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Just a small town girl with big dreams! A motivational writer and body activist up in coming. Chatter box and kind hearted.

Being me
Feb 03, 2018 7 years agoSince I was a little girl I always tried to be different. I never saw the point in being the same as everyone else, I never cared about what other people think because I was always true to myself. But one day I realized that me being different caused some problems. I was marked as an 'outsider' and an 'outcast'. Once the society saw me as that, I never got that tag off of me and honestly,I don't want to either. Today I'm 18 years old and you might be wondering what could a teenager possibly write to tell a true, inspirational and sharing worthy story. This is a story about an outcast and her way of seeing the world around herself. I used to be bullied in primary school for my chubby looks and that was the worst thing a six-year-old can go through since losing her father to cancer just months before. For months I'd cry on my way back to home and I remember refusing go to school because I was scared and unprotected. One day I've realized why they were actually bullying me for. I was always the smartest in my class, teachers loved me because I was myself and I didn't pretend to be anyone else. Even though I was still a little girl, my character started to form really quickly. And that's why they were bullying me for. I was different and they were jealous of me, but most importantly, they were afraid of me. They were afraid of the unknown, while I on the other hand, embraced that. Quickly after that I confronted my bullies and they were long gone in the past. As I grew older, I wasn't afraid to speak my mind, stand up for others and be honest. And that's where the society labels you and you can't escape it anymore. I was marked as an outcast because I had my own style, I listened to different music than others, and had an open mind. Nothing is too weird for me, there is no subject that I'm not willing to discuss if I feel like I have something smart to say. And today's society doesn't accept that. We are constantly bombarded by trends which dictate everything we do in life and turn us into emotionless, bittered beings instead of strong, independent people. We are not allowed to have our own opinion anymore and sadly, no one even asks us for an opinion on something. Honestly, society is so messed up that society doesn't even know what society is anymore. And that's where I come up to the stage. I was brave enough to embrace my uniqueness and turn it into something positive. I don't see the world as black and white. Instead, I see thousands of different shades of colours surrounding us. No one deserves to suffer and I don't deal with haters anymore. People will always talk because they are tired of themselves, and if they think they have something to talk about me, I let them talk because I know myself and the things I say or do. I just don't see the point of hating on people because that will only do harm to me. So,why would we live in bitterness when we could live in peace and happiness? Life is a tough player and I have felt that on my skin multiple times. Life will try to play with us and it's up to us to play the game or be played. A lebel I was given turned me into a positive, kind and smart person. So, who says labels always have to be a bad thing? It's all in the how you see things and how you respond to them, because we were made for more in life. Discover that something in yourself that'll make you stand out from everybody else and just let it be. Don't be afraid, you'll figure it out once you believe in yourself. You can. We all can. If a shy girl who used to be bullied could, than you can as well. Trust me.