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The very first sentence that a being uses to describe oneself represents their individuality. People trick us through their verses with a pseudo impression of being unique. They ramble on that thought with the help of their credentials, making us believe that their leadership might rectify our shortcomings.
Here comes the reality check, It is all an illusion!!
There is no dissimilarity among us, it is all in our head!
You would think to yourself, why is he describing this section as if it is a book?
"Biography" section enables a reader to make a connection with the author rather than the content, right?
You should realize that this author has been instilled with anonymity inside out.
When you break all the known phenotypes, there is a realization which is much more sweeter than any materialistic entity that exists in this realm.
This obscurity is intoxicating which you will realize in due time.
My book doesn't ( We don't ) represent just a new age but rather a procurement of perception that will sacudirse the dogmatism within for eternity.
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Feb 05, 2020 5 years agoCheckout this renowned blogger's review for my book on his official website: https://leehallwriter.com/2020/02/04/break-them-all-a-modern-era-awakening-by-drtao-review/
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Jan 12, 2020 5 years ago@BreakThemAll https://t.me/breakthemall
Steps required to Read my book!
Dec 29, 2019 5 years agoIn case you are new to Amazon Kindle, please follow the below steps to read it or go through this Video Tutorial: 1. Scan the QR code to traverse to my amazon book page directly OR Browse to https://facebook.com/DRTao5 and click on "Shop Now" OR Browse to https://about.me/DRTao5 and click on "Read my book" 2. Click on "Buy Now" button rather than "Read for Free" "Read for Free" is only applicable to individuals with Kindle Unlimited membership that gets renewed monthly. 3. If the book is available for free on that day (Promotional giveaways) then simply clicking on "Place your order" should automatically sync this book with your kindle account. If such is not the case, you can enter your mode of payment and credentials to buy the book. 4. Once the purchase has been made, you will have the book available on your kindle account which will get uploaded to your kindle device. In case, you don't have a kindle device, you may visit your AppStore or Google PlayStore and download "Amazon Kindle" App. 5. Open the app after downloading, it will redirect you to a single sign-on page wherein you need to enter your Amazon account credentials, this will be the same account which you have used in purchasing the book earlier. 6. On successfully logging your account, you will find my book under your library section. Simply click on download and read the book. If there is anymore clarification required, feel free to reach out on my facebook page or twitter handle: https://facebook.com/DRTao5 https://twitter.com/DRTao5 If you like what you read, please share your reviews on goodreads/amazon/bookbub: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4... https://www.bookbub.com/books/break-t... PLEASE NOTE: Amazon doesn't allow an individual to share their reviews if his/her yearly purchase is less than 50 dollars.
Dec 29, 2019 5 years agoFREE BOOK PROMOTION: Start Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2019, 12:00 AM PST ( 13:30 PM IST ) End Date: Thursday, January 2, 2020, 12:00 AM PST ( 13:29 PM IST ) Important Links: Official Website: https://about.me/DRTao5 Universal link to all amazon platforms: books2read.com/u/4j1jrv?store=amazon