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My name is Ariadna Hillary Mora, I am 24 years old, I am a girl introverted by nature but very dynamic, I love life and every moment I spend in it. I love reading, running, climbing among other activities. I love coffee time next to a good company, I love to dictate on different topics, about books, politics, ideologies, etc.
I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, with my family and friends as well as being able to help those who need it, because I am very grateful when they help me when I needed it.
Life is too short so the important thing for me is to live and enjoy every moment that passes as if it were the last because you do not know when you will not be here. I love to travel and meet new cultures, traveling has allowed me to expand my mind and see how small we are before the immensity of the world, to appreciate the wonders of nature make me feel more than alive. I love dreaming but more that makes my dreams come true.

The depth of a thought.
May 20, 2018 6 years agoAnd time passes sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but the feeling of not belonging to any part of this strange universe is getting bigger and deeper, this feeling of being lost in some remote part of the world, where seeing the immensity of land and have knowledge of all the places you do not know and you feel increasingly smaller and insignificant, how many people are not at the moment meters under your feet and you keep walking as if nothing were there. To perceive an increasingly aberrant society and to feel that your ideas, your feelings, all of you do not fit, and that is when the dream of freedom grows but you do not know exactly what freedom, you only feel imprisoned for something or of yourself, you would like to be able to fly, spread your wings and disappear, feeling the wind in your face, in your body, observed the immense sky for your tiny body, when suddenly you fall into the reality that you are trapped by your thoughts, by your way of perceiving the world, to look for something unique in a world of copies, however, you know that the only thing that remains is to wait. Wait to find that person who can see the world with the same sense that you see it and perceive it without the need to lend it the lenses of your universe, that you can find that being that knows how to value the smallest detail that life give it away and that no matter how bad things look, you will be happy because it will make you feel magic, you will have the peace, the peace that you have sought, you will know that you are happy because that person is happy, you will smile for the simple fact of seeing that person Smile and you will want to stop time because the desire for that feeling to be infinite is too great, because you know what it is to feel alone even when surrounded by people, to be alone to cry, to be alone to laugh, to be alone simply to exist. You realize that you will always be there for the people you love but that they will not be there when you need them, you try not to feel, to let them pass, you can not ask for more than people can offer, you can not ask for someone to be equal to you, because you would lose the feeling of being "unique", however, you feel sad, you feel alone, you fall into a black hole from which it is difficult to go out, it goes round and round and each time you are deeper inside that darkness and not you perceive that there is an end, you feel lost, how can you get out of there, you scream, you seek help, but you will know that no one is listening to you, only you, you and only you, will feel death in you even when you wish for life is stronger, and that is when you will fall into the reason that to get out of that darkness you have to find yourself, you have to find your light, after having hit bottom, after having been in the shadows is that you will know how to distinguish the light, surface, e The beautiful glow of the sun, and you will have understood that to find what you most yearned for, what you most wanted, that light, you will also be you, only you, because it is what you wanted after immersing yourself in the shadows that you created throughout your life. life, and then you will understand that the key is to bet on you, trust in you, love you because nobody in this world will do it, they will want to sink you if they see you floating, they will want to turn off your light if they see you shining, but you must be smarter, You must be more astute, you must trust in yourself, but you must also keep faith in people, because you can be the light that guides a soul, you can be the light of someone who needs to leave the gloom, because you already knew that way , you can be the light of that person that makes you feel magic, because she was the light for you, and so you will understand the magic of nature at its maximum splendor, green fields full of life, flowers, animals, joy to live and your time in this way that is life, life, let yourself be surprised by it, live, scream, dance, cry, love, get angry, run, fly, sing, because time is uncertain in this dimension, allow yourself to live and let live, because life is the way you have to express your soul and how wonderful and unique it is, to expand and lift those wings that are tied by fear of not belonging, ask yourself to really want to belong to someone or yourself, do not be afraid to fly higher thinking that the fall will be more painful because you can always get back up and go further and higher. Time passes quickly and when you the least think about it all will disappear, because it is like a rose, beautiful and full of life in a moment but as time goes, one by one its petals fall until disappearing and then only leave the beautiful memory of what was.