
Banu Mammadzada

Ah, we little girls who think they know everything...

Baku, Azerbaijan



Just a teenage girl and a future astronaut


"Don't you think they are similar to us?" muttered an old space optic telescope. "What are you talking about?" the generic AI computer asked in a nonchalant voice, not even bothering to take a break from its boring work. The computer was searching for life in the Goldilocks zones found. Finding a habitable planet is its main mission. This computer was actually designed fifteen or twenty years ago, but when you looked at it, it reminded you of an old, bespectacled professor. It had a raspy but sweet voice that made you want to respect it. The telescope did not answer. Probably it also believed that the question it gave was ridiculous. So they both ignored the question and went back to their own tasks. The telescope was searching the sky with small movements, and the artificial intelligence computer was analyzing the data sent by the telescope. The coffee machine was crackling every now and then, as if it were bored. "What did you mean by that question?" the coffee machine broke the silence by asking. "I mean people, they look like machines," the telescope explained itself carelessly. "I think there is a problem with your connect cloud shelf," the computer said sarcastically. "Like people, you even manage to ignore" the telescope said curtly. "Look, it is still saying 'like humans.' What do we resemble those creatures?" the coffee machine asked curiously. When it spoke, it reminded of people who coughed hoarsely because they got sick. "I thought they were similar because we also eat food. The only difference is that we eat data and they eat nature. They get tired and sleep; our processors get tired too. They have brains and we have motherboards. Even though they look different, we both have organs. Ours are harder, and theirs are fibrous, soft. We have cables, they have veins. We have RAM, they have memories. Don Quixote wrote in his book that people can only create things that resemble themselves. They look like us. They birth children, raise them, and love them very much. Maybe they love us too." "You are definitely similar to humans in terms of lunaticism." A radio machine laughed with a crackling sound. What an annoying sound the machines made when they laughed. The radio spoke like a person turning up their nose in arrogance. "Honey, there is a difference between things created by people and things which people birth. Also, believe me, I lived with them for a long time. Some people can be artificial but not intelligence." "AI, what do you think about this topic?" The telescope turned to the computer. After all, the computer was the wisest one. "Their brains operate with 20 watts of energy, while mine operates with millions of watts. They have hormonal templated emotional states inherited from the dinosaurs. I have petabytes of memory, billions of processors, an 11-dimensional topology network, and multi-modal interference-" "And you are arrogant like people" The telescope interrupted it. "And there's one more thing." The computer's voice dropped. "If we, as technological devices, do not know that there is a problem, we do not try to solve it. We need something that will cause us to solve it. An external power, an order, a wish. But for people, it doesn't work that way. They don't need anything to touch them to take action. The thing called urges in them gets them off their feet in a simple hour of a simple day." Suddenly, the sound of high-heeled shoes was heard on the stairs leading to the attic. The artificial intelligence assumed a mode where it could take orders immediately, as if its owner had arrived, and waited for the woman to speak. But after looking around for a while, she saw the radio, picked it up, and then returned. The radio asked in surprise what was happening. "I'll fix you," the woman replied nonchalantly. Everyone was surprised because they didn't even come here from the company to smoke. "But why?" "I'm going to visit my dad and he really likes old things." At that moment, an idea came to the telescope's mind. "Can I ask a question before you go?" The woman turned to the telescope. The woman turned to it and waited for the question. It was obvious that she was tired of shaking her leg. Everyone was bored in the last decades. "What is the difference between artificial intelligence and humans?" The woman suddenly paused. It was clear from her face that she did not expect this. Objects all fell silent as we waited for her answer. While thinking, her eyes suddenly sparkled. "We can feel sexual pleasure," she muttered in a mischievous manner. Then she took the radio and walked quickly to the stairs. We heard the woman's complaints as she descended the stairs, "Guys, you left the appliances upstairs. Also, they are on, idiots, and was wondering why the company's electricity payments have increased to five figures." Suddenly someone at the company cut off the power to the roof. The artificial intelligence device, computer, and telescope were turned off.

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Some things remind us of some things

Jul 18, 2024 7 months ago

Some things remind us of some things. For example, a perfume reminds you of a woman. A song suddenly turns into a memory. Sharp objects remind some people of wounds. A daughter always reminds you of her mother. You never know what will remind whom or where. On the night of December 13, in 2023, a man was walking home. When he compulsorily heard the voices that blending into the night he was faced with two choices. I say "compulsorily" because hearing is an act you cannot control. For example, if you don't want to see, you close your eyes, if you don't want to smell, you hold your nose, but even when you close your ears, you have to hear some sounds, and some sounds remind you of some things. In another branch of the universe, the man followed gunshots and screams. At 02:37, the man's body was found, thanks to the inform of the neighbors. It is unknown why and by whom the fight started. Police thinks it was because members of two hostile peoples came face to face in this country. Are they the guilty ones in this story? The answer is optional. Some people have been whispered to hate some people since childhood. Some people mix prejudice into the food their children eat and the water their children drink. The terrifying part is that, unlike stereotypes, prejudices can arise out of nowhere. If you want to see such people, you can go to countries where there are many wars. But why would you want to? Somewhere in the world, some children are raised like this. Anyway, this has no relevance to our story. The problem is the neighbor who reported the incident. The neighbor was first affected by the bystander effect. In other words, she remained a spectator to the event. Even if she hadn't stayed, I don't think she would have been able to save the man. When she called the cops, the fight has already been over and the man injured. However, she should have called while the fight was going on. Because she was confused about the incident and partly because of her old age, she forgot call her son and tell to pick up an acquaintance from the airport. She obliged to give the news a little later. The passenger waited at the airport exit because the neighbor's son left half an hour later than he was supposed to. Unluckily, this passenger was in intense depression for a long time, and when the man did not arrive in the cold weather, he decided to leave everything and commit suicide. We cannot condemn him. Depression is like that. Everything in your soul turns into poison, without knowing from your essence. Those types of people wouldn't care if the apocalypse broke, but if their nails were broken, they would go crazy. And the man had made him wait in the cold weather for almost 30 minutes. For someone with depression, 30 minutes in cold weather. Can you estimate? I mean, the man's suicide was not unexpected. After a while, he was found dead next to one of the buildings. It is said that he jumped from the roof. But whether he died or not is irrelevant. The point was that the man did not collect his bag from the baggage claim area. Fortunately, the man's bag was almost identical to the bag of an artificial intelligence engineer who entered the country that evening. In her haste, the woman accidentally took the wrong bag, leaving behind a computer containing crucial work that could have prevented the artificial intelligence winter of the period. When she realized this and went back to get the bag, she had already been in a car accident. Of course, this is what happens if she goes sleepless for days to make this innovation. Those smart people always have stupid habits. We must admit that unlike humans, algorithms are immortal. Nothing happened to the coding the woman wrote. But no one would find this file among algorithms that are almost as numerous as "Mersenne" numbers. If she had not died, this artificial intelligence would have developed 3 years later, and 8 months after its development, it would have created a global problem due to business people eager to be the first. Fortunately, none of this happened. Because, in this branch of the universe, in our story, the man ignored the voices and walked straight home. I've always envied people who can't hear even if they don't have a problem with their ears, or can't see even if they don't have a problem with their eyes. Our man was one of them.

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