think we know about the world we live in has actually been constructed by the leading people of the generations before us. From the earth is flat and not round, to religion, to the law, circled all the way back to the fact that no person has actually ever stepped foot on the moon. Yes, you heard me! Evidence is proving that all the pictures we have ever seen of the earth are all actually computer-generated, MADE-UP, absolutely fake pictures of the earth, and the pictures out there of NASA landing on the moon is completely staged too. It's so heartbreaking to grow up and learn that the people in power can so easily deceive us and lie to us and not even care. Now don't take my word for it. The things I have been hearing and learning about could be completely untrue as well. I do not know for sure and if anyone disagrees with me, it's absolutely fine. I will say though, these "truths" that are surfacing make a lot more sense to me than anything else I've been told and there are so many unbelievable truths that are starting to come to light that is truly mind-blowing and completely eradicates everything I've ever learned. That's for another day though considering I can literally go on for days about all this, but let's stay on topic. Technology has advanced at an extremely fast rate. Technology has positively helped us keep everything running smoothly while taking a lot of pressure and daily strain off humans making things much easier in the workplace for us. However, technology is harming us as well. People these days are starting to depend on technology in a way that is actually hurting more than helping. While it is unbelievably difficult to remember the world before technology, technology is very addictive and has many negative effects on us. On February 25th, 2020, Jon Johnson wrote an article that was medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD, and published on the MedicalNewsToday website titled: Negative Effects of Technology: What to Know. In this article, he talks about how technology use hurts physical health, causing problems such as eyestrain, poor posture, sleeping problems, and reduction in physical activity. Technology is causing people to lose their focus easily, to lose their interest in things rather quickly, an increase in serious mental health issues, and also causing people to lose basic essential skills and knowledge much needed to survive in life. Some mental health problems that arise due to technology overuse are anxiety, depression, and poor self-esteem. In 2017, a study was conducted revealing that young adults 19-32 years old who overused technology were more than 3 times a likely to feel socially isolated. Today basic knowledge and essential basic skills arent even being taught, learned, or even used anymore. Although it may be highly unlikely, what would happen if all of a sudden all the tech in the world just shut down. If all the tech was all of a sudden shutdown, people would have no clue what to do. People couldn't even depend on themselves to survive. Some skills that technology has taken over are skills like internal GPS, a basic sense of direction. People are losing their communication skills causing them to fear human interactions and losing the ability to make friends. Academically, technology has taken away the need to learn are math, spelling, and handwriting. Why is losing the skill to handwrite not good? Writing by hand instead of typing is linked to the development of fine motor skills and cognitive development. Handwriting is also proven to cause better letter recognition which then results in faster learning to read. It is proven that children who learn to write by hand are better able to generate ideas and retain information as well. Keyboarding in place of handwriting will hinder the development of literacy skills which affects overall academic success.

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