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My name is Kayla I am an artist/aspiring writer, adventure is where I am normally at most of my time, creating or finding something new. Other days I can be found with my grandmother helping her with day-to-day things due to some unexpected challenges that arose early on in my young adulthood I spend a lot of time with her. Learning new things is always an adventure which is why I am attending online classes to grow my knowledge and widen my span or potential for my foreseeable future. I fully believe that art is a wonderful way to express anything or another form of communication as well. Sometimes words are hard, so turning to art is a great way to speak your mind.

Zombie Apocalypse
Jul 17, 2020 4 years agoSometimes in life bad things happen that's just inevitable and we deal with it then we move on or maybe we don't, but what do we do when something completely life-changing happens that you can't just move on from? Something that will always be here but maybe it just fades away a little, what can you do? Well, I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you what I did. When some of us were kids we would think of what to do during a zombie apocalypse, it seemed that there were only a few options. FIght to survive, hide to survive, or give up. Now I was never one to give up first or one to fight either, so yes I decided to prepare myself and hide until it was safe or until I wanted to fight or give up. Of course, most parents would tell their children that they don't have to worry about that happening or at least maybe not in our lifetime. Man were our parents wrong about that! (sort of at least) This is my story about the zombie apocalypse. When I first heard of the outbreak I wasn't concerned yet, then it started spreading fast which is when the fear started to grow in me. I remember the day I started to panic, I woke up with a sore throat and remembered the symptoms I heard. The best thing was to keep myself away from others for a while and try not to think of the worst case. It was so lonely sitting in my small room all day and night. I've always had problems sleeping but this made it so much worse. What I needed was a distraction, something to keep me occupied besides endless hours of social media. Fortunately, my furry companion loved to lie in bed next to me and sleep all day. His name is Hunter, he has a very colorful personality for a cat. I would also enjoy different types of art mostly painting or writing short stories. That room was just so lonely, which is why the day I realized all I had was chronic allergies and I could leave that room, my heart and mind flooded with joy and relief. Have you ever heard the phrase “You never know what you have until you lose it.”? Well, those words raced through my mind every day, and the day I left that room I knew I had to decide what survival method I was going to choose and it had to be right now. I said before that giving up or fighting was never for me, but something changed all of a sudden, I felt this rush that if the choices given don't fit you, then you can make a new one that does. So that's what I did. I need a constant adventure to survive but with this zombie around that wasn't possible right now so I had to find new adventures. At first, nothing changed, I just had to wear my armor when I needed to leave my safe house. Which is so uncomfortable but I know that it will keep me and everyone else safe. Other than a few changes my life as a whole didn't feel different, I didn't have a big social life or a full-time job to go to. The major difference for me was feeling more connected to everyone since the whole world had the same thoughts as me. Every time a stranger passes you by we just give each other this look that says “hey this is crazy, right? I can't believe it!” It feels so fulfilling to almost feel like you can read someone's mind just because we are all fighting this stupid zombie. Maybe it's just because I'm an ambivert and I'm not socially outgoing but I like human interaction but sometimes maybe bad things can also lead to good things. There's a lot of reasons or theories about why things happen, I personally think that when something bad happens it means that something equally as good is about to happen to keep a balance in the universe. Maybe I'm wrong, but who knows? It might sound crazy but I've recently discovered that reality is not a thing, because what is real to one person might be crazy to another, kind of like different cultures and beliefs. I've taken this outbreak as an opportunity to explore new and different realities and expand my mind and my soul, so maybe I will never be able to return to my reality but maybe someday I can be in someone else's. Traveling has always been a dream of mine, but of course, now it's extraordinarily dangerous during a zombie outbreak. So It comes to a very important question; “What am I to do with all this free time?” Well, plan, plan, and plan some more. Using this time to turn a bad thing into something productive is so fulfilling and refreshing. This time has not all been a time for growing, but it's been full of hardships as well. I take care of my grandma part-time and it's not all that easy. Sometimes there's a point in everyone's life where we have to take care of someone other than ourselves and it can be a great learning experience which it keeps us humble and helps us to appreciate what we are given more. Bad things happen, it's inevitable but it keeps us on our toes. When we experience good things it reminds us that no matter how bad it gets there is always hope and we could have it worse. This is a bad time, but a good opportunity for us.