
Iris Lau

Book Coach, Language Teacher and Music Curator

Hong Kong, 香港

Based in Hong Kong, Iris Lau (Kit-Ying) is the founder and CEO of The Chinese School LLC, a.k.a. Chief Endangered Translator, Chief Language Teacher, Chief Story Warrior and Chief Music Curator.

Creative Nonfiction Work:

- My Chinese Love Story: 7 Years of Love (Universal Children's Day 2023)

- Teacher Frank Hsu's Death Note (February 2023)

- Goodbye, Holland Jardim's Nanny

- Memoirs of The Endangered Translator

- Women Without Their Own Rooms

- Healing with Urticaria

Children's Stories Work:

- Imagination of Electric Street (Championship, 2008)

Translation Work for free:

- Hakka Tung Flower Triplet (Source text: Teacher Hsieh Hung-wen)


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